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Grate Bear Rainforest

About the Grate Bear Rainforest of B.C.

The Grate Bear Rainforest is located in
British Columbia and some of the most beautiful
land that I can think of. A forest with trees
up to the sky that are hundreds of years old.
Animals that are found no where on Mother
Earth ( like the Spirit Bear ) and others. The
land is one of last grate rainforest left to
us all. Or so it was until the logging companies
came and now destroy the land and all that live
on it as well. Clear-cutting is a cheap way to
get the lumber they want as long as you don't
care how it's done, why, or what you kill off
in the clear-cutting of this enchanting land.

Silence is the best way for these companies to continue this is why we need to speak out. Here is where you can find out more about the: Animals,Plantlife, and what the Loggers are doing to destroy this grate land.
