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Emerald Reflections Online

Table of Contents - April 2004

You are viewing the electronic version of Emerald Reflections,
the monthly publication of the Shamrock Club of Wisconsin

Jefferson's Irish Builders

South Central Shamrock Club

Dane County Shamrock Club

Shamrock Club of Rock County

Milwaukee President’s Message

Shamrock Club of Wisconsin Easter Rising Mass

Nominations for Milwaukee Officers

Next Act Theatre presents Stones In His Pockets

Attention Shamrock Club Members: Suggestions?

Irish Charity Seeks Info on Irish Veterans

Schooner Fare In Concert

Spring Hallamor Concerts #4: The McKrells

Hurling Youth League

Celtic Women First Friday

Color Guard News and Notes

Breakfast or Lunch with the Easter Bunny

Kinsella Academy Of Irish Dance Opens

Thank You from Chris Pluskota

10th Annual Irish Language Weekend by Conradh na Gaeilge

St. Patrick's Help Fund

Welcome New Members

Milwaukee Calendar of Events

Wisconsin Calendar of Events

Jefferson's Irish Builders

by Brian Witt

The recent announcement that the reverse side of the nickel would no longer contain Thomas Jefferson’s home in Monticello, and would be replaced with a commemoration of the Lewis and Clark expedition, has an Irish-American connection. Three of the primary builders of the house and the Jefferson estates were from Ireland. Not only did they help construct the buildings on this estate, they were also responsible for the construction of many of the buildings on the University of Virginia’s campus, as well as the city of Charlottesville.

If you tour Monticello, you can see the city of Charlottesville and the University of Virginia from the top of the mountain. Jefferson would use a telescope to observe the work being done on the school. The school and the city were both very close to the heart of the United States’ third president, as was his work in progress, Monticello.

K. Edward Lay is the Professor Emeritus of Architecture at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville. He wrote about the impact of the three men, James Dinsmore, John Gorman and John Neilson, in an article that appeared in the Magazine of Albemarle County History, in May, 1988. In his article, Professor Lay reported that on his seventy-fourth birthday, looking upon the university, Jefferson wrote: “I suppose the superintendence of the buildings will rest chiefly on myself as most convenient. So far as it does I should wish to commit it to yourself and Mr. Neilson… it will open a great field of future employment for you.” He was writing to forty-six year old James Dinsmore and referring to John Neilson, a team of builders who had lived and worked at Monticello until 1808, been in President James Madison’s employ at Montpelier until 1810, and worked on Upper Bremo Plantation between 1817 and 1820. These two accomplished Northern Irishmen became Jefferson’s most prominent master builders at the University and overseers of his work. True to Jefferson’s prediction, they subsequently remained in the forefront of American building activity until their deaths.

James Dinsmore, born about 1771, became a naturalized citizen in Philadelphia on the fifth of June 1798. His tools, purchased in Philadelphia at Jefferson’ expense, were sent to Monticello eight days later, and the following October Jefferson paid his travel expenses from Philadelphia to Charlottesville. Dinsmore worked as a master carpenter at Monticello, and at Poplar Forest, Jefferson’s Palladian retreat in Bedford County, until 1808.

On April 14, 1809, both he and Neilson left Monticello to work on a number of other projects including the delightful Doric garden temple. In 1811, Dinsmore acquired a saw and merchant mill in Pen Park, north of Charlottesville, in partnership with John H. Craven. Craven purchased Dinsmore’s share in the enterprise four years later.

Dinsmore resided in Charlottesville, living on Main Street and had become a real estate speculator in the city, buying and developing lots on this street. In 1819 Dinsmore purchased town lot number twenty-two, and in 1827 he deeded a portion of that plot to the Presbyterian Church. He also owned over 500 acres just south of town called Orange Dale. At the same time, he was the main carpenter for a number of pavilions and dormitories, as well as constructing, with John Neilson, the Rotunda and Anatomical Theatre.

On May 13, 1830, at the age of fifty-nine, Dinsmore died by drowning in the Rivanna River at Ridgeway, northeast of town. A week later, his carpenter brother Andrew committed suicide. Both brothers appear to have been unmarried, and James’ will named his oldest brother, John, as his sole heir. Two other surviving brothers received bequests of $500: Robert, in Ireland, and William, who lived at Rock Hill in Charlottesville and later at Orange Dale. Another brother, Samuel, of Havre de Grace, Maryland, received $300 and Dinsmore’s chest of tools, except for a set of bench tools and three saws “to my boy, John Boles.”

Jefferson’s other principal builder, John Neilson, was born before 1775 and naturalized in Philadelphia on September 28, 1804. From then until 1808 he lived and worked at Monticello. The following year he moved to Montpelier, where he worked until 1810.

Neilson’s most important work took place between 1817 and 1820 at Upper Bremo Plantation. The house contains many Jeffersonian features: dependencies recessed into the hillside and upper windows at floor level to reduce apparent scale, bed alcoves, rotating food serving door, and small stairs tucked away. Its classical temperance spring and barn are unique. According to Professor Lay, Upper Bremo has been said to be “the finest Jeffersonian building not designed by Jefferson.”

During his tenure at the University, Neilson was the master carpenter for two Pavilions and seven dormitories, as well the Rotunda and the Anatomical Theatre that he built with Dinsmore. Neilson built his own brick house on the south side of West Main Street in Random Row of the Vinegar Hill area. But it was at his country house near Keene, that he developed a violent cold, during Christmas of 1826. This, combined with the news of his daughter’s death, brought an extended illness from which he died the following June 24. He was buried in an unmarked grave in Charlottesville’s public graveyard.

Neilson’s will divided his estate among his wife Mary, his brother Jackson, the children of his sisters Isabella and Sarah, and a family friend, Mary Ann McCracken, all of Northern Ireland. The twelve-page inventory of his estate gives vivid insight into the education and interests of this extraordinary man. His library, comprising 248 titles, contained encyclopedias, histories, literature, novels, travel accounts, orations, lectures, and books about botany, mathematics, and architecture. He owned drawing and artist’s instruments, carpentry and gardening tools. The inventory also lists eleven slaves, numerous livestock, and various crops. He was obviously a learned man of some financial means. Within two months of his death, it was noted that his library and household furniture were already sold.

John Gorman, who was born in Ireland in 1786, lived in Lynchburg and worked as a stonemason on Poplar Forest before coming to the University in 1819. Professor Lay says that Jefferson recommended him for work at the University: “I find him well informed, industrious, very skillful, sober and good humored and think he will be a valuable acquisition. He understands the business from the quarrying to conducting the work to the outlines for the sculptor.”

While at the University, Gorman executed all the stone caps, bases, sills, wall copings, and newel blocks for the Rotunda, all of the ten Pavilions, and fee amounted to about $250 for each Pavilion. Gorman died two months after John Neilson’s death, on August 23, 1827, at his home on West Main Street, leaving a wife and their infant child, Mary Ann. The property was sold the following year to satisfy debts to Dinsmore’s and Neilson’s estate.

As you take the old nickels out of your pocket, look at the rendering of Monticello, and think of the work of these three Irishmen, the product of which was immortalized on our nation’s currency for many years. And even though the coin is changing, the Lewis and Clark expedition did start on the campus of the University of Virginia. There is always a connection.

South Central Shamrock Club

Our group met on Sunday, February 8, 2004 at Longley’s in Reedsburg. We had 33 members in attendance.

Committee member Eugene Murray announced the name of the Irishman of the Year, John (Jack) Gavin of Reedsburg. Mary Gavin chairperson of the Irish Rose Committee announced Patricia (Lenihan) Fredrickson as the Irish Rose 2004.

Member Bill Wilde gave a very informative and interesting talk on German/Irish connection in WWII.

Our St. Patrick’s Party was held at the Voyageur in Reedsburg this year. The evening consisted of a social hour, dinner and program. No outside entertainment was included this year.

Our next general meeting will be held April 18, 2004, at Mauston Park Oasis at 4 p.m. Our speaker will be Fr. Daniel Kelly.

– Mary E. Stieve, reporter

Dane County Shamrock Club, Inc.

There was a busy time period in Dane County on Sunday, March 14, 2004. Events included a Catholic Mass in the morning with Irish music. We also had our first annual Shamrock Shuffle 5K race which drew nearly 300 entries. This will be repeated in years to come and is open to any and all Shamrock Club members statewide. At Noon we had our annual Irish Flag unveiling at the Rotunda of the State Capitol. Entertainment included the Trinity Dancers plus some piper music. This was also the setting at which we honored our Irish Persons of the Year. This year’s recipients included Mike and Carol Brunet who are long term members and supporters of the Dane County club. Colleen O’Meara Schams was also a recipient, posthumously, in recognition of her contributions to the club, as well as many other social and charitable activities in the community. Finally, the Board voted for the first time the Young Irish Person of the Year award. This year’s recipient is Joel Van Oosbree of Madison. Joel, of Irish lineage on his mother’s side, is a recent graduate of the U of W Madison. He has been active in the Habitat for Humanity for some time. This was reflected in a six month time period spent in Northern Ireland building homes for single mothers. Three months were spent in the Protestant section and three more in the Cath-olic section. Joel gave a presentation to our club in January and was well received.

The seventh annual parade was held at 1:30 with another large crowd viewing and marching. At the end of the parade there was an Irish jam session at the Orpheum Theatre organized by club member Charlie Johnson, who is a member of the Stone Ring group.

Finally, our Saint Patrick’s dinner was held on the 17th at the Coliseum Bar. We again acknowledged our Irish person recipients and were entertained by the Yahara River Chorus, a group of female singers who sing acappela, without instruments. The group numbered 25 and added some Irish songs for the occasion. I highly recommend them.

Our April meeting will feature a U of W history grad student whose presentation will deal with tourism in Ireland. Our May meeting will involve volunteer time at the Fitchburg Days which will have a day emphasizing Irish/Celtic culture. We urge all to come on down on Saturday, May 22, 2004.

– Bob Kerans, President

Dane County Shamrock Club, Inc.

Rock County


• APRIL 20 – Potluck dinner (6 p.m.) and Regular Membership Meeting (7 p.m.)

• MAY 18 – Regular Membership Meeting, 7 p.m.

Come join us for a delicious potluck dinner and good conversation. Do you have any ideas for any club activities, programs, parties or picnics? Any suggestions to get more people involved in our activities? Don’t be afraid to come forward with your ideas.

How did you like the St. Patrick’s Eve Party at the Senior Center? Do you have any suggestions for future parties? It looks like this could become an annual affair.

– Tom Kennedy

Milwaukee President’s Message

Ladies and Gentlemen, all members of the Shamrock Club;

Beannachtaí na Cásca - Happy Easter.

The “Green” month started out unusually mild and nothing could dampen the Celtic Tiger nor the Irish spirit. The Shamrock Club of Wisconsin was responsible for one of the best parades in the State. Special thanks to Tim O’Brien, Mick McDermot, and Dan (Dye-the-River-Green) Malloy, Mike Boyle and their entire crew of volunteers, and our friends at Westown. The Post Parade Party, as always, had a fantastic line-up of entertainment. Barry Stapleton, as always, did a great great job. Christine and Daryl Pluskota were terrific running the event, and the Suits were wonderful in the kitchen with a crew of volunteers that never quit. And of course, who helped set up the bars? The Quinlans, of course.

Many, many thanks to all the dancers, musicians, entertainers and especially the marvelous Shamrock Club volunteers. After that busy month you can rest… until Thursday the third and our next membership meeting. Mart Hintz will be back after a handy weekend of signing his book on the Milwaukee Irish at the Post Parade Party. He will be telling us about the book, and how the Shamrock Club got so many pictures in it. Also, the folks at Next Act Theatre will be talking about their new play, “Stones in His Pockets”, about a couple of Irish boys in Hollywood. Look for their ad in the Reflections.

Our annual Easter Rising Mass is held on April 11th this year at 9:30 a.m. Thanks to the Hamills for their hard work. ICHC is the location.

Nominations are open… one trustee position, Sarge at Arms, Parliamentarian, Membership Chair, Treasurer, Secretary, Vice President and President. Remember, you must be at the meeting to nominate or accept a position. The elections are in May.

– Joe Hughes

Easter Rising Mass

Sunday,April 11, 2004
9:30 a.m.
Celebrate the Mass In Honor Of the
1916 Easter Rising
Continental Breakfast
Irish Cultural and Heritage Center
2133 West Wisconsin Avenue, Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Nominations for Milwaukee Officers

Nominations for Shamrock Club officers will take place at the March and April general meetings. Nominees must be present at the time of nomination, and must be members in good standing, with current dues paid. The elections will take place at the May general meeting.

Next Act Theatre presents

featuring Gerard Neugent and James Ridge
April 1 - May 2, 2004 at the Off-Broadway Theatre

Next Act Theatre is proud to present a Milwaukee premiere, the wildly successful London and Broadway comedy hit, Stones in His Pockets, by Marie Jones. Stones in His Pockets will play Thursday, April 1 through Sunday, May 2 at Next Act’s Off-Broadway Theatre, 342 North Water Street in Milwaukee’s Historic 3rd Ward.

Two intrepid actors portray 15 characters in this wacky, fast-moving tale of Hollywood corruption and hometown mischief. Charlie and Jake, a couple of resourceful Irish lads, work as extras on a Hollywood flick being shot in their homeland, County Kerry. While Jake stirs up trouble with the leading lady, Charlie tries to get the movie moguls to read his original screenplay. Directors, divas, local legends, and pub crawlers come and go at breakneck speed as Big-Time Pictures and small town Ireland battle it out for top billing.

Winner of the Olivier Award and the London Evening Standard Theatre Award for “Best Comedy,” Stones in His Pockets has played to great success in Ireland, London, and on Broadway. Playwright Marie Jones also penned the one-man play, A Night in November, a Next Act hit in February of 2000 that featured James Ridge as a multitude of characters.

Born in Belfast, Marie Jones was writer-in-residence there for Charabane Theatre Company from 1983 to 1990. Marie then went on to write several plays for Replay Productions and DubbelJoint Theatre Company. For DubbelJoint, her plays include A Night in November, Women on the Verge of HRT, and Stones in His Pockets, which she says is based on her own experiences as an extra in Ireland. Her most recent plays are Women on the Verge Get a Life, which toured the UK, and Ruby, which opened in Belfast in 2000, about the life of the singer Ruby Murray. Marie has also written various pieces for both TV and radio and is the recipient of the John Hewitt Award for Contribution to Cultural Traditions.

Next Act favorites Gerard Neugent and James Ridge will take on the task of portraying the 15 roles in this production. Both actors were most recently seen at Milwaukee Repertory Theater; this winter, Gerard was in The Foreigner and James just completed a successful run in Suburban Motel. Neugent and Ridge have performed in multiple productions at American Players Theatre in Spring Green over the last few seasons. At Next Act, Gerard has been seen most recently in Visiting Mr. Green and James in Side Man.

Stones in His Pockets will be directed by C. Michael Wright, Next Act’s Associate Artistic Director. Michael has directed 49 productions since moving to Milwaukee in 1988, 11 of those at Next Act. Recent works include The Fantasticks at Skylight Opera Theatre, Lobby Hero at Madison Repertory Theatre, and Rough Crossing at Next Act. Michael has also directed Marie Jones’ A Night in November at Next Act, at Madison Rep, and at Riverside Theatre in Vero Beach, Florida.

Sarah Hunt-Frank and Amy Horst are both making their debuts as scenic and costume designers, respectively, for Stones in His Pockets. Kurt Schnabel, who designed Next Act’s A Night in November, will illuminate the production. Pete Koenig will design properties and David Cecsarini will design sound. Mark Baughman is stage manager.

Special Events for Stones in His Pocket:

• Opening night is Friday, April 2 at 8 p.m. with a reception following, sponsored by Soups On!

• Public Talkbacks (informal discussions) will be held after these performances: April 4, 8, 15, 22, and 29

• A Pay-What-You-Can performance will be offered Monday, April 12 at 7:30 p.m.

Single tickets for Stones in His Pocket can be purchased by calling the Off-Broadway Theatre Box Office at (414) 278-0765. Ticket prices are $22 for Preview, Tuesday and Wednesday; $24 for Thursday and Sunday; $26 for Friday; and $28 for Saturday performances. Group discounts of 20% are available for groups of ten or more and may be arranged by calling the Next Act administrative office at (414) 278-7780. Tickets for the April 12th Pay-What-You-Can performance will be available at the door at 5:30 p.m. that day. (No phone orders or advance sales will be available for this performance.) Seniors and students receive a $5 discount per ticket on advance sales. Students may also purchase half-price rush tickets with a valid student I.D. one half-hour prior to curtain, based on availability.

Attention Shamrock Club Members:

The Shamrock Club Board of Directors would like some feedback from you. We’re trying to assess the direction and needs of the club.

We’d like to know what we’re doing right. What we’re doing wrong. What you think we should be doing. What you think we shouldn’t be doing. How are our meetings going, as far as format, location, etc.? And what concerns you’d like the Board to address. Please address your comments and calls to:

Michael Payne, Vice President-Shamrock Club, Milwaukee Chapter
c/o 2133 W. Wisconsin Ave.
Milwaukee, WI 53233
(414) 541-8427

Please include a phone number or address so that we may follow up with you for additional feedback or clarification.

Irish Charity Seeks Info on Irish Veterans

The Irish Veterans Historical Research Centre is a registered Irish charity (No. CHY14643), the aims of which are: to identify those Irish men and women who served in Defence Forces outside the Irish State, and to create a suitable Memorial in Ireland to their service and sacrifice.

To make this possible the IVHRC has been searching for a site suitable in Ireland to establish a proper centre where research into Irish Veterans across the globe can be carried out.

The genesis of the project lies in the 1998 exercise to identify Irish-born soldiers who lost their lives during the Vietnam War. The official US records showed one solitary Irishman as having died, but within a year 16 Irish-born had been identified. Culminating in a tour of Ireland by the replica Vietnam Memorial (April-May 1999), that initial research pointed up individual families throughout Ireland mourning their losses in private, and without the benefit of having any national focus of remembrance and honour for fallen family members. As research has continued into the Irish Vietnam dead, the total identified presently stands at 19 Irishmen and one Irish woman who died serving in US uniform. Another four Irishmen died serving with Australian forces in Vietnam.

With proper research facilities there is little doubt that this figure would be increased. Korea, World War Two and World War One hold similar knowledge gaps, with the exception that we know that upwards of 49,000 Irish lost their lives in World War One serving in British Army regiments. The numbers of those who served in US, Australian, Canadian and other forces in that same war, and others, are as yet unknown.

While continuing the search for a suitable memorial site in Ireland, we are currently seeking information on Irish men and women who served in United States Military from 1900 to the present day. Information sought includes

a.. full name, date and place of birth

b.. address (if living, or next-of-kin)

c.. date of death (if deceased, and whether killed in action, in which campaign etc)

d.. branch of military (division, regiment, unit etc)

e.. campaigns served

f.. at what level/rank separated from military, awards and any other pertinent information.

Among the Directors of IVHRC are Irish Veterans who served in Korea and Vietnam with both US and Australian forces. Information and other support may be sent to Irish Veterans Historical Research Centre Ltd, Capel Chambers, 119 Capel Street, Dublin 1, Republic of Ireland.

Thank you.

– Declan P. Hughes, Coordinator

Schooner Fare In Concert

Chuck and Steve Romanoff will bring Yankee folk music back to Milwaukee on Saturday, April 24, when Maine’s Schooner Fare performs at Alverno College’s Pitman Theater, 3401 S. 39th St., at 8 p.m. The Romanoff brothers will be missing their friend and bandmate Tom Rowe, who died unexpectedly Jan. 17 from complications while undergoing treatment for throat cancer.

“Tom will be terribly missed but he will continue to be a presence both in our hearts and on stage,” says Chuck Romanoff. “Our plans are to continue performing as a duo, hoping audiences will sing just a little bit louder from now on.”

Proceeds from a raffle the night of the concert will benefit the Down Syndrome Association of Wisconsin. The association provides educational programs and support to individuals with Down Syndrome as well as to their families.

Schooner Fare is one of folk music’s most popular and enduring acts. The band members celebrated their 28th anniversary last November and are widely regarded as Maine’s musical ambassadors. Schooner Fare is well-known to Wisconsin audiences from frequent appearances at Milwaukee Irish Fest.

Reserved seat tickets are $20 and $17 with all tickets for those ages 18 and under $8. For tickets and information, call Kathy Schultz at (414) 332-8521.

Spring Hallamor Concert #4:

Friday, April 23, 2004 – 8 p.m.

The McKrells blend Bluegrass with their Celtic roots, adding in the heartfelt fervor of folk, and the performance energy of rock. This blending of genres makes it difficult to determine where one ends and the other begins.

The founder, lead singer Kevin McKrell is also the principal composer. He is joined by award winning instrumentalists, who according to the Albany Times Union, provide “monstrous musicianship”. These band members are Chris Leske on banjo, mandolin, guitar and vocals; Craig Vance with the flatpick guitar and vocals; Brian Melick, percussion; and Doug Moody on fiddle. This Celtic Bluegrass Band is known for dynamic live performances, virtuoso instrumentation and mind-boggling songwriting.

Irish Cultural and Heritage
Center of Wisconsin
2133 W. Wisconsin Avenue
Milwaukee, WI 53233
414) 345-8800
Tickets: $19 Advance/reserved, $21 Door

– Gwen Sisk, Publicist

Hurling Youth League

The County Clare, a long-time sponsor and supporter of the Milwaukee Hurling Club, has expanded their relationship with the club to include a team sponsor for the Youth League. Last year they were very quick to recognize the value and importance of this new direction for MHC and offered assistance with the June clinic.

This year, the MHC will be offering hurling to boys and girls aged 7 to 14. As with the adult league, the teams will play coed. At this time there is a commitment to two teams, however if enough kids are interested it will be expanded to four teams. Games will be played once a month on the 3rd Sunday of each month (May 16, June 20, July 18, and August 15) at 10 a.m. Game time will run shorter than the regular games to allow for the 11 a.m. game. Everyone is encouraged to join MHC for these games – the talent will amaze you and the sheer determination will inspire you.

MHC will be holding a pre-season sign up at The County Clare on April 3 from 1 – 4 p.m. Youth League practices will begin April 18 and will run concurrent with the regular club.

On June 12 and 19 the 2nd Annual Youth Hurling Clinic will be held in Brown Deer Park. As with last year, the basic skills of hurling will be taught to kids aged 7 – 14. While the cost has not been determined, it will include lunch and refreshments for both days and a commemorative t-shirt. Last year saw nearly 100 kids welcomed between the June clinic and Irish Fest.

If you have any questions, please contact Jessica Huver (, Ryan Norman (celticryannorman@yahoo. com) or Karen Fink (luvey100@hotmail. com). MHC Hotline (414) 297-9490.

Celtic Women First Friday Lectures

APRIL 2, 2004. Topic: “The Manx Culture”. Speaker: Joyce Benjamin, past president, Wisconsin Manx Society. The Isle of Man, one of the smallest of Celtic countries, lies in the Irish Sea between Ireland and England. It is a very unique country, independent of outside control, with their own currency, stamps, whiskey and the famous Manx cats.

MAY 7, 2004. Topic: “Wisconsin Highland Games”. Speaker: Connie Young of Clan Young. Connie is a board member and officer in Wisconsin Scottish Inc., which will celebrate its third Games in 2004. Connie will relate the triumphs and trials of the relatively new Scottish Games venture. She also edits a newsletter for Clan Young Inc.

All lectures are held from 5:30 – 7 p.m. at the ICHC in Parlor A. Admission is $5. Everyone is welcome including men and non-members as well as Celtic Women members. Tea and biscuits are served. Please join us for a delightful few hours of Celtic education and entertainment. You may call the ICHC at (414) 345-8800 for more information.

PARKING NOTE: There is an alley behind the ICHC; entrance off from 23rd Street. The small lot immediately south of the alley and adjacent to 23rd Street, is an ICHC lot. Park there at any time. The larger lot next to it belongs to Downey Corporation with restricted parking times for ICHC use. We may use it any time after 3:30 p.m. and anytime during Saturday or Sunday. The areas on either side of the ICHC building are not to be used for our parking at any time.

Thank you for attention to the parking regulations.

– Jean Bills

Color Guard News and Notes

“Pride and Honor”

The 2004 Parade / Events Schedule for your Shamrock Club of Wisconsin Color Guard Pipes and Drums will once again, as in past years, be challenging and filled with opportunities to further the reputation of the Shamrock Club of Wisconsin.

As the Unit continues to welcome new members and refine its performance of musical and marching styles, the Unit would like to expand the opportunities to participate in parades and events to all who are members of the Shamrock Club of Wisconsin. Whether as an individual, family or a group (such as the Shamrock Hurling Club, the Currach Club, Celtic Women, etc.) the Color Guard Pipes and Drums would like to invite, encourage, everyone to volunteer/participate in honoring the Shamrock Club of Wisconsin by being a Banner Carrier!

The following is the “tentative” parades/ event schedule for 2004, for the Color Guard Pipes and Drums. Please take the time to review this schedule of dates and choose a date to be “Banner Carriers.” You’ll have fun, you’ll bring honor to the Shamrock Club and you will bring recognition to your group/family.

Parade/Event Schedule
Line Up One Hour Prior to Event Time)

APRIL 11: Easter Rising Mass,(ICHC) 9:30 a.m.

MAY 16: Burlington Chocolate Fest Parade, 11 a.m.

MAY 31: Menomonee Falls Memorial Day Parade (Harris & Main Ave.) 10 a.m.

MAY 31: Milwaukee Memorial Day Parade (Zeidler Park), 2 p.m.

JUNE 5: Milwaukee Highland Games, Heidelberg Park, Glendale) noon

JUNE 13: Waubeka Flag Day Parade 1:30 p.m.

JULY 3: Menomonee Falls 4th of July Parade, 7 p.m.

JULY 4: Glendale 4th of July Parade 10:30 a.m.

JULY 4: Brown Deer 4th of July Parade 1:30 p.m.

JULY 10: South Shore Water Frolics, (K.K. Ave. in Bay View) 11 a.m.

JULY 24: South Milwaukee Heritage Days, 11 a.m.

JULY 25: Dousman Derby Days, 11 a.m.

AUGUST 7: Sheboygan Brat Days

AUGUST 13-15: Milwaukee Irish Fest (Summerfest Grounds) 4:30 p.m.

AUGUST 22: Muskego Fest, 11 a.m.

SEPTEMBER 5: St. Francis Labor Day Parade (K.K. & Howard), 11 a.m.

SEPTEMBER 6: Janesville Labor Day Parade (Academy & Milwaukee St.), 1 p.m.

OCTOBER 2: A.O.H. Mass and Dinner (St. Rose’s Church), 5 p.m.

OCTOBER 15-16: Sister Bay Festivals (Door County) 11 a.m.

Please help show the true spirit of our Irish Heritage! Simply choose a date and by phone, e-mail, letter or at one of the monthly Shamrock Club General Membership Meetings let Rich Pfeiffer, Director of the Color Guard, Pipes and Drums know which parade/event yourself, family or group would like to carry the “Shamrock Club of Wisconsin” banner!

If you would like to have the Shamrock Club Color Guard, Pipes and Drums appear in a parade, special event or family occasion – or you would like to join the Unit as a banner carrier, color guard, piper or drummer, please contact:

Richard Pfeiffer, Director
Shamrock Club Color Guard, Pipes and Drums
Telephone: (414) 769-1250

– Richard Stover

Breakfast or Lunch with the Easter Bunny

On Saturday April 10 come enjoy breakfast or lunch with the Easter Bunny at Milwaukee Irish Fest Center, 1532 North Wauwatosa Avenue. Breakfasts at 9 or 10:30 a.m. Noon Lunch. Call (414) 476-3378. Proceeds go to the Irish Fest Choir. Photo opportunities with the Easter Bunny.

Kinsella Academy Of Irish Dance Opens

There is a new Irish Dance School in the Milwaukee area. The name is the Kinsella Academy of Irish Dance and their website is www. kinsellaacademy. com. Located at 3410 S. Forest Home, their telephone number is (414) 384-7632; email:

The teachers are Ryan Kinsella-Alba, TCRG, and Brigid O’Sullivan. They were trained at the Cashel-Dennehy School of Irish Dance. Ryan has competed as a soloist and on ceili teams at regional, national and world level competitions. His highest placement at the Regional Championships was 2nd as a soloist and he went on to qualify five times for the World Championships.

In recent years at Cashel-Dennehy, Brigid has assisted with choreographing performances, teaching classes and private lessons, as well as offering ceili team instruction. Brigid has also competed as a soloist and ceili team dancer at the regional, national and world levels. Her highest placement at the Regional Championships is 3rd. Brigid qualified for the World Championships six times and was recalled. She participated in the Senior Ladies ceili team and placed 2nd at the World Championships.

The Kinsella Academy is accepting accepting new dancers.

Thank you From Chris Pluskota

The Post Parade Party and March 13 events were made possible with the help of the following people:

• Entertainment Chair: Barry Staplteon

• Treasurer: Sharon Murphy

• Sanitation Crew: The Mikush Families

• Bar Chair: The Quinlans and spouses

• Publicity: Gwen Sisk and Brian Witt

• General Chair: Kristine and Daryl Pluskota

• ICHC Facility: John Maher

• St Patrick’s Mass Coordinators: Chuck and Bonnie McLaughlin

• Parade Directors: Tim O’Brien and Donna Johnson; Mick McDermott; Dan Malloy; Michael O’Leary.

Deireadh Seachtaine na Gaeilge

Conradh na Gaeilge
10th Annual Irish Language Weekend:
April 23-24-25, 2004

A weekend of Irish language instruction, song workshops and more will be offered by Conradh na Gaeilge Craobh Curtin at St. Francis Archbishop Cousins Center, 3501 S. Lake Dr., St. Francis, WI 53207.

The 10th Annual Language weekend begins with registration at 4 p.m, on Friday April 23 at the Cousins Center, a beautiful location just south of Milwaukee. Dinner will begin promptly at 5:30. There will be a Wine and Cheese reception and Friday night fun will include a Tráth na gCeist (Quiz).

Irish language classes to fit your level on Saturday will be topped off with a wonderful Céilí on Saturday night so bring your instruments. The weekend ends after coffee break on Sunday morning at 11 a.m.

The fee for the weekend is $220. As well as the language instruction, this includes accommodation for Friday and Saturday night and meals.


James Flanagan is a native of Ballyvourney, Co. Cork, Ireland. He is a professor at the University of Southern Mississippi where he is also chairperson for the anthropology and sociology department and director of Irish studies. James is also a noted singer and musician.

John Gleeson is a native of Dublin, Ireland. He is co-director of the Celtic Studies Center at the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee where he lectures in Irish language, history and film studies. John is also an accomplished actor and raconteur.

Dineen Grow is director of the Irish language program at the Celtic Cultural Center in Madison, Wisconsin. Dineen lectures at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Áine Meenaghan is a native speaker from Connemara and one of the world’s finest sean-nós singers. Áine is a first place winner at the Oireachtas, Ireland’s premier Cultural festival. Áine has performed all over the world and television appearances include Ireland’s “Late Late Show.”

Fintan Moore is a native of Dublin, Ireland. A graduate of Trinity College, Dublin, he is currently teaching at St. Thomas University in St. Paul, Minnesota. He is also on staff at the Irish Language Center of the National University of Ireland, Galway.

Seosaimhín Nic Rabhartaigh is a native of County Donegal, Ireland. She is a graduate of Trinity College, Dublin where she studied Early and Modern Irish Language and Literature. She has recently published an Irish language Song Book for beginners. She currently teaches Irish language at the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee.

For further details contact Sinéad at (262) 783 4830 or Sandy at (414) 476 8636 sandyhofmann@

St. Patrick’s Help Fund

St. Patrick’s Help Fund needs all kinds of non-perishable foods, and pampers. Please place in container at each meeting. However, donations can be brought to the ICHC any time during the week. It is not restricted to just meetings. A big thank you to everybody who has contributed to help the needy people at St. Patrick’s. Questions? Call Katy Voss (414) 352-6479.

New Members

NOTE: Please send your dues to your Membership Chairperson in your chapter. All names and addresses are listed in Emerald Reflections.

Milwaukee – Frances E. Elliott; Edward and Mary Lou Heck; Edward and Nora O’Brien; David Stevens; Noel Tylla.

Membership Report Milwaukee Chapter:

• JAN.: 30 memberships up for renewal, 18 paid, 12 dropped for nonpayment.

• FEB.: 38 memberships up for renewal, 21 paid, 17 due.

• MARCH: 84 memberships up for renewal, 4 paid, 80 due.

Please: when making out membership checks, make payable to the Shamrock Club of Wisconsin, and not to me.

– Tom Smith





