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Emerald Reflections Online

Table of Contents - March 2003

You are viewing the electronic version of Emerald Reflections,
the monthly publication of the Shamrock Club of Wisconsin

Irish Nationalism: Propaganda in the Poetry of Yeats
and in "The Informer" by O'Flaherty

Shamrock Club of South Central Wisconsin

Shamrock Club of Greater LaCrosse Area

Shamrock Club of Green Bay and Northeastern Wisconsin

Dane County Shamrock Club

Shamrock Club of Rock County

Shamrock Club of Rock County's
Irish Person of the Year -- Elnora McGinnis

Milwaukee President's Message

Milwaukee Pays Tribute to Irishman of the Year,
Irish Rose and Parade Marshal 2003

18th Annual Special Mass to Honor St. Patrick

37th Annual St. Patrick's Day Parade

Shamrock Club Post Parade Party

Schooner Fare in Concert

St. Patrick's Day Raffle

13th Annual Brendan Heart Fund Benefit

Friday Film Club at the ICHC

Win an Irish Dream Vacation

Ulster Project Fun Night 2003

Milwaukee Irish Arts Performs in Ireland

Eucharistic Ministers Needed

MIA to Present "The Weir"

Irish Community Sponsors Leahy
Benefit Concert for Special Olympics

Photo Exhibit: From Clare to Here…

A Belated Golf Outing Update

St. Pat's at the Milwaukee Museum

Irish O'Leary to be Honored on Saint Patrick's Night

RTE News Items from Ireland

Volunteer Party Success

SEAN NOS Milwaukee

St. Patrick's Help Fund

Hallamor Concert Series: Dublin City Ramblers / Gaelic Storm

Welcome New Members

Milwaukee Calendar of Events

Wisconsin Calendar of Events

Irish Nationalism:
Propaganda in the Poetry Of Yeats and
in 'The Informer' by O'Flaherty

by Elizabeth Scott

In their personal lives, both William Butler Yeats and Liam O'Flaherty acted separately to try to bring about a politically and culturally independent Ireland. Events of particular significance included the formation of the Irish National Theater by Yeats and his colleagues and O'Flaherty's seizure and occupation of the Rotunda Theater, both in Dublin. And though their writing styles and in some ways their political views differed greatly, they both wrote, too, for Ireland. In particular, Yeats' poetry and O'Flaherty's The Informer exemplify their respective nationalist ideals regarding Ireland and freedom.

In poems such as The Second Coming and No Second Troy, Yeats described his desire for an end to the violence that was destroying Ireland and terrorizing the people. However, he did hope for an independent Ireland and in poems like Easter 1916 and Sixteen Dead Men he immortalized some of the people who had died trying to bring about Irish independence, even John MacBride, the "drunken, vain-glorious lout" who married the woman Yeats loved.

In his poems Yeats used contemporary, historic and also legendary themes to help create a new, non-English-dependent Irish national identity. He took a deep and ancient Celtic tradition and made it alive in his present-referencing and telling the stories of such figures as Cuchulain and "Cathleen ni Houlihan." The beauty of ancient Ireland helped to awaken, emphasize, and describe his feelings, and he began a symbolic and artistic re-creation of Ireland, more than a political one. Poems like The Stolen Child and The Death of Cuchulain portray the historical and intrinsically magical side of Ireland, a revitalization of the ancient Celtic foundation of the country. His extensive research of history could hopefully provoke others to learn more for themselves, propagating a rise in Irish national knowledge and pride.

Not only the subject material, but the format of the poetry revitalizes the Irish culture. Yeats wrote in a highly structured form much of the time, with precise meter (iambic tetrameter in The Song of the Happy Shepherd for example) and consistent rhyming. Though the form may seem stilted and contrived to contemporary or modern ears, this strict adherence to a precise form emphasizes the extremely poetic, creative, and crafted nature of Yeats' writing. The revival of such a high style of writing and the deliberate imitation of previous poets such as the Romantics would have given other Irish artists something for which to strive in their search for Ireland in their own writing.

One of the poems that best exemplifies Yeats' philosophy is To Ireland in the Coming Times. The short lines give a sense of urgency to the poem, accenting the message Yeats presented. He wanted to be remembered as siding with the independence movement ("I cast my heart into my rhymes, / That you, in the dim coming times, / May know how my heart went with them / After the red-rose-bordered hem' of") but his actions perhaps would not reflect his desire for independence since he avoided violence. The poem's form and words explain Yeats' view.

In line 18, Yeats mentioned three nineteenth-century Irish poets, James Clarence Mangan, Thomas Davis, and Sir Samuel Ferguson. All three wrote pro-Irish poetry, exalting the land and the people. In particular, Mangan drew from historical and legendary sources, as did Davis. Referencing previous Irish poets added to the nationalism drawn upon with mentions of "faeries" and Druids that were present in Ireland "before God made the angelic clan".

O'Flaherty was much more politically active than Yeats. Though he avoided violence and bloodshed as well, (he fled instead of continuing the occupation of the Rotunda, and even in The Informer the violence is limited to the individual deaths) his writing advocated a revolution that could require killing and destruction. He had been involved in the independence movement and The Informer has been called a propaganda piece for that cause. However, O'Flaherty's point in the novel is less than clear.

To most people, including many of the characters in the book, an informer would be the "lowest of the low," someone to be shunned for his or her dubious morals, not to mention the intrinsic danger of just knowing a person who actively seeks and collects "blood money." Most people see and portray informers as individuals first and foremost; those who look out only for themselves and seek gain in others' losses. On the other hand, O'Flaherty's main character provokes, in most readers, sympathy and sorrow. Gypo is not suave or intelligent and though he turns his friend in for personal gain he does not think of the repercussions of his action-he is too stupid to ever realize what he really has done until it is too late. A sort of fog surrounds him whenever he makes an important decision and by the time he realizes what has happened, the decision has been made and, as the cliché goes, due to his decisions there is no turning back for Gypo. Turning back would only lead to death.

Unfortunately, this portrayal of the title character does not lead to an immediate understanding of O'Flaherty's goal with the novel. The writing itself is very ambiguous with respect to Gypo. He is pathetic and stupid in addition to being an informer, but in the end he dies like Christ, limbs splayed in a cross shape-a rather unmistakable symbolism. In a way his death symbolizes his redemption in O'Flaherty's eyes, as his confession leads to his redemption from Mrs. McPhillip.

In addition to the murkiness of Gypo's presentation, none of the other characters in the novel have great morals or are very likable. Whores and drug addicts, like Katie Fox, and extremely dangerous and violent men, like Dan Gallagher, surround Gypo. Only Gypo's confessor, Mrs. McPhillip, has redeeming qualities and her goodness serves merely to give Gypo his happy ending. No one really deserves sympathy or empathy except Gypo. In this respect Gypo has no excuse for becoming an informer. The fact that all of the people around him are horrible does not provide enough motivation to forgive Gypo his crime. The sympathy for Gypo leads the reader to think of him as a better person, which would mean that he could not be an informer and therefore his decision to inform is either more horrible or more pathetic, or both. O'Flaherty presents only Gypo's view of the events because he is the main character. The laborious thought processes and agony when he realizes his danger and error give the reader some measure by which to like Gypo, and by the end of the book, Gypo's Christ-like death is welcomed. The reader wants Gypo's redemption, and Gypo receives it both symbolically from O'Flaherty and in actuality from Mrs. McPhillip.

To confuse the symbolism even more though, O'Flaherty slaps the reader with that same Christ-like end. He does not attempt to make it at all ambiguous. In fact, the description gives Gypo a large role in his redemption: "He stretched out his limbs in the shape of a cross". The actor in this sentence is Gypo, not the violence of his death or his death itself. Instead of "his limbs fell in the shape of a cross," Gypo himself causes the Christ image. Together with the fact that throughout the novel O'Flaherty spells out in sometimes excruciating detail readily apparent things and repeats some descriptions two or three times, the ending appears as if it possibly is not redemption, but a mockery of redemption. The process of Gypo's thinking, particularly noticeable in the pages of decision making in the first chapter, sets up the ending. Perhaps Gypo was not forgiven by O'Flaherty or the audience, and only her sorrow caused Mrs. McPhillip to bless Gypo upon his death, thereby rendering her forgiveness irrelevant.

This bleak and rather cynical view of The Informer breaks down because O'Flaherty did write about Gypo, an unlikely and sympathy-loaded informer. However, the two views are equally valid and only contribute to the confusion surrounding the book and the author's point of view. Also, Gypo could represent the oppressed Irish of O'Flaherty's time. His pathetic and stupid nature leads to his need to inform to survive, paralleling the Irish helplessness in the conflict for independence with Britain. But, this makes Gypo's decision even more reprehensible, since he turns on his fellow countrymen, a practice that would surely destroy the independence movement that O'Flaherty supported.

The Informer addresses only cultural and political concerns. O'Flaherty did little to promote Irish understanding and history in the book. Yeats, on the flip side, did much to promote a national literacy but he subdued the political elements of his writing in order to not take away from his main goal of peaceful independence and a revival of Irish culture. Together, the two men provided a force for pro-Irish propaganda in different circles in the early 1900s. Both desired a Britain-free Ireland and used their talents in writing to help bring about changes leading to that goal.

South Central Shamrock Club


The Tenor and the Troubadors (left to right: John Gleeson, Geraint Wilkes, Shelia Larkin, Eamonn O'Neill, and Bob Harrold) will be the featured entertainment at the South Central Wisconsin Chapter St. Patrick's Gala Dinner on March 8th.

South Central Shamrock Board of Directors met at the Log Cabin, in Baraboo on January 8, for a dinner and meeting.

It was brought to our attention our treasurer and membership chairperson will be moving out of the area. Rose Lee has agreed to fill out the term of these positions. President Jack Gavin has appointed Rosemary Mitchell to be our Sunshine Person.

It was decided all dues for members will be due by February 1 each year.

February 9, our meeting was held at the Voyageur Inn, in Reedsburg with Lou Ann Cronn and her daughter speaking. Later all present enjoyed a delicious meal.

There was much discussion on our St. Patrick's Party, which will once again be held at the Wintergreen Resort in Lake Delton on March 8. It will once again be a sit down dinner with entertainment later in the evening with the Tenors and Troubadours. Corky Powers will be in charge of decorations with help from Bill and Pat Wilde. Tickets ($22.50) may be purchased from Jack Gavin (608) 524-2559.

April 6 our speaker will be Kay Wickus, the topic: Growing Up in an Irish Family. The time and place for this meeting will be in our March newsletter.

Election of officers for 2003 - '04, will be held at our May meeting with time and place to be determined.

Chairpeople for the Irish Rose and Irishman are Pat McConaghy, Marguarite Murray and Mary Stieve, while Don McConaghy, Bill Wilde, and Tom Scanlon will serve on the latter group.

- Mary E. Stieve, Reporter

Shamrock Club of
Greater LaCrosse Area


Congratulations to Jack Lucey and Rush Kerska who have been selected as our Irshman and Irish Rose for 2003. They will be honored at our St. Patrick's Day banquet to be held on Saturday, March 8 at Forest Hills in LaCrosse. Their stories follow:


John "Jack" Lucey can honestly claim being 100% Irish with the exception of his maternal Scottish great great grandmother. His mother's great grandfather, Kyran Cassidy, was born in 1882 in Ireland and settled in Juneau County near Lyndon Station. He married Hannah Davenport, who was of Scottish descent. His grandfather, also named Kyran, was born in 1860. He married Elizabeth Scully and they farmed west of Lyndon Station. His paternal great great grandparents, Jeremiah and Catherine Lucey, lived in the Barony of West Carbery in County Cork, Ireland. His great grandfather, Peter, immigrated to the United States via Staton Island in 1855 and Peter's future wife, Mary Young, immigrated in 1853. Jack's grandfather, William, married Mary Boland in Seneca and began farming on O'Neil Ridge west of Gay's Mills as did his father and mother. Future generations of the Luceys, Youngs and Scullys settled around the Lyndon Station area.

Jack was born on the family's home farm in 1938 to Donald and Mildred (Cassidy) Lucey the fourth of five sons. He attended Gay's Mills High School and Platteville Engineering School. He began work with the State of Wisconsin Department of Transportation-Highways in 1960 and spent six months on active duty in the Army National Guard in 1961. He retired from the DOT in 1996 after 36 years of service.

In 1967 he married Kathleen Keilholtz. They have two daughters, Jada Lucey Martinez and Erin Dayton who both live in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Jada and her husband, Mark, have a five year old daughter, Marissa, and Erin and Jeff were expecting their first child as this was being written.

Jack, his brother Tom and nephew Greg, have a continued interest in their home farm. In the 1970s and 1980s after planting over 32,000 trees, he and Tom were awarded the Forest Management Award by the Crawford County Land Conservation Department and continue today to preserve the forestland. Jack also enjoys turkey and deer hunting on the land.

Jack is active in his church, has volunteered for the Salvation Army and enjoys fishing and golfing with his friends. As a member of the Shamrock Club for many years, he enjoys helping with the Rotary Lights and accompanying the group in the parades and visits to schools and nursing homes. A trip to Ireland in 2003 would truly be a highlight as is being named the Irishman of the Year.


Ruth Kerska is a resident of LaCrosse, Wisconsin, world traveler, and member of the Shamrock Club since March 1996. Some of her contributions to the club include working with a committee for the Rotary Lights, trimming the Shamrock Club Festival Tree at Riverside Park, helping out with Heritage Night, being involved with the float for Octoberfest and going on tour St. Patrick's Day visiting schools and nursing homes.

She retired from Trane Company and is a member of the 25 year club. She attended Western Wisconsin Technical College and is a member of the Statue of Liberty Ellis Island Foundation, Inc.

Ruth holds a Certificate of merit awarded by the National Catholic Community Service and was a U.S.O. Hostess during WWII.

Her grandmother, Theresa Raper (nee Klick) was born in Prague, Czechoslovakia. Her Irish descent is from her grandfather Thomas Raper (Rapier) who was born in Waterford, Ireland.

Great Grandpa Raper was one of the first settlers in LaCrosse, having come here in 1855 from Ohio. He was employed as head sawyer in the first sawmill that was erected in LaCrosse. Grandma (Busta) and Grandpa Charlie Kerska came to the United States from Pilzen, Czechoslovakia.

Ruth is looking forward to a grand year as our Irish Rose.

Shamrock Club Of
Northeastern Wisconsin

Our club's upcoming events are:

MARCH 9: Shamrock Club Mass and Breakfast in honor of St. Patrick. Bemis International Center at St. Norbert's College, De Pere. For additional info: Call Jean Barrett-Terry at (920) 465-8299.

MARCH 17: Ancient Order of Hibernians' Ball at Rock Garden Supper Club, Green Bay. Make reservations with Bob McDermott (920) 432-0474).

Dane County Shamrock Club, Inc.


Leprechaun Margaret Rupert delivering her pot of gold. Margaret has been named Dane County Shamrock Club, Inc. 2003 Irish Person of the Year.


MARCH 11: Board Meeting, 6 p.m., Coliseum Bar

MARCH 16: St. Pat's Day celebration and dinner

Our annual St. Patrick's Day flag raising at the State Capitol Building and dinner at the Coliseum Bar Restaurant is on Sunday this year. As the 17th is on a Monday, more people will be able to attend the Sunday celebration. The flag raising ceremony will be at noon followed by short speeches by the mayor, Dane County sheriff and hopefully, the governor. The program includes the introduction of the Irish Person of the Year, Margaret Rupert, the Zor Shrine Pipes and Drums, Irish songs and concluding with the Trinity Irish Dancers.

Immediately following the program at the Capitol is the St. Patrick's Day Parade -a joint venture with the Parade Committee and the Shamrock Club. Last year, the Parade Committee with the sale of pins and shirts was able to make a donation of $3,000 to the U.W. Children's Hospital.

The traditional dinner of corn beef and cabbage is on the menu. This year we are fortunate to have the StoneRings, a well known Irish band, and an evening performance of the Trinity Dancers, concluding with singing familiar Irish songs.

In view of our recent incorporation, the official name of our Club is Dane County Shamrock Club, Inc.!

The membership continues to increase as a result of streamlining club procedure and practices. We now have over 140 members. Wow!

Irish Laugh for the Day:

Michael and Tod are nailing up the side of a wooden bungalow. Tod noticed that Michael was examining the nails and throwing away every second or third.

"What's wrong with the nails?" he asked.
"Sure the head are on the wrong end."
"You straw-headed idiot, sure they're for the other side of the house!'

- Co-Presidents: Paul Buckalew and Colleen Schams

Rock County


• MARCH 11: Senior Center St. Patrick's Day Party, 5:30 p.m.

• MARCH 16: St. Patrick's Day Parade in downtown Beloit, 1 p.m.

• MARCH 18: Membership Meeting, 7 p.m. No-Bake Bake Sale

• APRIL 15: Membership Meeting 7 p.m., preceded by Potluck Super, 6 p.m.

The Senior Center is having a St. Patrick's Day Party and they have extended an invitation to all of our Shamrock Club members to join them for dinner and entertainment. The dinner will be at 5:30 and the entertainment will begin at 6:30. The dinner is $4 and you can call Pat Tobin, at the Senior Center, 755-3057, for reservations.

The St. Patrick's Day Parade is on Sunday, March 16 at 1 p.m. in downtown Beloit. Get out your green clothes and get into the parade to show Rock County that the Shamrock Club is alive and well.

At the March meeting there will be a No-Bake Bake Sale. Just donate the money to the club that you would have spent to bake something and what you would have spent to buy some baked goods. The nominating committee is looking for a few good people to run for an office. Rosie Hughes will show a video on Ireland.

At the April meeting we will have a potluck beginning at 6 p.m. We will have nomination and election of officers at this meeting.

- Tom Kennedy

Shamrock Club of Rock County
Irish Person of the Year -
Elnora McGinnis



Our Irish Person of the Year for 2003 is Elnora McGinniss, better known as Nell. She was born in 1918 to James and Elsie Waters, on a farm in Door County, Wisconsin. Nell was married in 1941 and has nine children, 22 grandchildren, and three great grandchildren.

For many years, Nell was a cook at the Wisconsin School for the Visually Handicapped. After "retiring" from the school, she cooked for a Day Care Center for a few years. Nell also cooked for St. Patrick Church and School, and was instrumental in starting the H ot Dog Days in the school lunch program. Nell has been an Usher, for several years, at St. Patrick Church.

Nell is a volunteer with Hospice and Mercy Healthcare System and Castaways, a used article store run by the Mercy Hospital Auxiliary.

Nell is a real asset to the Shamrock Club of Rock County. Congratulations, Nell.

- Tom Kennedy

Milwaukee President's Message

Ladies and Gentlemen, all members of the Shamrock Club;

Lá Fhéile Pádraig sona duit ... Happy Saint Patrick's Day to All Shamrock Club members.

Congratulations to Irishman of the Year Tim O'Brien, our Irish Rose Sharon Murphy, and our Parade Marshal Alderman Robert Donovan. These individuals are invaluable to our Club and even today continue to work for other improvements while expanding our organization.

The Annual Special Mass to Honor St. Patrick will begin at 8:30 a.m. at St. Patrick's Church. Archbishop Dolan will officiate the Mass, so make sure you arrive early. A continental (Island?) breakfast will be available after the service. Catch the bus to assure your seat for both events. See Chuck McLaughlin for details.

It is said that everybody is Irish on Saint Patrick's Day, and a good number of that 'everybody' will probably show up to celebrate our Patron Saint, somewhere, somehow, someway. Many will crowd the streets of downtown Milwaukee to watch, if not the biggest parade (no tigers, lions, bears or elephants) but the Best parade-other folks will be Green with envy.

The Shamrock Club Color Guard Pipes and Drums will, as always, lead our parade through a downtown route which features the diversity of our city-down Wisconsin Avenue past the old and new architectural facdes, up Water Street through the new Theatre district, crossing the river again, and ending on Old World Third Street.

The Post Parade Party also features the best of the old and new, from the traditional dance troupes to the forward sounding Celtic music of Bogside Zukes, StoneRing, Finbar McCarthy Band, Green Side Up, etc... and don't forget to fortify with Miller Beer and corned beef sandwiches. See the full ad for more details.

The By-Laws Committee has met and several proposals are to be considered by the Board and the General Membership. Read them carefully. These are the Rules for our Club. Changes should be fully thought out. Thanks to the Committee headed by Tim O'Brien for its work.

The Volunteer Party was a huge success... special thanks to Sharon Murphy, who got the lists together and arranged the catering, entertainment and the overall fun that was had by all. A reminder to all coordinators, please keep your volunteer lists up-do-date. Identifying our most valuable assets and properly thanking them with this party is a small reward, but it is how we grow our community and our club.

- Joe Hughes

Milwaukee Pays Tribute to
Irishman of the Year,
Irish Rose and
Parade Marshal 2003



Pictured above from left are Milwaukee's Honorees for 2003: Irishman of the Year Tim O'Brien with His Eminence Cahal Cardinal Daly, Archbishop Emeritus of Armagh, Cardinal priest of St. Patrick, the 114th successor to St. Patrick. Middle: Irish Rose Sharon Murphy. Right: Parade Marshal Alderman Robert Donovan. Congratulations to all three deserving individuals!


Tim O'Brien is a 5th generation Irish-American who's great great grandfather immigrated to American in 1847 from County Clare, Ireland.

Tim, age 53, is the son of his father Robert and cherished mother Dolores, who passed away in 1998. He is the committed partner of Donna Johnson, the brother of Dennis with sister in law Mary and loves his two nieces Kelley Ann and Katie.

His efforts with the Irish community include:

• Shamrock Club of Wisconsin-Milwaukee current Parliamentarian, St. Patrick's Parade Director (five years, now chairman), Scholarship Fund and By Laws Committees Chair, Bradley Center cook;

• Irish Cultural and Heritage Center 2001 Volunteer of the Year, Operations Committee member, in-house carpenter, builder of two beverage service areas, events barman;

• Irish Fest signs and decorations crew member, "Night of the Bodhrans" Parade Director, cultural displays set-up man;

• Ancient Order of Hibernians Midwest Conference Co-ordinator, 1st annual picnic fund raiser organizer, St. Rose's Church-Jesuit School fundraiser and hospitality Suite at Irish Fest crewman.

Tim also helps with the Doyle's Brain Cancer Run-Walk, Globe Peers, Veteran Activities and other area fundraisers.

He is self employed in telecommunications and construction businesses and has traveled extensively in 36 countries and 40 states. He attended St. Rita Grade School, Greenfield High School and has received Bachelors Degrees from UW-Oshkosh in Psychology and Philosophy, and has done graduate studies in Clinical Psychology.

Tim is most proud and honored to be named Irishman of the Year and hopes to contribute even more to our Irish community in the future.

It's been said that one of the most outstanding of the noble families of Ireland is the O'Brien. Tim says, "If you happen to disagree, just ask any O'Brien."


Sharon Murphy spent most of her life in the Milwaukee area and first discovered the world of volunteering a "lifetime" ago when she was still in college. She coached grade school volleyball, softball and soccer and high school summer softball. She loves sports and enjoyed helping the children learn the basics and fine tune their skills.

Her children, Jared and Kamala, attended St. Catherine Grade School and Sharon volunteered by coaching, counting the Sunday collections, as PTA vice-president and president, working at the church festival and auction, and as a member of the finance committee. When her children attended Brookfield Central High School she found herself helping with Post Prom, Project Graduation, and the BCHS athletic booster club. She discovered they needed a treasurer and they hadn't gotten their 501(c)(3). She took care of that for them.

Kamala, her 20 year old daughter, danced for Cashel-Dennehy School of Irish Dance for 12 years. While there, Sharon found that there was a board in need of a treasurer and fundraisers to help with, as well as another organization that needed their 501(c)(3) application processed. She again took care of it.

Sharon started the Wisconsin Winterfeis and the Badger State Feis as fundraisers for the Cashel-Dennehy School of Irish Dance and the Glencastle Irish Dancers. Even though she was the inspiration and creator of the feisanna, she credits the committees and the great volunteers from both schools for their incredible success.

She has served on the Milwaukee Feis Society for nine years and has provided the ICHC with some free tax help for the past few years. Irish Fest is no different for Sharon where she has volunteered for the past seven years. The last two years have been the most fun because she became the 'expert' in making water for the culture area and also helped Tom Smith in transporting entertainers.

Her mother is an O'Brien and her father was a Murphy so it is only fitting that she would join the Shamrock Club. She has belonged to the Shamrock Club on and off for over 10 years but had never been to a meeting until she accepted the nomination for treasurer in 1997. She has been the treasurer since and has also volunteered for the folk fair food booth, the Bradley Center, the post parade party, the volunteer party, and St. Patrick's parish plea. She recently got the Shamrock Club the IRS 501(c)(3) determination.

In between her volunteer jobs, she has managed to raise 'two great kids'. Jared, is a 21 year old senior at MSOE majoring in mechanical engineering. Besides spending long hours doing schoolwork he also competes on the MSOE wrestling and track teams. Kamala has recently started the cosmetology course at MATC where she plans to play softball.

Sharon started her tax and accounting business in 1980 which has given her the luxury of attending almost all of her son's soccer, wrestling, track, gymnastic, basketball, football, and baseball competitions while he was growing up. She also attended almost all of her daughter's soccer, softball, cross country, basketball, volleyball, dance team, color guard, band, and Irish dance competitions while she was growing up. Between her children's activities and her volunteering, it is amazing that she ever found the time to build her business.

Sharon has spent many years volunteering for many Irish, church, and sports organizations and has never felt more appreciated than the last five years as the Shamrock Club treasurer. Now, being chosen Irish Rose is the icing on the cake. She only hopes that she can fill the shoes of the women who have been chosen before her. Sharon feels, "it is a who's who of women in the Milwaukee Irish community and it is a great honor to be included with them."


Alderman Donovan has been active in a variety of community organizations for many years. Prior to his election he held leadership positions with the Southside Organizing Committee, the Layton Boulevard West Neighborhood Association, the Near Southside Catholic School Association, Emerald Society of Wisconsin and the Shamrock Club.

Born and raised on Milwaukee's south side, Alderman Donovan is a graduate of Thomas More High School and has attended both St. Francis De Sales College and UW-Milwaukee and has taken additional course-work at Marquette University.

Alderman Donovan and his wife Kathy are active members of Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church and have five children: Stephanie, Eric, Amanda, Eileen and Elizabeth.

Alderman Donovan is very pleased to be the Shamrock Club of Wisconsin Parade Marshal, Milwaukee Chapter, for the year 2003.




Schooner Fare in Concert

Maine's Schooner Fare will bring their Yankee folk music back to Milwaukee on Saturday, March 29 for a concert at Alverno College's Pitman Theater, 3401 S. 39th Street. Reserved seat tickets for the 8 p.m. show are $17 with all tickets for those aged 18 and under $8.

Proceeds from a raffle the night of the concert will benefit the Down Syndrome Association of Wisconsin. The association provides educational programs and support to individuals with Down Syndrome as well as to their families.

Schooner Fare's Steve and Chuck Romanoff and Tom Rowe are one of folk music's most popular and enduring acts. They recently celebrated their 27th anniversary and are widely regarded as Maine's musical ambassadors." They are well-known to Wisconsin audiences from frequent appearances at Milwaukee Irish Fest.

For tickets and information, call Kathy Schultz at (414) 332-8521.

St. Patrick's Day Raffle

Please don't forget to mail your check and ticket stubs as soon as possible. Additional raffle tickets are available by calling Frank or Noreen Barclay at (262) 695-8563. This is not a toll call from area code 414. Tickets will also be available at the March and April Shamrock Club meetings and at the Post Parade Party on March 15.

The last chance to turn in or purchase tickets is at the April meeting before the drawing at 7:30. Remember you don't have to be present to win.

Your support is needed to help make the St. Patrick's Day Raffle the successful event we all want it to be.

- Frank Barclay

13th Annual
Brendan Heart Fund Benefit

On March 9, 2003, between the hours of 1 - 5 p.m., the Emerald Society of Wisconsin will be sponsoring the 13th annual benefit for the Brendan Heart Fund of Children's Hospital of Wisconsin.

The Emerald Society of Wisconsin, an organization of members of the criminal justice system, held the first Brendan Benefit in 1990. The Benefits have always been held on a Sunday prior to St. Patrick's Day at Derry Hegarty's Irish Pub, 5328 W. Bluemoud Ave. This Benefit is designed to be a family event and we will continue to be a family oriented event. The cost of the attendance has the family in mind, $5 in advance and $6 at the door, children under 15 are free.

The afternoon's entertainment will feature Blarney and Trinity Dance Academy. Blarney is a well known Irish group that has delighted its audiences for 20 plus years. You will enjoy Blarney as they sing songs from their extensive library of Irish Music. There is no doubt that you will hear many of your favorites. This year we are also featuring the Trinity Dance Academy, one of the successful dance schools in Milwaukee. Trinity has brought fame to themselves and Milwaukee for their fine performance of Irish dance. In addition to Blarney and Trinity, be prepared for other events that will enhance the afternoon.

Mark this date, March 9, on your family calendar and join us for a fine afternoon of Irish song and dance. Information can be obtained at: Emerald Society of Wisconsin; P.O. Box 24; Milwaukee, WI 53201-0024 or at our web page: www.

- Thomas W. McKale

Friday Film Club At the ICHC

Our Friday Film Club continues on the last Friday of the month. The schedule for the rest of the season is as follows:

• March 28: An Everlasting Piece. From director Barry Levinson comes the hilarious and hair-raising comedy about an unlikely pair of barbers (Barry McEvoy and Brian O'Byrne) who devise an outrageous plan to take over the Northern Ireland toupee market. Leaving no rug unturned, they cut their competition down to size.

• April 25th: I Went Down. Critics have applauded and audiences around the world have flocked to see this hilarious Irish tale of friends, enemies and one incredibly talkative hostage. Will they survive their dangerous mission, or kill each other in the process? I Went Down will keep you laughing and on the edge of your seat.

The movies are screened at 7 p.m. in Parlor B. The bar is open, popcorn is available and I will be there to introduce and discuss the movies. So if you're an Irish movie fan don't miss our last Fridays.

- John Gleeson

Win an Irish Dream Vacation

Milwaukee Irish Arts is offering some lucky folks the opportunity to win a week-long dream vacation in Ireland. The package includes your own luxury three bedroom home, fully furnished with modern kitchen on the beautiful quiet inner reaches of Galway Bay, the use of a rental car courtesy of Sixt Car Rentals, your own local traditional music session and a round of golf at the magnificent new Doonbeg golf course.

We are delighted to offer this unique prize in our first ever fund raising raffle. Tickets are $10 (or 3 for $25) and are now available from the ICHC, O'Donoghues, Paddy's Pub and from Milwaukee Irish Arts members. The draw will take place during the run of our spring production, The Weir. Winners will be notified by mail. With the minimal exception of a few blackout dates the package can be enjoyed anytime through April 2004. So get your raffle tickets now, plan to buy those cheap Aer Lingus tickets at Irish Fest and start dreaming of your own special vacation in Ireland's friendly green isle.

- John Gleeson

Ulster Project Fun Night 2003

The Ulster Project Irish Fun Night 2003 is Friday March 7, 5 - 10:30 p.m., at Bergstrom Hall, Mount Mary College (enter from 92nd Street at Locust).

Entertainment includes music from Milwaukee's popular Irish band Leahy's Luck, and dance from Glencastle, Trinity and Cashel Dennehy Irish dance schools. The evening also features a "Grand Raffle," a silent auction and mini-raffle opportunity tables.

The $5 admission (tickets are available at the door) includes one raffle ticket. Prizes include round trip airfare for two to Ireland, a golf foursome at Grand Geneva, one night at a luxury villa in Wisconsin Dells and more.

Fish fry is on sale 5 - 7 p.m., and other food and beverages are available throughout the evening.

For more information, please contact Terry Gillick, (414) 479-9064 or (no hyphen).

Milwaukee Irish Arts
Performs in Ireland


Left to right - Eamonn O'Neill, director and actor; Kathy Radaj, production manager; and Dennis Regan, author of Last Epitaph of a Wise Man.

On December 8, 2002, Milwaukee Irish Arts made a little bit of history in presenting Last Epitaph of a Wise Man by our resident playwright, Dennis Regan at the All-Ireland One Act Drama Festival. We are the first American group to be invited to participate in this prestigious event. With generous support from the community, especially the Shamrock Club, our cast- Donte Fitzgerald, Kelly Smith, Keith Tamsett and Eamonn O'Neill, production manager-Kathy Radaj, and author-Dennis Regan, traveled to the festival. This is Dennis' report of their experience:

"If you've ever lived a fantastic dream you'll know how the six of us feel about being a part of the All-Ireland One Act Drama Festival. We were treated like V.I.P.s. Graciousness and humor escorted our every experience. None of this could have happened without the kindness of the Shamrock Club, County Clare, Smith family, Cronin family, and all the many friends that championed us to be there.

"'There' was Virginia, County Cavan. 'There' the talented Baileboro Drama Group hosted us. 'There' 11 other exceptional one act performances were staged. 'There' Alan Arkin's (yes, the American actor) play Virtual Reality won the competition. 'There' we ate, we drank, we laughed, we danced, we gave them our art.

"It was the first time in the near 40-year history of the festival that an American troupe has been invited. Bravo to Milwaukee Irish Arts! The sculpted trophy we received will soon be displayed at the ICHC. As guests of the festival, our play, Last Epitaph of a Wise Man was not included in the judging, but judging from the symphony of conversational cords it induced - it played successfully.

"For those of us who were there, we toast those who were our hosts. For those who were so giving to get us there, our fond memories will always be a living toast to you. To you. For us it was an Ode to Joy."

Last Epitaph of a Wise Man was performed for the Shamrock Club on February 22 at the ICHC.

Eucharistic Ministers

We invite members who are Eucharistic Ministers in their parishes to volunteer to help us as needed. We have two events a year - Mass to honor St. Patrick at St. Patrick's Church at 8:30 a.m. the Saturday before St Patrick's Day - and the Easter Rising Mass Celebration at the ICHC at 9:30 a.m. on Easter Sunday. If you are interested please drop me a note with your name, address and phone number. I will contact you as needed. Thank you.

- Betty Mikush
2114 S 66th St., West Allis, WI 53219

MIA to Present THE WEIR

Milwaukee Irish Arts will present Conor McPherson's critically acclaimed The Weir as their Spring production. Set in the Sligo/Leitrim region of Ireland, the play takes place during one afternoon in a small rural pub. It's full of ghost stories and local lore. "Sheer Theatrical Magic. A modern classic," raved the Daily Telegraph during its extended run in London. When The Weir opened on Broadway, Variety said, "It strikes where the best storytellers take aim- deep inside the imagination and the heart."

The production will take place at Wisconsin Lutheran College Arts Center, 8815 West Wisconsin Avenue, Friday and Saturday, May 2 and 3 at 8 p.m. and Sunday, May 4 at 4 p.m. There will be a preview at O'Donoghue's Pub in Elm Grove at 3 p.m. on Sunday, April 27. The Weir will be Milwaukee's entry in the 2003 Acting Irish International Theatre Festival in Delray Beach, Florida May 11 - 18. One pre-festival show will be staged at the ICHC on May 9th at 8 p.m. Visit our website at http: or call the ICHC for ticket information.

Irish Community Sponsors
LEAHY Benefit Concert
for Special Olympics

In an outpouring of enthusiastic support, Irish Fest and the Irish Cultural & Heritage Center are sponsoring a concert by Leahy, Canada's wildly popular Celtic band of performing brothers and sisters, to help raise funds for Special Olympics. A delegation of 29 athletes will be representing Wisconsin at the Special Olympics World Summer Games in Ireland, June '03.

Leahy has established a reputation as one of North America's most entertaining groups, with a unique contemporary blend of Celtic and Canadian folk music as well as French Canadian step-dancing. Nine brothers and sisters comprise a super-charged band whose members can not only play instruments, but also sing, dance, write their own songs and sell albums. Leahy last performed in Milwaukee at Irish Fest last year.

The Leahy concert will be held on St. Patrick's Day, March 17, 2003 at the Irish Cultural & Heritage Center (ICHC), 2133 W. Wisconsin Ave., Milwaukee. General admission tickets are $35. VIP tickets are $75 and include a pre-concert reception with refreshments and additional entertainment at the historic Pabst Mansion down the street from the ICHC. The concert begins at 8 p.m.; doors will open at 6 p.m.

The impetus for the benefit concert is the first Special Olympics World Summer Games to be held outside of the United States. Dublin will host 7,500 Special Olympics athletes from 160 countries and 29 athletes from Wisconsin will proudly march into Dublin's Croke Stadium on June 21, 2003. The World Summer Games will be the largest sporting event in the world in 2003.

Special Olympics Wisconsin covers all costs for each athlete to attend the World Games, with travel, food, lodging, uniforms and equipment totaling about $2,500 per athlete. Irish Fest took the lead in providing support for the Wisconsin World Games athletes. According to Ed Ward, founder of Irish Fest, "It's a pleasure for the entire Irish community to demonstrate its support for such an exciting opportunity for these athletes."

As a premier venue for Irish cultural activities, the Irish Cultural & Heritage Center is lending its considerable expertise as concert host. Students participating in the Ulster Project of Greater Milwaukee will help out as volunteer ushers and helpers.

Tickets are available at Special Olympics office (262) 241-7786, at the ICHC (414) 345-8800 and at the Irish Fest Center (414) 476-3378.

Special Olympics is a year-round program of sports training and competition for individuals with cognitive disabilities. Nearly 9,000 athletes train and compete in Wisconsin through 17 different Olympic-type summer and winter sports. For more information about Special Olympics Wisconsin, or to find out how you can help send the athletes to Ireland, contact Amy Brecher at (800) 924-5202, or link to "".

Photo Exhibit:
From Clare to Here...

...Is the title of our new exhibit in the Parlor B gallery space. This charming exhibit of photographs by local photographer, Mary June Hanrahan, features people and places in County Clare with some subjects closer to home. The images are an eclectic mix of color and monochrome and offer a personal record of the chance encounters that make summer days in the "Banner County" so special. There will be an opening reception on Friday, March 7 at 6 p.m. You are all invited.

- John Gleeson

A Belated Golf Outing Update

Our 2002 Shamrock Club Golf Outing took place on Sunday, August 25, 2002, at the Lakeside Country Club, Pewaukee. Our numbers were few as we had forty-one golfers and fifty-three diners.

Those that attended seemed to have a good time and everyone was indeed a winner. Next year, why not bring a friend?

The 2003 Golf Outing will be held Sunday, August 24th, at Edgewater Golf Club in Grafton, WI. Edgewater's tree lined fairways will offer a challenge to golfers of all levels.

- Chairman Tom Tibbals

St. Pat's at the Milwaukee Museum

Join the Shamrock Club at the Milwaukee Museum for a St. Patrick's Day Celebration Sunday, March 2, 2003 from 11 a.m. until 3:30 p.m.

The Shamrock Club will be at the Milwaukee Public Museum again for our annual St Patrick's Day celebration. We will be in the European Village, near the Irish Cottage. There will be a number of demonstrations, as well as ceili dance instruction and a performance by the Glencastle Irish Dancers.

Demonstrations include: Celtic quilting by Julie Revane; bobbin lace by Naomi Holthauis and Diana Sauter; Irish copper relief by Leslie Fox; Irish soda bread by Marleen Wagner; straw weaving by Mary Roffers; and, tatting demonstrations by Kammi Krueger. Joan Le Clair will demonstrate the use of the 150 year old Dual Bobbin Spinning wheel. It is also known as the gossip wheel, mainly for the stories that were elicited when it was being used.

The Glencastle Irish Dancers will perform in the auditorium at 1:30 pm. Julie Clark will be giving ceili dance instructions at noon, 1, 2 and 3 p.m. In addition, there will be lessons on making a sheep, soda bread handouts, and peat cutting displays. Sandy Hoffman will be giving Hedge School instruction, the method that was utilized by the poor Irish who were denied access to the state schools. She will also have a number of handouts on the subject. There will also be a display on Merrill Park's Irish past, with pictures and videos.

Our own St. Patrick, James Keane, will be present. He will have information about St. Patrick. The Irish Cottage, which was furnished by the Shamrock Club, will be open for people to walk through.

For more information about the Shamrock Club at the Milwaukee Public Museum, call Muriel Crowley at (262) 782-4323.

Irish O'Leary
To Be Honored on
Saint Patrick's Night

Eileen Louise O'Leary was born in Beardsley Minnesota, and raised in Minneapolis in a family noted for great teachers and musicians. On graduation from McPhail College of Music she joined the Red Cross and served in WWII where she ran an entertainment unit attached to General Patton's army in Europe. There, Eileen met and fell in love with Arthur Stein, a captain in the US Army. They were married in Belgium and returned home to Milwaukee in 1945. As Irish O' Leary, Eileen began singing and playing piano in clubs across Milwaukee-the Crystal Palace, Gatsby's, the West Allis Inn and the Depot in Waukesha among others. A great entertainer who loves to work the crowd, she wrote the song We Love Milwaukee.

For close-on half a century, Saint Patrick's Day would not be complete for many without a performance by Irish O' Leary with her delightfully titillating songs! She played last year for St. Patrick's Day in Sedona, Arizona! She is currently writing her memoirs. She is a great mom, grandmother and character.

Milwaukee Irish Arts will honor Irish O' Leary for her contribution to Irish performing arts in our community at our grand Saint Patrick's Night Gala at The Italian Community Center, March 17. Irish has promised to perform a couple of her favorite numbers. So, why not plan to join us for a great evening?

- John Gleeson

RTE News Items from Ireland


The US computer group, Dell, has denied they have any plans to close their sales and support operation in Bray. A spokeswoman for Dell said the Bray operation was pivotal to their operations in Europe and that the company had no plans to move. However the company will not be renewing its lease on a premises in Cherrywood in South Dublin when it comes up for renewal in July.

Dell plans to absorb the 400 or so staff into its Bray operation over the next few months. It is understood that following staff meetings between 20 and 30 middle management jobs in sales and marketing will be lost as part of a reorganisation of its operations. Dell employs around 3,000 people in Limerick and 1,300 between Bray and Cherrywood.


The last vessel likely to be built at Belfast shipyard Harland and Wolff is to be officially named on January 25. The 22,000 tonne Anvil Point is the second of two RORO ferries built for an English shipping consortium. The vessel itself will be launched at the end of next month. The place of Harland and Wolff as a leading shipbuilder is etched in history as the construction site for vessels such as the Titanic, HMS Belfast and the Canberra.

For decades now, however, the yard has struggled to get orders, forcing it to reduce its workforce down to just 130 from a peak of 35,000 during the Second World War. The order book at the East Belfast plant is now empty and no new vessels have been or are likely to be commissioned in the years ahead. Management at the plant is concentrating on the development of a small scale engineering services company.


A woman who was described in court as a "neighbour from hell," has received a four-month suspended sentence, after the court was told that she had learned her lesson. Sixty-three-year-old Mary McGrath, from Innishmore Drive in Ballincollig, County Cork, pleaded guilty to terrorising her neighbour, Christopher Blackham, last May.

At that time, the court was told how Mrs. Grath continually abused and threatened Mr Blackham and his wife, Geena, had frightened their two young children, and had terrorised them with loud music and vicious verbal abuse. The only evening when the loud music was not blaring from her home was when she hosted Legion of Mary meetings, the court was told. Sentencing had been adjourned several times last year to allow Mary McGrath-who suffers from a severe alcohol problem-to show the court that she could mend her ways.

At Cork District Court today, the defendant's solicitor, Brian Long, told the court that his client was quite tired of the whole affair and at this stage wanted to put it behind her. She had, he said, served six weeks in Limerick Prison, and had learnt her lesson from that experience. The media spotlight, he said, had taken its toll on her family. Judge Con O'Leary imposed a four-month suspended prison sentence and bound Mary McGrath to the peace for the next 12 months.


The Department of Agriculture has confirmed that Irish farmers could face fines of up to €2,000 unless they provide pigs with toys. Under new EU regulations, pig keepers are required "to enrich the pigs' environment," to keep them happy and deter them from chewing each other. The items used can be straw, hay, peatmoss and novel objects, such as footballs or wood. A Department spokesperson says the ruling has been law since 1 January and farm inspectors will be monitoring its implementation.


The budget airline, Ryanair, is to buy its low-cost rival, Buzz, from the Dutch company KLM. Ryanair, which says it normally avoids acquisitions, described the deal as good value at almost €24m. In a statement to the stock exchange, Ryanair said it would close some of Buzz's unprofitable routes.

Volunteer Party Success

The Volunteer Party was held February 1, 2003 and was attended by our great volunteers. All agreed the food was tasty, the music fantastic, and a good time was on display. It is much easier to encourage volunteers to give of themselves when they know they are appreciated and a special recognition awaits them. Make sure when you volunteer that your coordinator has your current address so we don't miss you on our invitation list.

SEAN-NÓS Milwaukee

February 28 & March 1, 2003

Join the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee's Center for Celtic Studies for a weekend celebration of sean-nós - the traditional Irish art form of storytelling through song, one of the oldest singing traditions in Europe. Come experience Gaelic language and culture with many well known native Irish singers as they gather in Milwaukee for this unique weekend of song sharing, workshops, sessions, archival recordings, and, of course, public performance!

For more information, please call the Center for Celtic Studies at (414) 229-6520.

This event is co-sponsored by UWM's Center for Celtic Studies and Craobh Curtin Conradh na Gaeilge.

St. Patrick's Help Fund

St. Patrick's Help Fund needs non-perishable foods, coats for adult men and for children, blankets, any games for ages 4-11 for after school programs, warm winter clothing for all ages. Please place in container at each meeting. However, donations can be brought to the ICHC any time during the week. It is not restricted to just meetings. A big thank you to everybody who has contributed to help the needy people at St. Patrick's. Questions? Call Katy Voss (414) 352-6479.

The Milwaukee Feis Society has joined us in helping St. Patrick's parish.A donation of $1000 was made on their behalf, to be used as St. Patrick's sees fit. We are happy to have their help in our endeavors.

Hallamor Concert Series


Green Season opens Saturday, March 1st with none other than the Dublin City Ramblers! Ireland's #1 Ballad and Folk group will kick-off the Green Season in grand style. These three men with more than 30 years of experience know how to get the "craic" going. The evening will be filled with heartwarming ballads and hand clapping, sing-a-long pub songs. The vitality, passion and humor along with the musical tapestry of Ireland will jump-start the party that is the month of March.

The Ramblers have traveled the world spreading "Irishness". They have been in demand everywhere. Over the years, they have built up a tremendous fan base. They have even been given the keys to a number of cities, such as Fort Lauderdale and Hollywood, Florida.

It is said that in the month of March, everyone is Irish or wishes they were! There is no group better able to share and spread this feeling than the Dublin City Ramblers. The Ramblers, led by founder, Sean McGuinness, have that certain "staying power". Having entertained for more than 30 years, having sold millions of albums (eight of them gold), there can be no question of the Dublin City Ramblers' enduring popularity. Don't miss this Green Season Opener! It'll put you in the right frame of mind!

Dublin City Ramblers
Saturday, March 1, 2003 at 8 p.m.
Irish Cultural and Heritage Center of WI
2133 W. Wisconsin Ave.
Milwaukee, WI 53233
(414) 345-8800
Individual tickets:
$19 Reserved/advanced
$21 at the door

- Gwen Sisk, Publicist


Gaelic Storm is internationally known as the Steerage Band from the blockbuster movie, Titanic. Their concert slated for March 21 as part of the Hallamor Concert Series is presently sold out. Thank you Milwaukee for buying your tickets early, and often!

Gaelic Storm
Friday, March 21, 2003
8:00 p.m. • ICHC

New Members

NOTE: Please send your dues to your Membership Chairperson in your chapter. All names and addresses are listed in Emerald Reflections.

LAFAYETTE CO. - Sara Lange Flanagan.

MILWAUKEE - James and Joy Dolan; Ellen Kirylak; Pat Wiedman.


• December: 21 memberships up for renewal, 14 paid, 7 dropped for nonpayment.

• January: 36 memberships up for renewal, 23 paid, 13 due.

• February: 33 memberships up for renewal, 9 paid, 24 due.

Again, please do not send cash for dues through the mail. Instread, make checks or money orders payable to Shamrock Club of Wisconsin. Thank you.

-Tom Smith





