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Emerald Reflections Online

Table of Contents - May 2001

You are viewing the electronic version of Emerald Reflections,
the monthly publication of the Shamrock Club of Wisconsin

The Irish Remonstrance of Peter Walsh

Milwaukee President's Message

Bylaws Committee Report to the Shamrock Club

Milwaukee's 2001 Honorees Photo

Dane County Shamrock Club

Shamrock Club of Rock County

Fox Cities Shamrock Club

Welcome New Members

Everybody Loves a Parade!

Milwaukee Hurling Club

Color Guard Pipes and Drums Celebrate their 20th Anniversary!

Foot and Mouth Disease Upsetting Travel Plans

Author Morgan Llywelyn Visited Milwaukee

Cashel Dennehy -- 2001, An Irish Dance Odyssey

Early History of Dane County Shamrock Club, Part VII

Milwaukee Calendar of Events

Wisconsin Calendar of Events

The Irish Remonstrance of Peter Walsh

by Brian Witt

The mid-seventeenth century saw a change in the life of England. Oliver Cromwell was overthrown, the English Civil War was over, and the Stuart king, Charles II, was restored to the English throne. However, the residual fear and hatred that was especially engendered by Cromwell was still rife in the political winds of the time. However, Charles was aware that his inclusion of Catholics in England and Ireland in his policies was met with fear and skepticism by the Anglican and Puritan majorities. Many believed that the Pope was responsible for the numerous uprisings in Ireland.

Charles reasoned that one way to allay such fears was to get a prominent Irish Churchman to take a stand against such policies. The person he found was Franciscan Friar Peter Walsh. The letter he wrote against the Church's role in Irish rebellions actually led to a rebellion against the Church itself and the role it played in the affairs of countries.

According to authors Matthew Culligan and Peter Cherici, in their book The Wandering Irish - Their Influence from the Dark Ages to Modern Times, (Barnes and Noble, 1999), Walsh was chosen by Charles because he was a prominent Loyalist, and wrote letters to other Irish Catholics to support the English King. Walsh was well liked in Ireland, partly because he exposed a plot on the part of Irish Bishop Edmund O'Reilly to betray Irish soldiers to Cromwell's forces. O'Reilly believed that the cause of the Catholics was doomed to failure, and that they would receive better treatment if they backed Cromwell and the rebellious parliament.

Walsh drafted a document that stated the Pope had no authority to interfere with the English civil government in Ireland. The letter immediately found support among the Irish émigrés on the continent. Many echoed Walsh's words about Papal interference in Ireland. The document became known as the Irish Remonstrance of Peter Walsh.

There were a couple of matters that actually made the entire process slightly farcical. The first was that the Church in Rome did not like the Irish, did not like the Irish rebellion movement, and certainly did not like the Irish clergy. After the Reformation, when the seminaries and friaries were being closed by the British, a number of Irish clergy flocked to Rome, believing that the Church would unify around such a devoutly Catholic country. The Church fathers made many bishops, and sent them back to Ireland to continue the Irish crusade in secret. They supported the English Catholics, and were afraid that any support of the Irish would drive them into the arms of the Anglicans. And the Roman Church still saw many of the Irish clergy as being on the fringes of Pelagianism and other Celtic heresies. And many in Rome saw the Irish as a backwater, rustic group, a rough and unruly race full of misplaced piety and paganistic practices.

The Church hierarchy wished the Irish would just go away, fight the wars of the other Catholic countries, and try to act in a more civilized manner. The idea that the Catholic Church was fomenting rebellion from the Vatican was so far from the truth of the matter that it had an opposite effect on the Church.

The Pope, Alexander VII, viewed the Remonstrance as an attack on his authority, and one that could weaken his authority on Papal interference in civil matters in the Catholic states. The Irish who left Ireland to serve in the armies of Europe brought along their priests. Many of these priests had worked their way into the high offices of the Catholic states, and were seen as allies of those who would like to see less interference from the Vatican. The Pope realized that these men, many of whom supported the Irish Remonstrance, could help undermine his authority.

Alexander called upon the Archbishop of Armagh to call a synod to denounce Walsh and the Remonstrance. Although Walsh defended himself, he was ordered to go to a priory in Louvain, in France, to remain under the watchful eyes of other friars. Walsh obeyed the order, and went to France.

However, the Irish Remonstrance set into motion a rejection of Papal authority in civil matters of nations. Others began to question Papal authority, and in the coming years, many had rejected or diminished the power of the Pope and the Church in the daily affairs of state. What had started as a request for Irish rejection of Papal influence in Ireland grew to be a full-blown revolution in Church politics.

The end result politically for Charles was that there was still a chasm between Catholic and Protestant. The Remonstrance, which he hoped would unite the people of Ireland and England under one Crown, despite religious differences, kept the split alive. And the homegrown rebellions of the Irish would continue, not led by the Church or Pope, not that they ever were.

Peter Walsh was faithful to his Church, his country and his king. As a reward for faithful service, he found himself exiled and disparaged. However, his words, and his statement, would serve as a starting point in the slide of the strength of the Catholic Church. The wild and unruly Irish would again cause unpredictable results.

Milwaukee President's Message

Life is settling down in the Irish community for a short time.

Easter Mass on April 15th was as usual a beautiful event. Peg Hamill and family did a good job on the continental breakfast and Coleen Shannon helped organize the Mass. It was enjoyed by all.

Now that the Post Parade Party is behind us, we'll take a short rest and then Joe Hughes and I will start on picnic plans. Hopefully Joe will get the same great entertainment and I will get to do the food and drinks and prizes for this event. We'll get more information to you as plans come together.

The Color Guard, which really represents all of the Milwaukee Chapter, will start a full schedule of parades. Support them by attending parades and cheering them on.

The Volunteer Party was another good event. There was plenty of food and the video of the parade was run all evening. Thank you, volunteers! Without your help, we wouldn't be a successful club.

The Bradley Center fund raiser is finally over for this season. A huge thanks (it seems so little to say for so much work) to all of those who helped. The final figures are not in yet but we earned more this year (worked harder) than last year. A special thanks to Katy and Bob Voss and Judy and Bob Tourne who picked up the reins when I couldn't and kept the job going. God willing, I will be back next season. We think we have two new team managers and we will need a new group of volunteers as many of those who have worked for many years want to retire. They have served well and beyond the call of duty.

The State Meeting will be May 12 at Jingles in Madison and anyone who is interested is welcome to attend. Lunch (on your own) is at noon with the meeting to follow at 1 p.m.

The nominees for the Milwaukee Board of Directors are:

• President: Sue Dundon
• Vice President: Jean Cardwell / Kris Carrigg
• Secretary: Mary McAndrews
• Treasurer: Sharon Murphy
• Membership: Tom Smith
• Trustee: - Bob Hamill
• Parliamentarian: -Tim O'Brien / Beth Brzycki
• Sgt. at Arms: - Jim LeClair / Jim Dickman

The elections are in May. Please come out and vote. It is your club. The polls are open 6-8 p.m. We really need you to vote.

Happy anniversary, birthday and Mother's Day,

- Cate Harris

Bylaws Committee
Report to the Shamrock Club

The Bylaws Committee's duties are to conduct a bi-annual review of the Bylaws and considered changes according to the articles in these Bylaws.

Nominations and Elections. We propose the following additions. These changes will be voted on during the May General Meeting:

• Article X, Sect. A, #4. A Trustee must resign before accepting another nomination to the Board.

• Article X, paragraph C, #4. In case of a tie there will be an immediate election for the contested office.

- Tom Blaha, Parliamentarian


Milwaukee's 2001 Honorees are: Irish Rose Jean Cardwell, Irishman of the Year Bob Hamill and Parade Marshal Derry Hegarty.

Dane County Shamrock Club


• MAY 8 - Board Meeting (6:.15 p.m.) / Membership Meeting (7:30) At Jingles.

Patricia Geyh will explain the available resources for tracing your ancestry in Ireland at the Irish Emigration Library located in the Irish Cultural and Heritage Center in Milwaukee. She will also discuss the resources that are available in Madison at the Memorial Library and at the Mormon Family History Center. This program will be very interesting and helpful for those seeking to trace their Irish heritage. In addition, officers will be elected who will take on their duties in July.

•JUNE 23 - Field Trip to the Irish American Heritage Center in Chicago.

We will meet at 8:30 a.m. on Saturday, June 23, at Dutch Mill Park and Ride. Club members will buy their own lunch at Abbey Pub and Restaurant in northwestern Chicago. After lunch, we will tour the Irish American Heritage Center which has a large collection of Belleck pottery and Irish lace. On the way home, the bus will stop at the Woodfield Mall in Schaumburg, Illinois. Shamrock members will be able to browse at Blarney's for Irish items. When we reach Janesville, we will stop at Roherty's Restaurant and Pub for members to purchase their own dinner. Your paid reservations of $25 each for the bus are due by Wednesday, June 6 to Mary Hearn, 3048 Woods Edge Way, Madison, WI 53711.

•JULY 10 - Potluck Picnic at Knights of Columbus Facility on 5256 Verona Road. (Take Hwy. 18 west past Home Depot, turn right at M&I Bank onto Williamsburg Way, drive one block, turn left onto Anton Drive.)

Bring a dish to pass and your own tableware. Social hour from 5-6 p.m., dinner at 6. As the use of the Clubhouse is free, we encourage the purchase of beer and pop on site to support the Knights. Please, no carry in beverages. Enjoy talking to friends and listening to tapes.

•AUGUST - No Meeting

Attend Irish Fest, August 16-19, at Henry Meier Festival Grounds in Milwaukee. Call (414) 476-3378 for info.

At our March Flag Raising Festivities, the Irish flag was unfurled over the banister at the capitol by members of Eamon O'Brien's family while Sheila, Eamon's daughter, sang the Irish national anthem, The Soldier's Song. This honor of unfurling the flag was reserved for the family of the Irish Person of the Year, Eamon O'Brien. A second Irish flag flew over our state's capitol for St. Patrick's Day. The following groups entertained members of the Dane County Shamrock Club and the general public: the Trinity Irish Dancers, the Cashel Dennehy Irish Dancers, Nora O'Brien and her grandsons Brendan and Sean Kim, the Dybdahl Girls, Casey Day and Gary Matsik, and the Zor Shrine Pipe Band. Eamon O'Brien was introduced as the Irish Person of the Year. Sheila O'Brien did a great job of organizing this event again this year, and Mike Brunet was a fine master of ceremonies. The splendid performances by our volunteer entertainers were enjoyed very much. After the Flag Raising Festivities on a beautiful, balmy spring-like day, members enjoyed a delicious luncheon at Jingles. Eamon O'Brien was honored and received his own individual Irish Person of the Year plaque and also the Dane County Shamrock Club plaque which lists all previous Irish Persons of the Year. He will display it in his home until next St. Patrick's Day. Many thanks to Barbara Darcey and Mary Hearn for co-chairing the luncheon. Thank you to Carol Brunet for publicizing the day's events. Much time, effort, and planning goes into putting on the St. Patrick's Day events.

Our nominating committee responsible for getting a slate of candidates for the club's offices are: Virginia Carpenter, Mary Hearn, and Ruth Tormey. Anyone who would like to hold an office or has ever considered holding an office, should contact one of these ladies. If you get called to hold an office, consider the position carefully. The board has been very helpful, cooperative, and supportive during my term these past two years. Holding an office can be fun and rewarding.

Best wishes go out to Mary Gable who had surgery and is recovering nicely at her home. Grace Tvedten is very ill and undergoing treatment. Both ladies are in need of your prayers.

Congratulations to Mrs. Winifred O'Rourke, a charter member of the Dane County Shamrock Club who was named a recipient of the Cross Pro-Ecclesia et Pontifice (Cross for the Church and Pontiff) Award by Pope John Paul II for special service to her parish at St. Raphaels. Winifred's late husband, Dr. William J. O'Rourke, was the Dane County Shamrock Club's very first Irish Person of the Year back in 1976.

Eamon O'Brien has taken on the task of setting up and updating the Dane County Shamrock Club's website at Furthermore, the website for the nine chapters of the Shamrock Club of Wisconsin is A good website to check out for celtic music, dance, language, arts, literature, and theater in Madison is For a journal of contemporary Irish & Irish American affairs, check out

Because the Dane County Shamrock Club is not having a raffle or any other fundraiser, membership dues increased as of January 1. A single membership will cost $20, and a family membership will cost $30. Please send all new and renewal club membership dues to Eamon O'Brien, Membership Chair, 2667 Coffey Town Rd., Cottage Grove, WI 53527.

I look forward to seeing everyone at our May 8 meeting for the election of officers and our genealogy presentation on tracing our ancestors in Ireland. Guests are welcome.

- Barbara Gallenberg, President
(608) 27l-8660

Rock County


• MAY 15 - General Membership meeting, 7:30 p.m.

• JUNE - No Meeting

• JULY 17 - Annual Club Picnic

At our May meeting we will have election of officers and these people will take over their duties in July.

The program for this month is a tour of Ireland including the Ring of Kerry, Rock of Cashel, Bunratty Castle, Knappague Castle and a tour of Dublin including stops at Trinity College and St. Patrick's Cathedral. I recently saw this program and I am sure you will enjoy it as much as I did.

Our annual picnic will be on July 17th and there will be more information on this in the June Emerald Reflections.

Don't forget to be at the May meeting and show your support for your newly elected officers.

- Tom Kennedy

Fox Cities


• MAY 9 - Business Meeting, Conkey's Bookstore in Appleton, 7 p.m.

• MAY 23 - Board Meeting, Conkey's, 7 p.m.

Music: May 12 - Natalie MacMaster at the Grand Opera House in Oshkosh. Trilogy in Greenville 7:30-11 p.m. (opens at 4 p.m.) completely smoke free: May 12 - Mike & Karen Cove (entertained at our St. Pat's Dinner); May 18 - Druid's Table.

Monday June 11 or 18 are possible dates for our quarterly dinner/meeting. Call me with the date you would prefer.

Due to the weather we had to postpone our St. Patrick's Dinner to March 26. It was a big success and everyone especially enjoyed the talent of Mike and Karen Cove performing live Irish music for us. They are making a CD of English, Irish, etc. songs and as soon as it is available I will let you know where you can buy one.

President Bill Grogan presented Pat and John Ashenbrucker with their Irish Rose and Irishman pins at our dinner. Pat's maiden name is McDaniel. She was born in Menasha, WI but both sets of great grandparents came from Ireland. She and John traveled to Ireland about 30 years ago and toured the area by car. They both are very supportive and active in our chapter. Congratulations Pat and John.

Remember to watch your renewal month on your address label and mail to our P.O. Box 1632, Appleton, WI 54912-1632.

- Elaine Hoes (920) 733-5254

New Members

FOX CITIES - Evelyn D. O'Donahue; Edward L. Moon.

MILWAUKEE - George and Casi Daniel; Mary H. Delahunt; Mark, Tracy, Seane, Megan Dickinson; Kathleen and Alderman Bob Donovan; Kathy Jaglin; Patricia, Thomas, Trish, Thomas W. McCormick; Mary Otto; Ed and Terry Rose; Mary Jo Runnol.

ROCK COUNTY - Jo and Frank Doyle.

SOUTH CENTRAL - Mary and Mark Houfe.

Please note: do not send cash for dues in the mail. Please make all checks to Shamrock Club of Wisconsin.

Thank you,

- Tom Smith

Everybody Loves a Parade!

So why not be in one! The Shamrock Club Color Guard Pipes and Drums needs people to help carry our banner in our parades. Come on out and have some fun with a great group of people. This is a great opportunity for Shamrock Club members to meet other members and have some fun. Contact Michael at (414) 541-8427.

P.S. There is always room for more Color Guards, Pipers and Drummers.

Hurling Club

From April 1 to May 16, the Milwaukee Hurling Club will hold practices on Sundays from 1-4 p.m. and Wednesdays from 6 until dark at Riverside High School (Locust and Oakland). Everyone is welcome.

Come May 20 all of the action moves to Veteran's Park at Milwaukee's lakefront. Games will be held on Sundays starting at 12:30, 2:00 and 3:30. The Wednesday (6 pm. until dark) practices will also move to Veteran's Park at this time.

The Shamrock Club
Color Guard Pipes & Drums
Invite you to Celebrate their


Saturday, May 12, 2001
Tripoli Shrine
3000 West Wisconsin Avenue • Milwaukee, WI 53208
Cocktails at 5:45-6:45 p.m. / Dinner at 7:00 - 8:00 p.m.
Dancing 'til 11:30 p.m.
Dinner Selection
Prime Rib or Stuffed Chicken Breast
Salad - Vegetable - Dessert and Beverage
Open Bar All Evening
Tickets $25 per person / $50 per couple

Color Guard Anniversary Dinner
Enclosed is my check / money order for $________ payable to the SHAMROCK CLUB.

Mail to:

Color Guard Anniversary Dinner
c/o Kay Cobb
W167 S6827 Oakhill Drive
Muskego, WI 53150-9732





Dinner Selection for YOURSELF:

_____________________________ˇPrime Rib ˇChicken

Dinner Selection for GUEST:

_____________________________ˇPrime Rib ˇChicken

Please respond no later than May 5, 2001

Foot and Mouth Disease
Upsetting Travel Plans

The outbreak of Foot and Mouth Disease in Ireland is limiting access to many of its national monuments and attractions. Contact your travel agent or Bord Failte (800-222-6470) before departure to see if your tour or plans are affected.

Author Visits Milwaukee

Morgan Llywelyn was in Milwaukee to present a lecture for Celtic Women International on March 19 at the Irish Cultural and Heritage Center. She concluded her recent three-week book tour in a wheelchair as the result of a fall that occurred on the first day. We were indeed fortunate that she continued the tour in spite of serious injury to her knee.

Llywelyn's second book in the five volume set of "The Irish Century" is 1921, which picks up after the Easter Rising of 1916. Beginning in 1917 and ending in 1923, the novel crystallizes rather than trivializes the years in between within the scope of its pages. Some say it is the best of her prestigious work, and that is saying something as her books have been on the New York Times Bestseller List, won accolades as Book of the Month Club selections, Best Novel of the Year, Poetry and Prose Award and History Book Club selections. Her many historical novels have sold over 40 million copies worldwide.

2001, An Irish Dance Odyssey

On Sunday, May 20, The Cashel Dennehy Irish Dancers will present 2001, An Irish Dance Odyssey beginning at 2 p.m. at Racine's Memorial Hall, located on the lakefront. This will be a performance by Award winning Cashel Dennehy Irish Dancers. There will be live, traditional and Irish Folk music.

Tickets $10, reduced tickets for seniors and children. Tickets can be purchased at Festival Hall, 5 Fifth St., Bob's On Washington, 3213 Washington Ave., Riley's Sweet Shop, 3308 Washington Ave., and Johnson Bank, 4959 Douglas Ave., (Douglas location only). All are located in Racine. For more information call (262) 554-6725. This is a benefit performance for the W.O.N. fund.

Early History of
Dane County Shamrock Club, Part VII

Written by Margaret Courtney, typed by Barb Darcey


The eighth anniversary of the Dane County Shamrock Club was celebrated on January 11 with pictures, scrapbooks, tapes and reminiscing, a nostalgic trip to January 14, 1975 at the Park Hotel.

Plans for our St. Patrick's Day were being formulated - the Flag Raising at the Capitol at Noon and our Dinner-Dance at the Heritage House. Virginia (Ginny) Bonner was selected the Irish Person of the Year. Ginny has been an active and "devoted" member of the Shamrock Club, having been a member of the dance team for the previous five years. She also served two years as Vice President. Her fellow members were happy to have found an opportunity to bestow this honor on her.

On March 24 our "Ceili Band" and the "Irish Folk Singers" (new names adopted for our music groups) performed at Mount Horeb for the Sons of Norway. A standing ovation was given at the end of the program. A delicious luncheon was served with all kinds of Norwegian delicacies! The Sons of Norway reciprocated by presenting a program for us on May 10. We must have broken all previous records for attendance that May day! Well over 100 of our people plus another 70 from the Sons of Norway of Mount Horeb! What a show our Norwegian friends put on. The experience was rewarding for both our Shamrock Club and the Sons of Norway.

Something different for our Annual Picnic held on Sunday, July 24. We had a "pot luck" that year with each family bringing a dish to pass. This eliminated the burden of a few having to spend all day with "picnic-chores". This way everyone could join in the fun.

Irish Fest in Milwaukee, August 19-21! The crowd pleasers - Tommy Maken & Liam Clancy, John Gary, Dennis Day, Mary McGonigle, Boys of the Lough - too many to name all - but they were the BEST of Ireland, Scotland, and the U.S.A!

August - we were informed by the Elks Club management that they would no longer be able to accommodate our members for dinner at their restaurant.

The Shamrock Club members were cordially invited to an anniversary dance in honor of Rosie and Francis McMahan's 30th Wedding Anniversary at Club 18 in Mount Horeb on September 17.

Mary Murphy, daughter of John and Nelle Murphy, was our 1981 scholarship recipient. She went to Ireland and did a lot of research on W. B. Yates, the great Irish writer. Mary came back and gave her report in a slide lecture. This was one program that enhanced our knowledge of Irish culture.

At our November meeting we learned about Irish humor. Sister Marie Regis of Edgewood College faculty gave a very entertaining program. She acquainted us with some of the best Irish humorous stories. She read to us from Fran O'Connor's works. The stories she related were very funny (Irish funny) and the way she read them made them even more interesting. We hope she comes back again.

Our Christmas party was held on December 13. We had a delicious buffet dinner at the Elks Club and were entertained by our own musical groups with their usual excellent rendition of Christmas music and a good time was had by all.





