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Emerald Reflections Online

Table of Contents - October 2000

You are viewing the electronic version of Emerald Reflections,
the monthly publication of the Shamrock Club of Wisconsin

The Tragedy of Anach Cuain

Milwaukee President's Message

Dane County Shamrock Club

Shamrock Club of Greater LaCrosse Area

Fox Cities Shamrock Club

Rock County Shamrock Club

Craft Classes at ICHC

ICHC Ceili Schedule

Celtic Women's High-Powered Conference

Lenahan in Concert

Gaelic League's Samhain Celebration

Set Dance Workshops

Cook Book

Malachy McCourt at ICHC

Welcome New Members

Membership Report

African Celtic Spirituality

Early History of Dane County Shamrock Club, Part II


Milwaukee Calendar of Events

Wisconsin Calendar of Events

The Tragedy of Anach Cuain

"As I got up of a Friday Morning,
I heard the crying and clapping hands,
Of all those women tired and weary."

- Antoine Raifteiri - Anach Cuain

Lough Corrib is a well known spot in County Galway. Today, it is best known for its fishing and resorts, especially around the town of Oughterard. The expanse of water stretches from southern Mayo to Galway City, and attracts numerous tourists from Ireland and abroad. The Corrib is a system of large and small loughs with many rivers and streams. It is a great fishery, holding some sea trout, salmon and grilse, brown trout and coarse fish. The system can be divided into three categories: (a) the great loughs of Lough Corrib, Lough Mask and Lough Carra, (b) the river systems of interest to game anglers such as the Corrib River, the Claregalway River, the Cong Canal, and the Robe River; and (c) the smaller lakes on the mountainous north and west shores of Lough Corrib and Lough Mask.

Historically, Lough Corrib has provided for the residents of the region a transit way to and from the fairs of Galway. Galway hookers, currachs and flat bottomed boats would ferry people and livestock back and forth across the series of lakes and rivers, providing a fast route to the area villages and towns.

On September 28, 1828, a currach, a leather or canvas covered boat which was treated with tar to act as a water repellent, set out from Anaghdown on the northeastern side of Lough Corrib. The boat contained 31 passengers, livestock, and other items for the Galway fair. The boat was overloaded, as currachs in that part of Galway often were. Usually, the boats would have the dry goods piled in front, with livestock in the middle and people sitting on top of the dry goods and in the back.

While the boat was heading down the lake, a sheep put its hoof through the side of the boat. One of the passengers took off his jumper, or sweater, and stuffed it into the side of the boat in order to stop the incoming water. This, however, proved to be a fateful mistake. The wool of the sweater immediately became saturated and swollen with water. This, in turn, caused the tear in the boat to become a complete rupture, enlarging the opening in the side of the boat. Water poured in, causing the boat to swamp.

The passengers panicked, and the usually unsinkable currach quickly overturned. The result was that eleven women, heavily dressed in dresses and shawls, and eight men drowned. The news of the tragedy quickly spread.

The blind poet Antoine Raifteiri composed a ballad in Irish almost immediately after the incident. The lament was entitled Anach Cuain. Raifteiri, who is best known for his poem "Mise Raifteiri, na file", or "I am Raftery, the Poet", was a noted writer in Irish. His lament came fresh upon the heels of the drowning. The ballad was written in both Irish and English, to ensure that the populace of the area who could read Irish would be attracted to it.

The words in English went, "If I had help, there would be told made, Of all those drowned in Annagh Cloon. Such a fine day without rain or wind, The full boat was whipt away." In some ways Raifteri rushed to pen too soon. He had the resultant count of men and women transposed, with Raifteiri telling that eight women and eleven men died.

The ballad was set to an old Irish air. It soon spread across the country, with the event becoming better known than many of the day's other events. The ballad spread to England, and to the United States. It became a popular song to sing at many events, from stage or kitchen.

Over time the air attached to the ballad was to become better known than the words. Anach Cuain is a mournful, evocative piece, and pulls the listener into its melody. It has become a favorite of people who play in musical competitions, as its range of notes is perfect to show the versatility of the musician.

As the life of a musical piece develops, often the earliest reference to a song or air is lost. What the name of the air was before Anach Cuain is not known. However, the melody, in a somewhat quicker, livelier version, survives today. Many people are familiar with the song Star of County Down. This song has as its basis the air from Anach Cuain. As the memory of the ballad's words and events faded the song continued. New uses, new words for the tune were found.

Still, the melancholy tone of the words of Raifteiri can still be found to convey the sense of loss they did almost 180 years ago. As the ballad ends, Raifteiri notes, "The boat was broke and the Christians scattered, And the Lord have mercy on their souls, for now to count you up the number, there were eight women and eleven men."

- Brian Witt

Milwaukee President's Message

August 27 was a nice warm Sunday and Tom Tibbals chaired a very successful golf outing. Everyone that came left with a prize and felt good about the day. The food was wonderful. Thanks to Barbara Tibbals who checked the golfers in, Tom's dad who took care of the money hole and Beth who counted the putts for that contest. We'll look forward to next year's with great anticipation.

The next event on our agenda is the Holiday Folk Fair. It will be on November 17, 18, and 19. As usual, we will have a sales booth and I'm sure Noreen Barclay can use more volunteers as well as the Dundons, Pete and Fran, in the food booth. The food booth is a very popular place as there are people who come to Folk Fair for our potato soup (sans garlic) and corned beef sandwiches which many feel are the best in the west. The problem we always have is not enough help. If everyone could come down for only four (4) hours it would make Fran and Pete's 18 hour days much easier. Think about it and come on down. There are a couple of perks, a free ticket for Holiday Folk Fair and a meal from our own booth. Mary McAndrews can use some bodies who sit while they work.

The Bradley Center is starting to send schedules. This year we are again asking for your help. This is a good way for new members to meet others and do a service to the Club at the same time. We work hard, setting up, counting and cleaning up but manage to enjoy it at the same time. On your break it is permissible to watch the event if you want to while you eat a sandwich and drink a soda that the Shamrock Club provides for you. A free parking pass and ticket is also yours.

Each regular team which consists of 18 members is scheduled for about six events per season. If you feel that's more than you want, sign up to be a sub, on call. Sometimes the notice is short but we also need many subs.

If you can do this or want more info please call Katy Voss who does our scheduling (414) 352-6479; or me, Cate Harris (414) 321-5153. I'm the Shamrock Club manager for the Bradley Center.

Happy Halloween, Birthday and Anniversary,

- Cate Harris, President

Dane County


• OCT. 10 - 6:15 pm Board Meeting, followed by 7 p.m. General Meeting. Jingles Coliseum Bar (232 E. Olin Ave., Madison)

• NOV. 14 - 6:15 pm Board Meeting, followed by 7 p.m. General Meeting. Jingles Coliseum Bar

August brought us Irish Fest! Many Dane County Shamrock Club members enjoyed another fine fest this year. The weather cooperated (for the most part!) and it was a great weekend. Several members attended the beautiful Mass celebrated by a visiting Cardinal, who was very impressed with our Irish Fest.

The October meeting will feature John Nevins. Mr. Nevins is the principal of Van Buren Elementary School in Janesville. He spent some time studying at University College, in Dublin. His course was entitled "Ireland: The Profile and Personality of an Island". Mr. Nevins will speak to us on a wide variety of topics which will include such things as the archeology, politics, and economics of Ireland.

The Dane County Shamrock Club would like to take this opportunity to thank the Milwaukee chapter for publishing our 25th Anniversary article. This wonderful article was written by Margaret Courtney, and typed by Barb Darcey. How wonderful to see our history in print!

- Sheila O'Brien

Greater LaCrosse Area

The following events have been approved as Shamrock Club activities for the remainder of our administrative year. Others may be added as we go along.


• OCT. 4 - Wednesday, Heritage Night at the LaCrosse Center. Stew makers and servers are needed. Cheryl Walsh is the Chair. Call her at 788-8762 if you can help.

• OCT. 5 - Thursday, Torchlight Parade

• NOV. 9 - Thursday, General Meeting at Forest Hills may be followed by Eurchre Party.

• DEC. 4 - Monday, Christmas Party at the Freight House. Irishman and Irish Rose elected. Jim Tracy is the Chair. Details will be in our Blarney.


• JAN. 10 - Saturday, Matinee lunch and show at the Fireside Theatre in Fort Atkinson. Name of the show is And They Called it Ireland. "Here We Go Tours" has reserved thirty (30) seats on the bus for the Shamrock Club. Price of $85 per person includes transportation, lunch, theatre performance (seats in the first ten rows), escort, door prizes, juice and doughnuts. The bus will depart from Woodman's at 7:30 a.m. and return at 7 p.m. Club seats will be held until November 20. When you call (608) 787-8687 to sign up, mention the "Shamrock Club."

• FEB 21 - Wednesday, Board Meeting at Forest Hills at 7 p.m.

• MARCH 10 - Saturday, Annual St. Patrick's Day Dinner Party at Forest Hills. Details later.

• MARCH 16 - Friday, Shamrock Club visits to schools and nursing homes. This is not on the traditional March 17 because schools are closed on Saturdays. Jim Finn is Chair.

• MARCH 17 - Saturday, Parade in Prairie du Chien.

• APRIL 11 - Wednesday, General Meeting and nomination of officers at Forest Hills at 7 p.m.

• MAY 10 - Thursday, General Meeting and election of officers at Sullivan's in Trempealeau. Details in our Blarney.

- Fred Smith

Fox Cities

• NOTE: Two date corrections. Business Meeting Nov. 8 and Board Meeting October 25. All meetings are held at 7 p.m. at Conkey's, Appleton.

You'll get a memorable treat at our Oct. 11 meeting. Dan Curtin will be reading from his 2nd published book of poetry.

The next Board Meeting is October 25.

Our chartered bus from Trilogy to Irish Fest was lots of fun. Druid's Table and Peter Bartman entertained us from Neenah to Milwaukee with "live" Celtic music. The Irish Tenors were the best! "Numerous" encores. We didn't leave the grounds until after the Scattering. Looking forward to doing the charter next year.

Our brat fry on August 12 was the first fund raising project for our reincarnated chapter. Possibly we can do it again in late spring of 2001.

Reminder: Check the expiration month on your address label so you renew your membership on time. Mail your check to: Shamrock Club, P.O. Box 1632, Appleton, WI 54912-1632.

Reserve Monday, December 11 on your calendar for our Christmas Dinner at Mark's East Side in Appleton.

- Elaine Hoes (920) 733-5254

Rock County


• OCT.17 - General Membership Meeting and Potluck Supper. Location: Alliant Energy Building, 3730 Kennedy Rd., Janesville. Located approx. one quarter mile north of Hwy. 14 between Hwys. 26 and 51.

Our Potluck Supper will start at 6:30 p.m. and the meeting will begin at 7:30 p.m. Bring a dish to pass and your own table service. The Club will furnish coffee and tea.

After the business meeting there will be a short program on Waterford Crystal.

Your club membership dues are due in October. You can pay your dues to Mary Bickle, our membership chairperson, at the meeting, or if you cannot get to the meeting you can mail your dues to Mary at 1734 Tamarack Lane, Janesville, WI 53545.

- Tom Kennedy

Crafts Classes at ICHC

Craft classes will again be taught at the ICHC starting in October. Classes in Celtic Quilting, Calligraphy, knitting, straw weaving and multi-media design will be offered. Call 414-345-8800 for info.

ICHC Ceili

The following are upcoming dates for the third Saturday Ceili which is held each month at the Irish Culture Heritage Center.




Beginning instruction at 7:30 p.m. Dancing begins at 8. Proceeds benefit the Irish Heritage Cultural Center. For more info call, Julie 489-1110 or Tom 933-1341.

Celtic Women's High-Powered Conference
Includes Irish Performers and Speakers


(Morgan Llywelyn and Ann Trevenen Jenkin)

Celtic Women International again brings entertainers, speakers and participants from the seven Celtic Nations for its Third Annual "Being Together" Conference October 12-14, 2000 in Milwaukee.

Morgan Llywelyn, Irish historic novelist and a Nobel Prize nominee, heads the list of presenters returning by popular demand. Other Irish or Irish-Americans joining her are medieval storyteller Beth "Biddy O'Byrne" Vaughan; "Poor Clares" musicians Betsy McGovern and Beth Patterson; and Celtic artist Patrick Gallagher.

Appearing for the first time at "Being Together" is Irish actress Maggie Cronin with scenes from her one-woman show about 17th century pirate Grace O'Malley; she will also present a workshop on acting.

Twin musicians Jennifer and Hazel Wrigley hale from the Orkney Islands, Scotland; those also appearing include Cornish folklorist and anthropologist Dr. Amy Hale; bagpipers Julie and Gary Bottoni of the Billy Mitchell Scottish Pipe Band; Welsh harpist and composer Sian James; organists Rob McWilliam and Carol McLernon. The Irish Genealogical Society of Wisconsin will offer workshops on Celtic Genealogy.

The opportunity to interact one-on-one with high-profile presenters is a hallmark of CWI conferences. Other returnees available throughout the weekend are Scottish-American folk singer and actress Flora MacDonald Gammon; Ann Trevenen Jenkin, the first woman to serve as Grand Bard of Cornwall; and Manx storyteller Joan Gill.

In addition, specialty vendor booths offer books, music, clothing, jewelry, and arts and crafts from Celtic countries that are not readily available elsewhere. Unique for the year 2000 are millennial crystal glasses commissioned by CWI from Connemara Celtic Crystal company of Moycullen, County Galway.

A conference highlight is the Exceptional Celtic Woman Award presented annually to celebrate, honor and inspire women of Celtic heritage throughout the world. The first Award, made in 1999, went to Morgan Llywelyn, who also participated in the first two conferences.

Co-Masters of Ceremonies are Welsh personality Trefor Williams and the co-producer of "American Celtic Television" in New York, Mary Ryan.

CWI welcomes men as well as women who are Celtic or are interested in Celtic culture and in celebrating the accomplishments of women of that culture.

Meals are included with all registrations. The program consists of Thursday afternoon workshops, a Thursday evening welcome reception, and two full days of programming. There will be a Celtic Concert on Friday evening included with full or Friday registrations that is open to the public for a $10 fee. Concert tickets are available at the door; doors open at 7:30 pm.

People may register at the door, or in advance. There are one-day registrations ($75) available for Friday or Saturday in addition to the full registration package ($135). A registration application is available on the web page at or by calling (414) 257-3770. Applications may also be picked up at the Irish Cultural and Heritage Center, where the Conference will take place.


Lenahan has the distinction of being the first Celtic rock band invited to perform at the Kennedy Center, with two sold out shows there in March 2000. The group was the opening concert in the Kennedy Center's two month long series called "Island-Arts from Ireland." The band went on to headline Houston's St. Patrick's Festival.

Lenahan brilliantly blends Celtic traditional rock with Chicago based blues and rock. It has been said that Lenahan's music is "what rock would have sounded like if it was invented in Ireland." The group infuses their music with fire, energy and passion.

Irish Edition's music critic, Jamie O'Brien says, "Not clever tricks and the like but downright great playing.... It shows just what a superb band Lenahan really is... from reels to 12 bar blues and back to jigs, Lenahan knows what way is right. This performance's power and brilliance will carry along all who listen."

Tom Lenahan is a 3-time winner of the ASCAP Songwriter Award. The band's latest album is Hooligans in Suits - Live in the UK.

Celtic Rock fused
with Rhythm and Blues
Lenahan in Concert
Saturday, October 7, 2000 - 8 p.m.
Irish Cultural and Heritage Center
2133 W. Wisconsin Avenue
Milwaukee, WI 53233
414) 345-8800
Tickets: $10 reserved/advanced,
$12 at the door

Gaelic League's Samhain Celebration

Come enjoy Halloween the traditional Irish way with Conradh na Gaeilge, the Gaelic League. Celebrate Samhain, (sow-when) the Irish predecessor to Halloween, with ghost stories around a bonfire, music, games, a costume contest and, of course, food and drink. The event will take place at the Erin Inn, one mile south of 167 on Highway K, in Erin, Wisconsin near Holy Hill (6102 Donegal Rd.). The festivities will be held on Saturday, October 28 beginning at 7 p.m. For more information call Sinead at (262) 783-4830 or Seamus at (414) 475-5166.

Set Dance Workshops

The Milwaukee Set Dance Club's series of workshops teaching Irish set dance continues in October. Classes for Advanced Beginners will begin on Sunday, October 29, and continue through November 5, 12 and 19. This advanced class is appropriate for any person with some set dancing experience who would like to attend. These classes will work on building set dancing skills, with students learning two more set dances, the Plain (mostly reels) and the Ballyvourney (mostly jigs). The workshops will be taught by experienced set dancers. It is not necessary to bring a partner, but it is recommended that smooth-soled shoes be worn. All classes are being held from 4 - 5:30 p.m. in the second floor dance area of the Irish Cultural and Heritage Center, 2133 W. Wisconsin Ave. Advance registration is suggested. The entire series of four classes is $10, payable in advance or at the door. For more information call Julie Puhek at (414) 321-3521 or send e-mail to

Cook Book

The Milwaukee Board of Directors discussed the publishing of an Irish Cook Book. We are asking for your input. Please send your favorite recipe to Jean Cardwell at the ICHC, 2133 W. Wisconsin Ave., Milwaukee, WI 53233. If the interest is there, we will talk about this at the Membership Meeting in November. This could be a successful fund raiser.

- Cate Harris

Malachy McCourt at ICHC

Irish American writer Malachy McCourt will lecture at the the ICHC on Oct. 24, 2000. He will be appearing in conjunction with his new book, Singing My Him Song, a companion to his previous book, A Monk Swimming. His speech will start at 7 pm. Call 414-345-8800.

Welcome New Members

DANE COUNTY - David and Lisa Hoon.

FOX CITIES - Bobby Green; Frank and Sue Eccles; Bill and Peggy O'Day.

MILWAUKEE - Harriet Arnold; Donald and Mary Ann Barrows; Eric Bonk; Ardene Brown; Royal R. Carey; Judith Chaplock; Joan Condon; Donald Cress; Patrick A. Dewawe Jr. Family; Peter Donohue; Michael G. Fitzpatrick Family; Virginia M. and John E. Glisczinski; Roxane Grahek; Catherine Henke; Mary and Larry Henkel; Kathleen A. Hughes; Jillian James; Sherry Daley Jung; Jim and Barbara Lauby; Clinton Luckett; Joseph and Bernice McCloskey; Cary J. Merkl; Joan Murphy; Mark K. O'Connell; Mike and Kitty O'Connell; Brian and Debra O'Connor; Mary A. O'Connor; Barbara O'Hara; Kelly Lynch and Erin O'Neill; Lois J. Peterson; Kate Richter; William F. Reilly Family; Mary Roberts; Ramoral and D.J. Rogan; David Timothy Schiffman; Susan and David Stefanich; Dorothy Sprong; Phil and Mary Tulley; David Wilkinson; Mary Wimmer.

NORTHEAST - Peter C. McCarthy.

SOUTH CENTRAL - Carol A. Mularkey

Membership Report

• JULY: 30 notices sent out, 27 paid,
dropped for nonpayment of dues.

• AUGUST: 64 notices sent out, 49 paid, 15 due.

• SEPTEMBER: 72 notices sent out, paid to date.

A very big thank you to all the Shamrock Club volunteers who worked at the Cultural Area at Irish Fest this year. The Shamrock Club gained many new members: Milwaukee 53, Northeast 1, Fox Cities 3, Dane County 2, South Central 1. Also, thank you, to our Irish Rose 2000 Mary McAndrews for all her help in trying something new this year: a Shamrock Club special during Irish Fest.

Finally, a thank you to all the people who donated to the Halfway to St. Patrick's Day Raffle. You helped make it another great success this year.

- Tom Smith

African Celtic Spirituality

The Third Annual Dialogue on African and Celtic Spirituality will be a four day event, October 18-21, 2000.

Wednesday, October 18 at America's Black Holocaust Museum, 2233 North 4th St., Dr. Tim Crain will speak on "The Influence of the Civil Rights Movement in America on The Civil Rights Movement in Northern Ireland." A panel, including John Gurda, Sheila Aldrich, Clay Benson, Celia Jackson and John Gleeson will respond. Civil Rights awards will be presented to four outstanding individuals, Ms. Vel Phillips, Marcia Coggs, Michael Cullen and Annette Cullen.

Thursday, October 19, from 7-9 p.m. a program of song and dance will be held at the Irish Cultural and Heritage Center, 2133 West Wisconsin Ave. The Irish Fest Youth Choir, the Youth Gospel Choir from Cross Lutheran Church, the Trinity Irish Dancers and Ton Ko Thi, the youth segment of the Ko Thi African Dance Company will perform. Mark Howard, founder of the Trinity Irish Dancers, and Roxy Kess, director of Ton Ko Thi will speak.

Friday, October 20, 7:30 p.m. to 11 p.m. at the Irish Cultural and Heritage Center, the ICHC Ceili (dance) group and African dancers will help us both learn about and practice Irish and African dance. This is not a performance. Participation by all is welcomed and encouraged.

Saturday, October 21, 8 a.m. to 1 p.m., at the Tripoli Temple, 3000 W. Wisconsin, discussions and workshops. The day features workshops on drumming, spirituality, dance and story-telling. Among the workshop leaders are Celia Farran, Tony Finlayson, Ellen Puerling, Rev. Ken Wheeler, Deacon Mike Cullen, Mary Helana, Val Banks, Sandra Rhodes, Terry Perry, Lena Sommers and Mike Brady.

The Dialogue, begun in 1998, strives to encourage interracial dialogue, educate church and community about the principles of Celtic and African spirituality, and encourage individuals to experience their own journey in faith.

For more information about the program, call the Nehemiah Project at (414) 803-7041, or e-mail

- Michael Brady

Early History of
Dane County Shamrock Club,
Part lI

Written by Marget Courtney, typed by Barb Darcey


During the first two years there were many hours of volunteer work to get our groups "on the road". Ruth Tormey and Rosie McMahan purchased and assembled song binders to be used by the Choral Group. Loretta Hamilton spent many hours embroidering the Tara Brooch design on gold-colored wool on the sashes for the Dancers costumes.

At the February meeting, The Literature Committee, under the direction of Flo Wrage presented a one-act play depicting the adventures of a leprechaun who visits New York City. Jerry Eyre played the leprechaun. Gordy Reese appeared as President of the United States. Lorraine Wilke, Neal King, and Frank Lemanski also had roles in the play. The reports in the March Emerald Reflections said it was hilarious!

It was reported that the proceeds from the Bard concert would be used for a Scholarship to Ireland for a cultural experience.

We received word that Genevieve Gersbach would not be able to continue as director of the choral group due to the press of other duties. Francis McMahan agreed to take over the directorship.

The festivities for March included a parade on Sunday, March 13 from Edgewood High School to the parking lot at Monroe and Grant Streets. A prize was given to the child with the most outstanding costume. The award? The honor of raising the Irish Flag.

The Second Annual Dinner Dance was held at St. Dennis Parish Hall. Larry McCormick was selected as our Irish Person of the Year.

The Board approved a request of the Madison Folk Music Society to share the sponsorship of the "Boys of the Lough" for a concert on April 14. It was a successful venture with an attendance of nearly 600 and a net profit for our club of $100.

The first scholarship was awarded to Sharon Scrivner, a primary school teacher, who was assigned to spend some time teaching at a school in the Village of Sneem. This was part of a graduate course offered by U.W. Whitewater. Sharon was to give a report to the club on her experiences when she returned.

At the May meeting, election of officers was on the agenda. Tom Green stepped down after 21/2 years of guiding the Shamrock Club to a very successful beginning and a solid structure for the future. Our newly elected President was Jerry Lynch.

On Saturday, the 14th of May, a Film Festival was held at Edgewood featuring two outstanding films on Ireland. Entertainment by our Choral Group and Dancers with a social hour rounded out a delightful program.

At our August meeting, our members were entertained by the McConaghy family of Baraboo. Don, Pat, Kelly, and Kerry provided an excellent program of song and dance that was thoroughly enjoyed by our members.

Two out-of-town events took care of August! On the 13th, under the direction of Shirley Armstrong, a group enjoyed a bus tour to Arlington for the races. On the 19th a group attended the "Irish-American Night" at County Stadium in Milwaukee for a baseball game.

The Literature group received a thank you letter from Bernard Schwab, director of the Madison Public Library. It acknowledged the Shamrock Club for their gifts.

At our October meeting, Sharon Scrivner, our first recipient of the Scholarship Award to study in Ireland presented a program of her experiences. Sharon taught at St. Michael's School at Sneem. Batt Burns was the Headmaster and it was through Sharon that Batt later came to Madison and became a good friend to many of our members.

A specially decorated cake was part of the bon voyage for Tim and Marge Casey who were moving to Ireland! Tim had retired and they had built a home in Bandon, which became a stopping place for the visiting Shamrockers over the years. (We were saddened to learn of Tim's death in December, 1999.)

In November, we were again entertained by our own "Actors" - the first play directed by Flo Wrage and "friends" was so popular that more was demanded. So, the Shamrock Players put on "Spreading the News" and it too was a huge success.

Ginny O'Brien returned from Ireland after spending three weeks studying six hours a day under the direction of Gertrude Walsh of Wexford. Members were urged to join Ginny and her dancers in learning these authentic dances!


Thanks to Del Canon for pointing out an error in an article about the Irish born war heroes. The persons honored with the Medal of Honor are recipients, not winners.





