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Emerald Reflections Online

Table of Contents -- December 1999

You are viewing the electronic version of Emerald Reflections,
the monthly publication of the Shamrock Club of Wisconsin

It's Time for An Irish Toast

Shamrock Club of Great LaCrosse Area

Fox Cities Shamrock Club

Shamrock Club of Rock County

Dane County Shamrock Club

New Dublin Announces New Web Site

Milwaukee President's Message

State Board Meeting Update

Welcome New Members

A Memorial

Milwaukee Volunteer Party

Milw. Cabaret Christmas Party -- Dec 2nd

Irish Christmas At the Milwaukee Museum

Milw. Nominations for 2000's Honorees

Cabaret Christmas

St. Patrick's Night 2000

Club's 40th Anniversary Update

Entertainment E-mail Service Announced

ICHC Concert: Andy M. Stewart with Gerry O'Beirne

Sets for Christmas with Rira

Almost-End-of-the-Year Set Dance

Holiday Sharing -- Celtic Women International

Sister Fidelma, Detective

Irish Holiday Treats

Donn's Poetry Corner: Christmas Poetry

Milwaukee Calendar of Events

It's Time for an Irish Toast

by Robert J. Higgins

Any time of the year is a good time for an Irish party and when you have one, of course, you will want to toast the good St. Patrick for starters and go on from there. Here are more great Irishmen worthy of toasts:

You may wish to toast an Irishman named Flor Begley, and never mind if you hadn't heard of him up to now. He was definitely important.


In 1921 Begley was a military bagpipe player who so inspired his unit, the Flying Column of the 3rd West Cork Brigade, in a clash with the British Army, that he is said to have "piped old Ireland free."

It was in 1921 that the original 26 counties to make up the Republic of Ireland achieved a measure of independence after centuries of English rule. One of the last battles took place at the village of Crossbarry in County Cork, when the Flying Column commanded by Tom Barry defeated a much larger British unit.

Begley had offered to fight that day, but Barry told him it was more important that he play his pipes. So Begley played while the battle raged and he became the subject of a ballad by Bryan McMahon, "The Piper of Crossbarry."

How about toasting Cuchullain? Admittedly, he belongs strictly to Irish legend, but he's considered to be one of Ireland's greatest heroes from pagan times. Cuchullain was really tough. When he was only six years old he was attacked by the most dangerous, meanest dog in Ireland, a giant hound belonging to Cullen the smith, but did that bother little Cuchullain? No, he simply grabbed the ferocious canine and dashed the animal to death against a stone pillar.


Later Cuchullain became a famous warrior and when the going got rough he relied on his ace in the hole – a strange weapon called the gae-bolga. This was a kind of spear with multiple, barbed heads, so once it hit someone it couldn't be pulled out. Cuchullain was the only person in Ireland who knew how to employ the gae-bolga because the really strange thing about it was the fact that he had to throw it with his foot!

Sir Boyle Roche should be on your toast list too for his own special reason. He lived from 1743 to 1807 and is known as the "Father of the Irish Bull."

Not an animal at all, an Irish Bull is an expression, apparently or actually delivered in all seriousness, but with the ending contradicting the beginning.

Roche represented Tralee in the Irish parliament. The Sam Goldwyn of his day, he said things like the following:

"Sir, I am not a bird; I cannot be in two places at once."


"Single misfortunes never come alone, and the greatest of all possible misfortunes is generally followed by a greater … The cup of old Ireland's misery is overflowing, and it's not full yet."

Writing to a friend in England – "You may judge of our state when I tell you that I write this with a sword in one hand a pistol in the other."

"If the question were put to me, sir, I'd answer at once boldly in the affirmative – NO!"

While he was alive Roche was regarded as an inspired idiot because of his statements, but there was a surprise after he died. When Roche's papers were exam-ined it turned out that it was all a put-on. He had carefully worked out his bulls before delivering them.

If you should want to toast an Irishman who fought in the American battle of the Little Bighorn in Montana in 1876 did you know that you have your choice of sides?

In this battle George Custer and his 7th Calvary unit were wiped out by a force of Sioux and Cheyenne Indians. One of the officers serving under Custer was Capt. Myles Keogh, a native of County Kilkenny, Ireland. Keogh had plans to return to Ireland after the pesky Sioux were subdued, but like Custer and the approximately 250 other men of his unit, he died at Little Bighorn.

A Sioux chief named Red horse is said to have called Keogh the bravest man he ever fought against.


On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of Little Bighorn, in June, 1976, Keogh was the subject of a newspaper story in an Irish newspaper, the Dublin Evening Herald. The Irish Press of Dublin also had a story about a Little Bighorn participant, with a surprise twist.

The Press found relatives of a man named Eoin O'Cathail, who said that O'Cathail had not only fought in the Little Bighorn River battle, but had survived the fight because he was on the side of the Indians!

The Press account said that O'Cathail was from Templeglantine in County Limerick. He emigrated to the US in the 1860s and became a farmer in Michigan. Later he developed an interest in Indian problems and he went west to join the Sioux tribe under Sitting Bull. He is supposed to have lived on to the mid-1920s.

Finally, would you believe that a man named Bram Stoker (1847-1912) is another son of the Emerald Isle who deserves a toast?

He was a writer from Dublin and it's too bad for him he isn't around now to collect money from the movie industry for all those films that have been made about the character he introduced in a book published in 1897.

You see, Stoker wrote the original "Dracula." Did you always think Count Dracula came from Transylvania?

Greater LaCrosse Area

LaCrosse Parade

Here are Dorina Lukins and Don Venner representing our Shamrock club in the Oktoberfest Parade in LaCrosse. This was one of their last official acts as our Irish Rose and Irishman of 1999. They did a grand job and we love them.

Our Christmas Party will be held at the Freight House in LaCrosse on December 7 and it is at this event that we will nominate and elect our Irishman and Irish Rose for 2000. Our members have received the details in our "Blarney" newsletter.

We still have no contingency plan for Y2K. Happy Holidays!

– Fred Smith

Fox Cities

Our officers for 2000 are:

President – Bill Grogan
Vice President – Tom Fink
Secretary – Elaine Hoes
Treasurer – Pat Warmbrunn
Directors – Jerry Burke, Dan Glasheen, Anna McGuinness
Membership Chair – Anna McGuinness

Our Cabaret/Dinner Show held Nov. 10, was a wonderful success. The corned beef and cabbage dinner was followed by a two hour fantastic assortment of very talented local musicians: two fiddlers, step dancer, flute and guitar duo, Irish piper, tin whistle, harpist, bodhran player, and our "infamous" Irish tenor from Holland town – Bill Clancy. He hosted President Clinton on his farm when Clinton was campaigning for President.

We had several door prizes donated. Highlight of the evening was the grand prize drawing for a Royal Tara special edition millennium bowl donated by Mystic Ireland.

Our Fox Cities club is now getting quite visible in the community.

Because of our increased attendance at monthly meetings we will be moving to a new location beginning with the December 8 meeting. Keep the following dates marked on your calendar: Dec. 8, Jan. 12, Feb. 9 and Mar. 8 (second Wednesday each month). Location: 1216 E. Wisconsin Ave., Appleton at 7 p.m.

Board Meetings will continue to be held at "Between the Pages" at 7 p.m. on the fourth Wednesday of each month: Dec. 22, Jan. 26, Feb. 23, and Mar. 22.

– Elaine Hoes, Secretary

Rock County


  • DEC. 21 – Christmas party at the Senior Center, 69 S. Water St., Janesville
  • JAN. 18 – General Membership Meeting at the Janesville Senior Center

At our October meeting we had 38 people there enjoying the potluck dinner and as usual there was plenty of delicious food. Later in the evening we were entertained by the Senior Choristers as they sang a great variety of songs including many Irish songs.

On Nov. 11 our club was represented by Fred McCann, Tom Kennedy, Jim and Kay Mackey, selling raffle tickets, at Wal-Mart in Beloit, to help raise money for a World War II Veterans Memorial in Washington, D.C.

Our Christmas Party will be held on Dec. 21 at the Janesville Senior Center. This will be a catered dinner with entertainment following. For more information or to make reservations, call Jane Vilbrandt at 756-2022 or Rosie Hughes at 365-0663.

May we have a full house at our Christmas Party, a Blessed Christmas and a healthy and happy new year.

– Tom Kennedy

Dane County

The October meeting was a great success! We enjoyed the music of Heartwood. The very talented duo of Katie Waldren and Candace Kreitlow provided many enjoyable songs and instrumentals.

The Christmas dinner is fast approaching! Please contact Barb Darcey at (608) 837-3095 for all the details. The dinner will be $12, and will be held on December 14, beginning at 6 p.m.

Please note! There will be no General Membership Meeting in January! There will be a Board Meeting at 6:15 p.m. on January 14, 2000 at Jingle's.


  • DEC. 14 – Annual Christmas Dinner, 6 p.m., Jingle's
  • JAN. 11 – Board Meeting,6:15 p.m., Jingle's
  • FEB. 8 – General Membership Meeting, 7:30 p.m. Jingle's. Board Meeting 6:15, Jingle's.

– Sheila O'Brien

New Dublin Website

New Dublin chapter of the Shamrock Club of Wisconsin has a new website. Check it out at:

State Board Meeting

Plans are being made but the information needed – possible / convenient dates, agenda – is not coming in as we had hoped. This is your meeting, we need to know what your wishes are. Please call or write.

        Cate Harris (414) 321-5153
        8835 W. Verona Ct.
        Milwaukee, WI 53227

Welcome New Members

FOX CITIES – Patricia Balestriere; Jerry Burke and W. Ritcher; Dan Curtin; Bill and Helen Ebben; Frank and Sue Eccles; Ken and Carol Felton; Tom and Barb Fink; Pastor Richard and Pam Frost; Dan and Barb Glasheen; Gary and Judy Griffin; Bill and Blanche Grogan; Elaine Hoes; Diane Lemke; John and Anna McGuinness; Ray and Kitty O'Connor; Maureen Radtke; Nathalie and Anne Skidmore; Frank and Pat Warmbrunn; John and Martine Wright; Jack Mr. and Carol Zuelzke.

LACROSSE – Bill and Kathy Bray; Dorothy Dowling; Paul and Jeanne Sullivan.

MILWAUKEE – Tom and Elizabeth Dundon; John Flanner; Paul and Joan Lucke; Angelo and Doris Vitucci; James Whalen.

ROCK COUNTY – Vivienne R. Martin.

SOUTH CENTRAL – Robert and Virginia M. Whitty.

Milwaukee President's Message

Folk Fair is over and we were successful. The setting at State Fair Park was much more convenient and a lot warmer. The new facility took some getting used to but it did run smoothly. Our appreciation and thanks to all who worked so hard to make this event successful, especially Pete and Fran Dundon. The soda bread was fine. Thanks, too, to Noreen Barclay and Mary McAndrews for their labors of love. There were no Irish dancers this year and they were missed but next year they will be back. Someone please think about being in charge of selling the advance sale tickets. We are required to pay for 125 tickets. We fell short this year.

The 40th anniversary committee headed by Dale Brenon is working on some exciting and interesting plans. The celebration will probably be an on-going event for several months.

The Shamrock Club Board voted to give the ICHC $250 to work on the landscaping around the building. A thankyou note from John Maher was read at our last meeting. It was greatly appreciated.

Thanks to Katy Voss's help, things are running smoothly at the Bradley Center. Volunteers, please remember to call her if you can't make an event and if you want to work for a special event. We can always use extra hands and we have a pleasant time with nice people.

Once a year, we, the Shamrock Club, honor a woman; man; and man, woman or couple as Irish Rose, Irishman of the Year and Parade Marshal(s). These people must be members of the Shamrock Club and have gone "above and beyond the call" for the Shamrock Club. There are many people out there who fit this description. Please let us know in writing who they are. At the January Board Meeting we will vote on the nominees and one of each, Rose, Irishman and Marshal will be chosen and announced at the February meeting. They will be honored throughout the year, at the Gala on March 17th, at the St. Pat's parade, and at the 40th Anniversary events. Please submit your entries to any board member or write to me, Cate Harris at 8835 W. Verona; Milwaukee, WI 53227.

The December meeting is a Cabaret Pot Luck Dinner. Everybody is asked to bring a dish to pass. This is the time to show off your culinary expertise – also it is a good idea to bring the recipe as they are often requested by members. Jean Cardwell and her brownies will take care of supplying the meat. This party starts at 6 p.m.

Just a reminder, Muriel Crowley will be at the Milwaukee Museum on December 19 (wrong date last month) from 11:30 to 3 p.m. There will be music and dancers and two craft demonstrations.

Entertainment books are still available at $35. Last call – great for last minute stocking stuffers and with your Entertainment Book you have a great excuse to go out for dinner. They are available at the Shamrock Club meeting or can be picked up at the ICHC, 2133 W. Wisconsin Ave.

Brian Witt is planning on forming a speakers group. They would speak on Ireland, culture, things Irish. They would be invited by other groups to give talks. If interested, call Brian at 423-4383.

The Club extends its sympathy to our Vice President Susan Dundon and her family on the loss of her mother.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year (and may all your computer problems be little ones) to all of you. Happy Birthday and Anniversary to all Decemberites.

– Cate Harris (321-5153)

A Memorial

A memorial was received by the Shamrock Club in honor of Elenore Murphy who passed away in July. Her niece, Alice R. Jasiorkowski of Milwaukee made this generous donation in Elenore's name. Our thanks for the donation and sympathy on your loss.

Milwaukee Shamrock Club

DECEMBER 4, 1999

ICHC Upper Hall * 7 p.m.

For info: 321-515

Cabaret Christmas Party – Dec. 2nd

The Shamrock Club's Annual Cabaret Christmas Party will take place on December 2, 1999 at the ICHC. Setup will be at 6 p.m., dinner at 6:30, Entertainment will begin at 7 p.m.

The dinner will be a potluck format, with the Shamrock Club providing a meat dish along with beer, wine and soda. A dish to pass, or a dessert will be appreciated.

Entertainment will be provided by Dublin native, Finbar McCarthy and Friends. Finbar is a long-time favorite of Shamrock Club audiences.

In addition, the Shamrock Club and the ICHC will kick off their December food drive with the dinner. Barrels will be provided through December 20 to collect non-perishable food. Food will be delivered to Hope House, a Milwaukee charity.

For more information on the Cabaret Christmas call (414) 423-4383.

Irish Christmas At the Museum

Join the Shamrock Club for its annual "Irish Christmas at the Milwaukee Museum" on Sunday, December 19, from noon until 3 p.m. Cost of Museum admittance is required.

We will feature dancers, musicians and more in the Town Square of the European Village. The Irish Cottage will be open, and Katie Sweeney and Mary Roffers will be displaying Irish Crafts.

For more information on the Irish Christmas display, call Muriel Crowley at (262) 782-4323.

Milwaukee Nominations
For 2000's Honorees

Nominations for Irishman, Irish Rose and Parade Marshal for 2000 must be made, in writing, to the Shamrock Club by the start of the January 27, 2000 board meeting – 6 p.m.

Send nominations to the Shamrock Club, 2133 West Wisconsin Avenue, Milwaukee, WI 53233.

Milwaukee Shamrock Club


Thursday, December 2, 1999

Finbar McCarthy and Friends

Pot Luck Dinner

Bring your favorite dish or dessert.
Club will provide meat,
beer, wine and soda

6:00 p.m. Set-Up

6:30 p.m. Dinner

7:00 p.m. Entertainment

For Information call: (414) 423-4383

St. Patrick's Night 2000

Let's kick off the millennium in style with our grand St. Patrick's night gala! Join us on the evening of Friday, March 17 in the gracious surroundings of the Milwaukee Athletic Club's Grand Ballroom for cocktails, followed by our Gaelic Gourmet Dinner (corned beef and cabbage with all the trimmings)! Then sit back for a feast of Irish entertainment featuring Ireland's premier ballad singer, Danny Doyle. "Doyle is indeed Ireland's finest balladeer. His voice is beautiful, his guitar playing never overshadows the lyrics and his stage patter is warm, engaging and often hilarious," says the Irish Times, Dublin. For information, call Mary June Hanrahan (414) 332-6048.

40th Anniversary Update:

The Shamrock Club 40th Anniversary Celebration will be held Saturday, April 8, 2000 at the ICHC. Stay tuned for more details. Photographs and memorabilia from the past 40 years are requested for a scrapbook and souvenir program. Contact Lisa Blake at (414) 299-0467 and leave a message or forward photos and memorabilia to: Lisa Blake, P.O. Box 5196, Elm Grove, WI 53122-5196. Please send photos and memorabilia with stories and identification on a separate piece of paper. Please do not write on the photos. Please send an SASE for photos and memorabilia to be returned. All donors will be acknowledged.

Thank you,
– Lisa Blake

Entertainment E-mail Service

The Shamrock Club is starting a weekly e-mail service listing Irish events in Milwaukee and Wisconsin. To subscribe write to us as:

ICHC Concert:
Andy M. Stewart with Gerry O'Beirne

"Andy M. Stewart has been called one of Celtic music's most gifted singers and arguably the best songwriter in the entire folk tradition."

Andy was born in Perthshire, Scotland and was raised in a musical family. His first noteworthy appearance in the musical world began as lead singer and instrumentalist for Silly Wizard. He continued in this role until the group broke up in 1988. It was during this time that he became known for his beautiful interpretations of the traditional; songs of Scotland and Ireland. His original songs "The Rambling Rover," "Golden, Golden," "The Queen of Argyll" and "Where Are You Tonight I Wonder" became instant hits and have been recorded by many. His songs and written music portray a tremendous feeling of emotion.

Gerry O'Beirne is also a very talented singer songwriter and a multi-instrumentalist from Dublin. He's a former member of Patrick Street, an Irish super group. He has toured with the Sharon Shannon Band, Maura O'Connell and Cathy Ryan. The current release of his own CD, Half Moon Bay, has brought him much richly deserved critical acclaim.

"In this exciting new combination, the audience will be treated to the wide ranging and diverse songs of Andy M. Stewart beautifully augmented by the unique and innovative guitar arrangements of Gerry O'Beirne. It should prove to be a continuation of the excellence and exuberance always expected and found in an Andy M. Stewart concert."

Friday, December 10, 1999, 8 p.m.

Advance Reserved Seats: $16; $18 at the Door

ICHC: 2133 W. Wisconsin Ave., Milwaukee

(414) 345-8800

Sets for Christmas with Rirá

The annual Set Dance Christmas Party will be held at the Irish Cultural and Heritage Center on Saturday, Dec. 18, in the ballroom on the second floor. Enjoy great traditional Irish music with Rirá, featuring Ed Paloucek on fiddle and Kathleen Congleton playing piano.

Newcomers interested in learning a set are welcome, as is anyone interested simply in enjoying the music and watching the dancing. Dance instruction will start at 7 p.m. and the live music will begin at 8 p.m. Refreshments, including tea and snacks, will be provided. Beer will be available through the ICHC. A freewill offering of $6 is requested.

Parking is available in the lots just south of the Center, off of 23rd St. Take Wisconsin Avenue to 23rd and go south ½ block to the alley on the left.

Almost-End-of-the-Year Set Dance

Thursday, December 30, 1999 the Public House Ceili Band returns to Milwaukee to play for a special night of dancing on the night before New Year's Eve. This dynamic band from Madison takes its Irish Music seriously and has a wonderful traditional style that brims with enthusiastic energy.

If you haven't seen set dancing or heard Public House, this is one event you won't want to miss. During the evening we'll sneak in a waltz or two for those unfamiliar with sets who would nevertheless enjoy a chance to take to the floor.

Dancing will begin at 8 p.m. and continue until midnight. At the break, we'll have snacks and tea. Beer and soda will be available for purchase to benefit the Irish Cultural and Heritage Center, where this special event will be held.

Holiday Sharing

Share your favorite and most delicious Celtic holiday treat. If your recipe is not a well guarded family secret, please bring a copy of the recipe. Questions: Gwen (414) 476-0119 or Jean (414) 257-3770.

  • Celtic Women International Holiday Gathering
  • Friday, December 3, 1999 at 5:30 p.m.
  • Irish Cultural and Heritage Center
  • 2133 W. Wisconsin Ave.; Milwaukee
  • Cost: $5 OR a Celtic treat to share

Sister Fidelma, Detective

In a new series of detective novels the crime solver and the settings are unusual. They take place over 1300 years ago and the detective is an Irish nun named Fidelma of Kildare.

Sister Fidelma is not only a nun from a convent founded by St. Brigid herself, but she is also a dalaigh, advocate of the law courts of seventh century Ireland. She is sent out to solve murders and take part in important conferences.

In the first novel of the series Fidelma goes to a conference in Northumbria in what is now England. In the second book she goes to Rome. The next three books take place in Ireland. In all the books someone is murdered.

The latest book is "The Spider's Web." The author of all of them is an Englishman, who writes under the name Peter Tremayne, whose real name is Peter Berresford Ellis.

One thing in all the books that is a little difficult is the names of the characters, which have little resemblance to modern Irish names. Men have such names as Moen, Beccan, Critan and Muahat, while women's names include Scoth, Cranat, Grella and Cron. Fidelma's brother is Colgu, King of Munster.

– Robert J. Higgins

Irish Holiday Treats

Potato and Leek Soup

• 750 g cubed potatoes
• 2 leeks thinly sliced
• 3 medium onions diced
• 2 T of oats
• 60g butter
• 2 cloves of garlic crushed
• 2 cups chicken stock
• 2 cups milk
• ground pepper
• ground nutmeg

Melt butter in large pan, cook onions and leeks for 3 minutes. Add potatoes and continue to cook until potatoes are golden brown. Stir in the oats and cook for 1 minute. Add garlic and cook for another minute. Reduce heat and stir in chicken stock and milk. Heat over low flame for 30 minutes, or until vegetables are tender and soup begins to thicken. Season to taste. Just before serving soup may be garnished with a teaspoon of whipped cream and chopped chives.

Irish Christmas Cake

• ¾ pound (3 sticks) plus 2 T butter, softened
• 1¼ cup plus 2 T all-purpose flour
• 2/3 cup coarsely chopped candied cherries
• 1¼ cup seedless raisins
• 1¼ cup white raisins
• 1¼ cup dried currants
• ¼ cup finely chopped mixed candied fruit peel
• 2 T finely chopped candied angelica
• 1¼ cup sugar
• 7 eggs
• 1 tsp ground allspice
• 1 T salt
• 1 cup finely chopped walnuts

Preheat the oven to 300°, using a pastry brush, coat the bottom and sides of a 9x3 inch springform cake pan with 2 T of the softened butter. Sprinkle 2 T of the flour into the pan, tip it from side to side to spread the flour evenly, then invert the pan and rap it sharply on the bottom to remove excess flour. Combine the cherries, seedless and white raisins, currants, candied peel and angelica in a bowl, add ¼ cup of the flour, and toss the fruit about with a spoon to coat the pieces evenly. Set aside.

In a large bowl, cream ¾ pound of softened butter and the sugar and 2 more tablespoons of the flour together by mashing and beating them against the sides of the bowl until they are light and fluffy. Beat in the eggs, one at a time, then slowly beat in the remaining flour, the allspice and the salt. Combine the nuts with the fruit mixture and add the mixture to the batter, about ½ cup at a time, beating well after each addition. Pour the batter into the prepared pan, spreading itout with a spatula. Bake in the middle of the oven for 1½ hours, or until the top of the cake is light golden in color or a cake tester inserted in the center comes out clean. Cool the cake completely before removing it from the pan. Makes one 9-inch round white fruitcake.

Dublin Coddle

• 8 pork sausages
• 4 rashers bacon
• 30 g drippings
• 2 large onions
• 2 cloves of garlic
• 4 potatoes
• ¼ tsp dried sage
• ½ cup chicken stock
• 4 T cider
• 2 T chopped parsley

Preheat the oven to 180°. Chop onions, crush garlic and cut bacon into strips. Peel potatoes and cut into thin slices. Places sausages in frying pan, cover with water and bring to boil. Reduce heat and simmer for another 5 minutes. Fry strips of bacon in dripping and add onions until brown. Add crushed garlic and cook for another minute. Remove all ingredients from pan and put aside. Place sausages in pan and fry until golden brown. Place potato slices in the bottom of a heatproof dish. Add bacon, onion and garlic mixture. Season with sage and pepper. Add chicken stock and place the sausages on top. Allow 1 hour cooking time and add chopped parsley before serving.


Christmas Cheer

by Martain O'Flaherty

"Smile," she says
As the flash blinds
Stars go up in our eyes
The family at home again

Food on the table
Distant meals brought to mind
Disparate lives brought together
One roof, one family again

We Irish are a hardy breed
Spread across the globe like ivy vines
One day, His day, in our mother's house,
"Happy Christmas" it is once again

A Galwegian Christmas

by Martain O'Flaherty

So chilly this evening
Our breath clouds in the air
Gloves, warm jackets, jumpers
Wisconsin winters do prepare

But this is Salthill
Down by the shore
Cold like this in Galway?
At Christmas?

Back at Mum's house
By her new artificial tree
Presents packed so tight
The kids all looking anxiously

But warm it is, peat block on the fire
Happy we are. Nothing more to aspire
Christmas at home
Galwegian at its core






