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Journal Day 7

Thursday August 19 1999

Our "waking up at the crack of dawn plan" actually worked today! At about 9:00am we finally saw moose. Keith and I were lagging behind when we suddenly come up to Lalasa whispering at us "shut up - moose" As we tiptoed up, there in front of us were 2 bull moose leisurely eating every leaf in sight, not caring that they were in the middle of the path right where we needed to walk. We stood there for what seemed to be all day watching him, Jeremy inching closer for the perfect shot. Ben

Took lots of pictures then finally moved on. We ate lunch at Daisy farm around 11:30am. The 4 miles to Three mile seemed very short. Ryan and Jeremy found a shelter for us to stay in. I arrived there about 10 minutes after. We took a dip in cold lake superior while we waited for the rest of the crew. They finally wandered in about 1 hour later. We ate soup for dinner, and unlike the last two nights we had more than enough to go around. Arius

As Lalasa Ben and I were sitting on the dock talking after getting water up the trail walked Becka and Greg Mickelson. Wow. Lalasa was so excited. It turns out they crossed our path at 2 other camp sites but we missed each other by a couple of hours. Lalasa moved into the group campsite with them and another party, the rest of up stayed in a shelter. We swam off the dock. Lake superior is so cold! Keith

Day 7 Shahara Falk-Lefay

"Experience is the name everyone gives to their mistakes."

-Oscar Wilde

It is so easy to be hard on yourself when you make a mistake. Lets face it, we all have made mistakes and will make many more. Looking at your mistakes as experiences from which to learn will take them out of the negative realm and gently place the firmly in a positive position in your life. We must be willing to experience our mistakes. Its the only way to learn both risk and trust. Risking and trusting begin with oneself and are the foundation for all experience, and how we interpret that experience. If you gave and experience, but miss the meaning, or lesson, then no doubt the experience of "mistakes" will repeat in your like over and over until you get the meaning and accept it. What hurts of is hard to face today, will only hurt more if left to face another day. Experience is not what happens to a person, its what a person DOES with what happens to him. Break free today from old patterns of thought that are keeping you trapped in old, repeating patterns of behavior. Muster the courage to seek out new experiences and don't be afraid to risk making a mistake. Exercise choice as to what you do with whatever happens to you. Its up to you to experience you LIFE, each and everyday, the way that you, indeed, choose to experience it. Our destinies are fulfilled through our involvement with those who share our experiences. It is not by accident but by design that you've been drawn together to share goals; We contribute to each others search for understanding; Enjoy these week of experiences with each other! Sweet dreams! (or wonderful morning!)

Shahara Falk-Lefay

(Jeremy's mom)

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