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Journal Day 10

Sunday August 22 1999

For the first time this trip we were not woken up by Jeremy. Had hot chocolate, Hot cider and donuts courtesy of Mr. Hartmann. We then waited for Mrs. Simmons. She arrived at 9:45. Then we went to find everyone else (all but Jeremy, Ryan and I). They were looking at the fort. We left for Sheboygan at 10:16 (9:16 WI time). Stopped in Iron Mountain MI at a McDonalds for lunch. Arrived in Sheboygan around 4:00pm. The adventure has now come to an end. Jeremy now has his TV. Ryan no longer has to play war by himself. Ben can now go shopping for his school clothes. Keith and Lalasa no longer has to put up with us ( well most of us). And now I have access to all my Duct Tape. So now that everyone is back to their Sheboygan lives I can stop writing. Arius signing off till next time, later yous guys.

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