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Meeting Nascar Drivers Story 3
Meeting Nascar Drivers Story 3

Well I read an ad in the paper for the Oneida Casino in Green Bay WI that said that they were going to have Nascar drivers, Matt Kenseth, Wally Dallenbach, Jimmy Spencer and Geoffrey Bodine on May 31, 1999. I had to go because im trying ot meet as many drivers I can but there was a problem. It was a Monday and it was from 9-10 am and I work on Mondays so I had to get the day off. My boss agreed knowing my obsession with Nascar and I had to meet Matt Kenseth. So I got the day off. Another problem. Having to get up around 6 am to go. Well I managed to get out of bed and get ready and leave. I thought there might be another problem. It was Memorial Day so I thought there would be a lot of traffic. Well there wasnt very much that early in the morning. This time I didnt get lost. Yay for me...lmao..Well I arrived and went to the information booth in the Casino and asked where the guys were gonna be. Well they told me at the tent outside so I went outside and saw a line and went over and stood with them for a bit. Well after a while standing there some security guards came out and said that it was being moved inside and they were gonna take the end of the line inside first so now it was like follow the leader. Well the people that were in the front of the line got mad cuz they thought then they would be put at the back of the line inside. Well the security guards took us in three groups. I had a hottie security guard take my group. Well they put us in a little hall area and everyone ended up being where they would have been in the first place. So they were all happy. Well finally the drivers arrived. Of course about 15 minutes late. Well I was surprised that there wasnt very many people there. Well my turn finally came and I had stuff for the guys to sign. Some cards but I figured the handouts were better so I had them sign those because they were only allowing one autograph per person. Of course some people dont listen to that though. Well first was Geoffrey Bodine. He was supposed to be there when I met the other drivers on July 17 1998 but he didnt show then but was there now. Then was Matt Kenseth. i about fainted cuz he looked so cute. I was like all cheery when I said thanks after he signed the autograph. Well next was Wally Dallenbach. Well I saw in an interview during qualifying when they were in Talledega that he wears his wifes underwear (If ya want I copied that interview in an email and I still have it so I can send it to anyone who wants to read that) So I was like, Well should I ask him or not. Well he signed the autograph and the people in front of me were a little slow so I was standing in front of Wally for a sec and im like Well what the heck do I have to lose ill ask him. So I asked him..."Are u wearing Robins (his wife) underwear" He was like "Not right now," I was kinda giggling when I asked now, "Do u still wear them," He was kinda laughing too and said "Yeah." So I had a good laugh. Poor guy probably gets teased about that so much. I couldnt resist asking him that though. Well last was Jimmy Spencer. Well I got my autographs then stood around to take pics. The hottie security guard was standing around there too so I wanted to stand near him.lmao. Well since there werent many people and after the line had gone through I decided I wanted another autograph on the cards I had brought. Well someone asked Geoffrey Bodine for pic so I went to Matt and he signed my card and I was all cheery like "Thanks a lot Good luck the rest of the season." He was like "thanks." Poor Matt I jinxed him cuz after that he seemed to start having bad luck...lmao..I swear look at his stats. The next race after that he crashed twice in the race. Well now they were preparing to leave and so I didnt get Wally or Jimmys again and they were all in a hurry to leave. They left 15 minutes early. Well someone asked Matt to have their pic taken with him and he did. I was too afraid to ask him. Ugh I regret that. Then I kinda followed out to the limo to take pics...IM NOT A STALKER..lmao..Well then some guy yelled to Matt as he was gettin in the limo that his wife wanted to shake Matts hand so Matt got out of the limo walked over and shook the ladies hand. Then he walked back to the limo and got in. THe lady was joking that she was never gonna wash her hand again. Maybe she was serious. So that was my third time meeting Nascar drivers.

To see the pics I took go check out the page here