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mOrE fLyy gUyS diSs wAyy-->

tHis Be Sou CHaNg frOm wAuSau,He Be MaH CousIN..He So SwEeT..

tHis is SoU's cUz frOm wAuSaU..he KyOotE HuH gUrLeEs?? HiS NaMe bE cHeWie cHA...:)

tHis is PLaYaZ_14 frOM iRc.....He KuTe..aInt he...sOrRY..He tAkeN..kekke:)

tHis is ser Xiong fRom GeoRgIa..daNg HE be LoOkIng DaYeM FyNe...HahhaHAHha:) buTt He tAkeN..U Noe wHo U aRe...hahhah:)

tHis is R11 fRom wAusaU..he gOes On Irc as puPpyBoy..he heLLa fIone HuH?? yeS I NoE...kKEkke:) He SingO!!

tHis is jaMes Lo from laX..aINt he a KuTe...E...ehHeh..yeaH i NOe..He 16...and..i tHiNk HEs sIngO..HehHE:)

tHis IS kOU vAnG....fRoM.....SaNta RosA...He is sIngO..aNd gO oN iRc aS.....kOuLgUy....Or keNdOg..hahah....:)hOLLa If You wAnT tHa HooOkuP!

tHiS iS wiLLy YaNg......fRom MiNnEsOdA...aInT hE fIonE....weLL I KnOw hE iSh fIonEr tHeN a mUtHEr f**k...Keke....HeS maH BaBe......

ThIs iSh tHe mEnO-bOieEzzZ...tHey mAh cOuSiNs..aNd thEy fInE..tOo.............

bAcK hOmE
