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**** Nur Mohamed ****
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My Trip to Monster Island

Nur's Island!!!
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(Jan, 2004) HOLY Guacamole! What a month. Work has been druk, druk, druk. There is always something to do, a text that needs fine tuning or pictures that need compiling or people that needs contacting. I have to say the Dutch working environment is "apart". Though at times I dream of the Malaysian style of doing things, the work experience here has nonetheless given me an insight of the Dutch work culture and ethics. Always one to rise to the occasion, I think I've done pretty well to keep my head above water and getting things rolling the way it should. There is no doubting the fact that I really miss those tea breaks back home but ah, soon I will be sitting on the beach soaking some sun. Since Jan 29, I am working for VNU Exhibition Europe in Utrecht. Specifically for VIV Exhibitions. At VIV, I am responsible for the maintenance of the unit's website, i.e, writing the text and sorting out the layout.

Thursday kicked off pretty good, cept for the fact that I was down with the flu. Signed the contract the following Monday and am heading back to work tomorrow.

Overall, its a good start for 2004. Am still going to school for my Dutch lessons. I passed my recent exams with "flying colours". The teachers and I were quite surprised by the progress that I am making. Although some of them are concerned that I won't be practising my new found language as much at work, I have made an effort of asking my colleagues to speak with me in Dutch. So far, everything is going "prima." :)

I will try and update this website of mine as often as I can with new tales of working life in Netherlands. A couple of years ago, I never thought that I would be able to get accustomed to the life here. But a lot of things have changed, taking on a more positive outlook. Come August I shall be returning to Malaysia for a long and well derserved holiday - loads of fun in the sun.

Nur in The Netherlands
Since October 10 2002 I am in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.