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Welcome to Willy Bach's Research links
If you are concerned about war crimes and crimes against humanity - and have access to some classified information that you wish to leak anonymously
Tips on building a socially responsible web site
Crimes of War - an excellent book which clearly shows that the United States was engaged in committing gross War Crimes and Crimes against Humanity, as defined in various United Nations Conventions, in the Indochina Conflict.
Bertran Russell Peace Foundation
War Crimes Tribunal and more
Human Rights links
Non Violent Defence
Tribune - British Labour Left
Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament - Britain
Labour Action For Peace
Human Rights Internet
Campaign for Freedom of Information in Britain
Campaign for a Free Press in Britain
Amnesty International
Guest Page - Australians at War Survey
Vietnam Veterans Association of Australia - National Council Inc
Royal Australian Engineers - WA
Air Defence Guards - see Ubon section
My Lai Peace Park
Vietnam War Project
The Opium War
No More Wars
F... War - The story of Tony Poe
Australian veterans
History of 4RAR including service in Terendak Camp, Melaka, Malaysia
Australian Vietnam veterans campaign for medals
US Defence Department instructions
Search "Leong Nok Tha" in "English" "world" to see a Map of Leong Nok Tha with the airfield and other geographical information (including travel and accommodation through - Travel
Ubon Ratchathani- geographic information>
Mekong Articles - Dams and Environmental Concerns
"Killing Hope" by W Blum
Nugan Hand Bank
Nugan Hand Bank - CIA and the drugs trade
"Defrauding America" by Rodney Stich
A CIA reading list
'The D Notice' by Moyra Grant (British secrecy)
The National Centre for War-Related Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
Ubon Ratchathani - Royal Thai Airforce - Guestbook
Air America,RAVENS, MIA, Hmong, Declassified State Department documents
My War: My Secret - Ubon 1968
Pappy Hicks Congressional recognition
Pappy Hicks and Vang Pao - a series of photographs taken in 1999
Pappy Hicks and the Secret Hmong Army
Last Days of Cambodia
Forgotten Heroes of the Secret War (in Lao)
Lt Col David Grossman - "The Psychology of Killing"
Covert Action Quarterly
Brian Martin, University of Wollongong - peace, non-violence
Peace Pledge Union
Campaign to stop exploitation of child soldiers
Britain's part in many conflicts around the world, including Special Forces, SAS in Laos and Vietnam
International Action Center (anti war)
War Resisters International
Nonviolence Today
Ploughshares - Anti-war Activists
Aid Watch - Mekong Campaign
Queensland Greens
Noam Chomsky at MIT
Noam Chomsky at MIT
Z Magazine
Veterans Support and Advocacy Service Australia Inc
Vietnam War Air America Log (Thailand)
Vietnam War Air America Log (Thailand)
Geoffrey Robertson - Human Rights Lawyer
Professor Johan Galtung - Peace Studies
Jens Galschiot, Danish Sculptor, the Human Rights Pillar of Shame
Professor Martin Stuart Fox, Laos historian University of Queensland, Australia
War Crimes Cambodia
Laos Refugees leave Thai Camps
Laos Undetonated Bombs
"The Secret Vietnam War" by Jeff Glasser
"The Secret Vietnam War: The United States Air Force in Thailand 1961 - 1975" by Jeffrey Glasser
ABC Radio NationalThe Law Report (genocide) (Geneva Convention) (War Crimes) Late Night Live - Philip Adams (The CIA and the Cultural Cold War) (Making War or Keeping the Peace) Crimes of War) Dr Inga Clendinnen - Reading the Holocaust
Search for "Mercenaries and Lyndon Johnson's "More Flags": The Hiring of Korean, Filipino and Thai Soldiers in the Vietnam War" by Richard M. Blackburn
Digital Freedom Network
Amazon Books
Antiquarian books
Australian Online Bookshop
Basement Full of Books
Book Web
Borders Books
Dymocks Online Shop
Internet Bookshop

McGills Bookstores
Tattered Cover
Ethical Spectacle
Net Censorship Dilemma
Nizkor the Nazi Holocaust of World War II
David Irving's page - so that you can see a holocaust denier for what he is
PEN American Center
PEN Canada
The poems Literary links Research links