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Dan's Movie Fun

My page doesn't have much on it yet, but I will be posting a lot more in the near future. I also plan on making it look nicer. I just created this page on 3/2/99, so give me a break.

Good Stuff

Angelfire - Free Home Pages
"Rock" Helgerson's Movie Page
My All-Time Movie Reviews Page
My Minute Movie Reviews
My Minute Rental Reviews
Internet Movie Database
250 Most Popular Movies At IMDB
AFI's Top 100 Movies
Mr. Showbiz
Movie Review Query Engine
Dan's Led Zeppelin List
Dan's Led Zeppelin Links

Film Studios

Miramax Movies
Paramount Pictures
Universal Studios


* The greatest trick the devil ever pulled                             *
*                 Was convincing the world he didn't exist             *
*                                           and like that              *
*                                                         he's gone..  *
*                              Verbal Kint                             *