nWWo - PPV Results
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[nWWo Hardcore Title Tournament - Round 1]: Fire-razor-bat No-Time-Limit-No-Countout-No-DQ- With Bill Alphonso Banned From RingsideMatch
Sabu pinned Brian Pillman with the Triple Jump Moonsault in 0:08:30.

[nWWo Hardcore Title Tournament - Round 1]: Fire-razor-bat No-Time-Limit-No-Countout-No-DQ- With Paul Heyman Banned From RingsideMatch
Rob Van Dam made Paul Diamond submit to an octopus hold in 0:17:50.

[nWWo Hardcore Title Tournament - Round 1]: Fire-razor-bat No-Time-Limit-No-Countout-No-DQ- With  Banned From RingsideMatch
Owen Hart made Stone Cold Tom Stone submit to the Sharpshooter in 0:10:31.

[nWWo Hardcore Title Tournament - Round 1]: Fire-razor-bat No-Time-Limit-No-Countout-No-DQ- With  Banned From RingsideMatch
Scott Steiner made Psicosis submit to an abdominal stretch in 0:09:37.

[nWWo Hardcore Title Tournament - Round 1]: Fire-razor-bat No-Time-Limit-No-Countout-No-DQ- With  Banned From RingsideMatch
Norman Smiley made Jerry Lynn submit to the Norman Conquest in 0:11:20.

[nWWo Hardcore Title Tournament - Round 1]: in The Sandman's Corner
The Sandman defeated Kanyon via pinfall in 0:00:28.

[nWWo Hardcore Title Tournament - Round 1]: in Tommy Dreamer's Corner
Shane Douglas pinned Tommy Dreamer after a fisherman suplex in 0:11:23.

[nWWo Hardcore Title Tournament - Round 1]: in Raven's Corner
Raven pinned Yoshiri Tajiri with the Evenflow DDT in 0:13:50.

[nWWo Hardcore Title Tournament - Round 2]: Fire-razor-bat Managers Banned From RingsideMatch
Sabu pinned Rob Van Dam with the Triple Jump Moonsault in 0:12:59.

[nWWo Hardcore Title Tournament - Round 2]: Fire-razor-bat No-Time-Limit-No-Countout-No-DQ- With  Banned From RingsideMatch
Owen Hart pinned Scott Steiner after hitting him with a foreign object in

[nWWo Hardcore Title Tournament - Round 2]: in The Sandman's Corner
The Sandman pinned Norman Smiley with the Running Forearm Smash in 0:17:34.

[nWWo Hardcore Title Tournament - Round 2]: in Raven's Corner
Raven pinned Shane Douglas after a vertical suplex in 0:15:05.

[nWWo Hardcore Title Tournament - Semi-Finals]: Fire-razor-bat No-Time-Limit-No-Countout-No-DQ- With Bill Alphonso Banned From RingsideMatch
Sabu pinned Owen Hart after hitting him with a foreign object in 0:18:30.

[nWWo Hardcore Title Tournament - Semi-Finals]: in Raven's Corner
Raven pinned The Sandman after a powerslam in 0:16:10.
The Sandman injured his left knee. He will be out for approximately 2 cards.

[nWWo Hardcore Title Tournament - Finals]: in Raven's Corner
Sabu pinned Raven after hitting him with a foreign object in 0:13:54.

30-Man Royal Rumble
Mabel won a 30-man Royal Rumble:
         x S.Michaels and Mabel started out.
         x The Undertaker entered at 0:02:00
         x Blitzkrieg entered at 0:04:00
         x Marty Jannetty entered at 0:06:00
         x Undertaker threw out Jannetty in 0:06:13
         x Undertaker threw out S.Michaels after a bodyslam in 0:06:34
         x Hollywood Hogan entered at 0:08:00
         x British Bulldog entered at 0:10:00
         x Dan Severn entered at 0:12:00
         x Bret Hart entered at 0:14:00
         x Bulldog threw out Blitzkrieg in 0:14:39
         x Severn threw out Hogan in 0:14:48
         x Mr. Perfect entered at 0:16:00
         x Goldberg entered at 0:18:00
         x The Giant entered at 0:20:00
         x Undertaker threw out Bulldog in 0:21:25
         x Chris Benoit entered at 0:22:00
         x Big Daddy Cool Diesel entered at 0:24:00
         x Mabel threw out Goldberg after a roundhouse right in 0:25:54
         x Diamond Dallas Page entered at 0:26:00
         x Kanyon entered at 0:28:00
         x Mabel threw out Undertaker in 0:29:12
         x Raven entered at 0:30:00
         x Mabel threw out DDP after a side step in 0:30:55
         x Steve Austin entered at 0:32:00
         x Triple H entered at 0:34:00
         x The Hitman threw out Kanyon in 0:35:04
         x Razor Ramon entered at 0:36:00
         x H threw out Big Daddy Cool after a legsweep in 0:37:07
         x New Jack entered at 0:38:00
         x Sycho Sid entered at 0:40:00
         x Sting entered at 0:42:00
         x Vader entered at 0:44:00
         x Sting threw out Severn after a side step in 0:44:57
         x Hulk Hogan entered at 0:46:00
         x Jeff Jarrett entered at 0:48:00
         x H threw out Sid in 0:49:59
         x Taz entered at 0:50:00
         x Syxx entered at 0:52:00
         x Lex Luger entered at 0:54:00
         x Taz threw out New Jack after a Northern Lights suplex in 0:54:53
         x Scott Steiner entered at 0:56:00
         x H threw out The Hitman after a single-leg takedown in 0:56:27
         x Sting threw out Perfect after a dropkick in 0:58:47
         x Sting threw out Chris Benoit in 0:58:56
         x Razor threw out Luger after a bodyslam in 1:00:51
         x Taz threw out H in 1:05:44
         x Mabel threw out Razor after a bodyslam in 1:06:25
         x Raven threw out Sting after a lariat in 1:10:37
         x S. Austin threw out Syxx after a chop in 1:16:44
         x Vader threw out S. Austin after a kneelift in 1:20:21
         x Hogan threw out Jarrett after a side step in 1:23:00
         x Giant threw out Vader in 1:25:56
         x S. Steiner threw out Taz after a side suplex in 1:29:02
         x Giant threw out Raven after a punch in 1:35:07
         x Giant threw out Hogan in 1:35:15
         x Mabel threw out Giant after a roundhouse right in 1:35:55
         x Mabel threw out S. Steiner after a stomp in 1:38:29

10-Man Battle Royal
Syxx won a 10-man Battle Royal:
         x M. Hardy threw out Lash in 0:01:59
         x Syxx threw out Psicosis in 0:06:57
         x Jannetty threw out X-Pac in 0:09:16
         x Jannetty threw out J. Hardy in 0:10:07
         x Syxx threw out B. Armstrong in 0:11:59
         x Sabu threw out M. Hardy in 0:16:17
         x Sabu threw out Jannetty after a spinning leg lariat in 0:16:34
         x Sabu threw out Chris Jericho after a frog splash in 0:17:00
         x Syxx threw out Sabu in 0:20:19

Yoshiri Tajiri defeated Brad Armstrong via pinfall in 0:00:56.

The Stinger and The Total Package beat Wings when Luger made Pillman submit to
the Torture Rack in 0:16:03.

Rick Steiner pinned Diamond Dallas Page with the Top Rope Bulldog in 0:19:58.

The Ultimate Warrior pinned Randy Savage after a small package in 0:17:45.

Scott Steiner made Mr. Perfect submit to the Steiner Recliner in 0:03:26.

The Texas Longhorns beat Great Muta and Masahiro Chono when B. Windham defeated
Muta by disqualification in 0:23:27.

Vader defeated The Sandman via pinfall in 0:06:48.

Goldberg pinned Hulk Hogan with the Jackhammer in 0:14:34.

Steve Austin pinned Lex Luger with the Stone Cold Stunner in 0:20:20.

Yokozuna pinned Jerry Lynn after a waistlock suplex in 0:15:07.

Paul Wight pinned The Giant with the The Show Stopper in 0:15:28.

Al Snow and Rocko Rock beat The Hardcore Legends when Al Snow pinned Dreamer
 after a German suplex in 0:19:23.

Raven pinned Shane Douglas after a power bomb in 0:10:37.

[DX vs Kamikaze Squad]: Special Six-Man-Tag Match
Masahiro Chono, Yokozuna and Great Muta beat The New Age Outlaws and Triple H
 when Chono pinned Mr. Ass after a diving shoulderblock in 0:22:49.

[nWo vs The Kliq]: Elimination Match
Hollywood Hogan/Syxx/Razor Ramon/Big Daddy Cool Diesel beat
Dan Severn/Bret Hart/X-Pac/British Bulldog  4 falls to  1:
         x Syxx beat Bulldog via a flying cross body press in 0:03:04
         x X-Pac beat Syxx via the Buzzkiller in 0:19:39
         x Razor beat X-Pac via a powerslam in 0:29:28
         x Razor beat The Hitman via the Razor's Edge in 0:31:44
         x Big Daddy Cool beat Severn via the Jackknife in 0:32:28
Survivors: Hollywood Hogan/Razor Ramon/Big Daddy Cool Diesel

[Rights to the HBK name Match]
Marty Jannetty pinned Shawn Michaels with the The Show Stopper in 0:19:44.

[nWWo US Tag Team Title Match]
The New Age Outlaws beat Perfection when Mr. Ass pinned Perfect after
a bulldog headlock in 0:08:47.

[nWWo TV Title Match]
Hollywood Hogan pinned Sycho Sid with the Big Leg Drop in 0:12:59.

[nWWo IC Title Match]
Big Daddy Cool Diesel defeated Tommy Dreamer via pinfall in 0:15:45.

[nWWo World Tag Team Title Match]
The Wolfpack beat The Triple Threat when Hall made Bigelow submit to
a sleeperhold in 0:08:44.

[nWWo International Title Match]
Sting defeated The Undertaker by countout in 0:06:57.

[nWWo World Title Match]
Bam Bam Bigelow defeated Mabel by countout in 0:01:01.

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