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Wecome to Mushnik's Home Page

Hi. My name is Derek and here is a page all about me and my life. Most people who come here know me anyway, so I'm not going to say much about myself on this page. If you don't know me, though, or if you are just really bored, feel free to take a look at a page that is basically a bio about me. Anyway, look around and have fun. When you are done, go some place that actually knows how to make a decent web page and maybe even actually has something to say.

Tell me what you think.

In FINALLY updating my site, this host has forced me into placing an ad for them in a popup window or on each of my pages sooo.......

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The American people are very generous people and will forgive almost any weakness, with the possible exception of stupidity.
--Will Rogers

For more cool quotes like this one, check out my page of Quotable Quotes

One thing I like to do in my spare time is read poetry. No, this is not the only thing I do, just one of the things. I figured I would share with you some of my favorites.

The Man With the Broken Fingers
The Road not Taken -- Robert Frost

While I consider myself to be far from being great at it I do like to write poetry. Most of the poems I write are kind of dark but this is not what my personality is like at all. I am not saying that I am an always optimisic totally happy all the time ray of sunshine that can make anyone feel better kind of person like some people I know(You know who you are), but I am not like the grim reaper either. Here are a few of the poems that I have up for you to check out.

War and Death

NOTE: Any critics out there who wish to comment on the quality and or contents of my poems may neatly write what they have to say on a clean sheet of paper, place it in an evelope, and file it in the garbage can on their way out the door. Thanks.

Anyway, that pretty much covers everything I wanna say for now. From here, feel free to check out my links page. I have at least a hundred that I need to add to it as soon as I get the time to do so.
If you have any comments or suggestions for my site, please email me and let me know. I am especially interested in finding pics that would work well on my pages. If you find any good ones, let me know.