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Brittski's Site


"Sorry, I don't have good eye-tongue coordination."-Jessie

"Piss off, you tosser!"-Jessie & Me

"Word banking is illegal in 49 of the 50 states."-Grooms

"Frau, you can't get a zero on an AP test... you get a 1 for drooling on it!"-Toria

"So his girlfriend's name was Anna, hey? Well, why couldn't it start with a "G?" You know, a silent one?"-Jessie
"Yeah, kinda like a quizzly."-Me

"Your skin feels just like skin."-Jaime

"Go go gadget tongue!"-Grooms

"You never quote me!" "I'll quote you when you're funny!"-Jessica & Me

"Anaphase RULES."-Me

"Flagpoles tend to be tall and dangerous to climb."-Mr. Olenchek

+Love vs. Hate+
uh, things I love vs. things I hate.

1.)LOVE: "hey there, grumpy gills!"
HATE: "can you hear me now?...good!"
HATE: Eminem
4.)LOVE:Stuff w/ ninjas
HATE:Death by ninjas
HATE:"pooty tang"
6.)LOVE:Lord of the Rings
HATE: Lord of the flies
7.)LOVE:"Pimp Juice" the car
HATE:"Pimp Juice" the song
9.)LOVE:Jake's peg leg
HATE: Jake's peg-legged mom
10.)LOVE:South Park
HATE:South Campus

+photos! Hell yeah!+

You are blessed with FAERY wings. Beauty,
laughter, life, magic...that's what you are all
about. You are refreshingly innocent and happy
with your life of purity and play. Life's a
game and it's a good one. In your eyes there's
no way to lose! You can be very mischeivous and
have been known to cause trouble, but it's all
in the name of fun and not meant to really harm
anyone. You like to play tricks on people who
aren't quite as bright or clever as you - which
is almost everyone. Nature is the setting you
prefer to be in - Always. Barefoot and wild you
can't be tamed. You're probably a restless
spirit who loves to travel, and quite a
dreamer. Your creativity is astounding and your
art (of whatever media - from writing to
painting to drama) is like something from
another world - ethereal and often very
fantasy-oriented. You can either be a social
butterfly or a loner with their head in the
clouds - but rarely inbetween. You stubbornly
refuse to accept responsibility or to give in
to the wishes of others - unless you feel like
it. You have a strong passion for music and
can't imagine life without it. You'll grow up
someday, but you'll always be a child at heart.
You are adventurous and love to take risks, and
feel a deep connection with the weather,
plants, and animals. You prefer sunshine to
thunder or snow, the warmth of summer to
autumn's chill, and quiet forests to suburban
backyards. Magic through and through, you are
far more powerful than you seem, and are
capable of being extremely passionate. Though
you can be childish, naive, stubborn, and self-
absorbed, one thing is certain - life with you
will never be boring!

*~*~*Claim Your Wings - Pics and Long Answers*~*~*
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