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December 1999

Find out a little bit more about the Gufs with this interview Interview with Goran Kralj

November 1999


Back in the Studio
The Gufs will be in Minneapolis on November 15th and 
16th recording new work. Producing will be Dan Wilson 
of Semisonic. 
Stay tuned for more updates!!! 

June 1999
~This is a letter sent to Mary Poytinger and sent on in
the Song's of Life Newsletter.  It is also on The 
Gufs Official Web Site!

~Dearest Mary,
So I have some news for you: 
The Gufs have left Lava / Atlantic Records.
We asked for "Holiday from You" back from Atlantic. 
and they gave it to us. The Gufs were not dropped from 
the label, they chose to leave the label. We are re-
shopping the disk to other labels now, which is really 
great because we now have the opportunity to find a 
home that will be more supportive and make the Gufs a 
priority. Which, because of their full roster and busy 
schedule, Atlantic just wasn't able to do.We'll keep 
you posted as things progress. Please feel free to 
forward this on to the troops. The Gufs need 
everyone's support just as much as they ever have.
Amy @ PMM

Welcome to the summer of Gufs...

~The Gufs have a huge tour lined up so I suggest checking out the tour section!!  They will not only be in the midwest so that is great news for all their fans!  

~I haven't heard them on the radio in we need to start requesting them again!  They are playing Stuck and Last Goodbye so get on the phone and call!!
or are some stations that you can email.

Where do I begin...

~~ Do you want to buy some Gufs Merchandise???
call the merchandise hotline at....1-877-888-GUFS 

~~ On marquette radio on Fridays from 9 to 11, we (Nate and Chris) will be playing as much Gufs as we can stand -- which should be a lot. Tell anyone to feel free to call (i'm sure there is some gufs on MiniDisc that can always be played) at 414.288.7687 or email at any time to hear some gufs. 

~~ New tour dates

~~ Keep your datebook open for July 1st and 2nd. The Gufs at summerfest (Lazer Stage) both nights...this can still be changed but as of now it is on.

~~~ Letter from Goran

~~~ Right now, the band is about 1/2 way done with the mixing for their new album. Early information is that all the new stuff sounds really really
fantastic!! There have been various release dates
issued, but as of today, the band looks to release the new disc by April.
(Mary Poytinger)

~~~ There will be no (none, zero, zip) holiday shows. the show at stout was supposedly the last show until the release of the *new* Gufs' album. Once the album is released, the band will head out on a big tour, and MOST likely play the west coast. 
(Mary Poytinger)

~~~ There baaack!!!
The Gufs are back performing for us...check out the Toursection for more details.

~~~ The new Gufs CD will be out in early 1999...January or February that is..we just have to be a little more patient!!

~~~ "Where Are You Now?" will NOT be on the new album. Dejan said that they really didn't find any room for it. We also agreed that more people will appreciate it when it is heard live then

~~~ The Gufs won another WAMI!!! They were nominated for best Artist of the year..and best male vocals (I believe) but won Artist of the Year!!!! Congrats to them!!