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LdYYaNg_18's HoMe PaGe

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If You want meeh, let meeh know it. I'll make time but, U got to show it. If you need meeh, I want to see. But, don't mistake meeh, I don't want U down on ur knees. I need someone, a real man, I need someone who understands. I'm a "Lady", I know just what I want and just who I am.

Garnett and I have been though alot...well I have been through alot. I'm a Lady and sometimes....I think about crazy things and it just get so difficult for me. I don't know I just can't believe that Garnett Her "hurted" me in a way that I could never hurt him. Sometimes I wonder if I get older and bigger....Would Garnett still love me? I wonder if I get stubborn or If I get sick...would Garnett still be there for me? How about if someone better than me would come along.... whould you leave? Sometimes I wondered if Garnett and I was going to make it? I think that "Love" is very difficult. I never knew how much I felt till the day that Garnett was gone. Garnett was always there for me, no matter what. No matter if he didn't want to do some of the things that I wanted to do. If I asked him, he did it. On the other hand, I didn't do some of the things that he wanted me to do. He just didn't tell me and where was I to go from there? He should of told me what he wanted from me, like how I told him what I wanted. I want to know why this feels so right? I want to know why you hold me tight? Could this be my whole fantasy? I want to know why your the one for me? I was not looking for love with Garnett, I just let all of my emotions go. Look at where I ended up...


I love you with all of my heart, but I hate you for what u did. I can never forget what you did to me. I never asked you for anything. I never knew what you wanted from me. I never knew your intentions. I never knew what my intentions was from you..untill the day that you were gone. I was not looking for love...I just thought that if I would open my heart, things would come naturally. When I was with you, things just seem right. You can make me smile and laugh in ways that other people can't. Deep down inside....All I ever wanted was for you to tell me and show me how much you cared for me. I wanted you to talk to me and I wanted you to be my best friend. Most of all, I wanted you to say that you "love" me before I say "I love you". I would do anything for you. You are my first love and no matter where I end up, You will always be the special someone that I care so much for. The one that I still get so emotional and I still cry for. The one that could make me so weak, and the one that could make me so happy. Most of all....the one I built my life around. I love you with all my heart. I love to be in your arms and I love to kiss you. You keep me up all night just thinking about what I like about you. I can't believe that you are in my life. I will always be here for you, no matter what. I thank God for bringing you into my life and I will always appreciate him for what he has givin to me. Thank you for being so patient and so kind to me. If I could have one wish...I would wish unpon the stars for you and me to be happy together till the day that we lay in the ground. If I could tell you one thing, I want you to know that you are the one that I choose to be with, you are the one that I waited for all my life. You are everything to me..... Thank you baby for everything and thank you for all those memories. Ps. Happy 22th birthday.

* Pang Ab Yang <--------Missin n Lovin only Bee Garnett Her...... *

*~*I miss u so much Garnett*~* September 29, 2002

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