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kEeP tHe BaCkStReEt BoY's PrIdE aLiVe

Keep the Backstreet Boys' Pride Alive

Hey every body! what's up? are you guys ready to enter my utopia? are you sure? well go ahead

Show me the meaning of being lonely... So many words for the broken heart... Its hard to see in a crimson love... So hard to breath... Walk with me, and maybe... Nights of light so soon become... Wild and free I could feel the sun... Your every wish will be done... They tell me... Show me the meaning of being lonely... Is this the feeling I need to walk with... Tell me why I can't be there where you are... There's something missing in your heart... Life goes on as it never ends... Eyes of stone observe the trends... They never say forever gaze, if only... Guilty roads to an endless love... (Endless Love) There's no control... Are you with me now... your every wish will be done... They tell me... Show me the meaning of being lonely... Is this the feeling I need to walk with... Tell me why I can't be there where you are... There's something missing in your heart... There's nowhere to run... I have no place to go... Surrender my heart, body and soul... How can It be you're asking me to feel... The things you never show... Show me the meaning of being lonely... Is this the feeling I need to walk with... Tell me why I can't be there where you are... There's something missing in your heart...

Your vote counts!

January 27-

Hey yall it's me, yet again. I just want to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Nick. His Birthday is tomorrow and he is saying good bye to his teen age years. his turning 20! can you belive it? little Nick, 20? oh well I guess he'll never look at this site but I just want to say happy birthday Nick!

January 29-

hey evey body This is Danielle yet again and I wanted to tell you that this site is now under major construction so please deal with me!

Febuary 13-
My Birthday was yesterday!!! yeay umm I haven't got any thing to say other than I got the group pictures up check 'em out!

Febuary 19-
Kevin and Brian are engaged! ahhhhhhhhh(not to each other!!!) I have been freacking out since like tuesday? or was it wedsenday I don't remember so I guess that that's it. oh and check out the new news section. chao peeps!




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[Nick's new hair cut]

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