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Pictures of Nascar drivers I met July 5, 1999
These are Pictures of Nascar drivers, Richard Petty, Mike Skinner and Mikes son Jamie I met on July 5, 1999. Click on the thumbnail to see the enlarged version of the picture.

This is Jamie Skinner. Who is 1 yr and 353 days older than me. Isnt he a cutie. He'd be even cuter if he shaved. At least I think so. Meagan disagrees with me. Ugh. What does she know anyways..lmao..
This is me with Jamie Skinner. Aint I a dork. Look hes is touching me. OMG ahhh. He smelled good too...lmao..
This is me with *the King* Richard Petty. Ugh I look awful in that picture. I wore a hat because I didnt feel like looking nice cuz I thought *what would they care* so I didnt care. Then I saw Jamie and regreted that. Hes kinda cute. I normally dont look that ugly. That has got to be the worst picture ever taken of me..lmao.. Check out the security guard back there..lmao