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Thank God For Epilepsy!

I can't even remember what year it was now. I just know it was after my ECT in 2002 and it was a few years ago so it was before 2013. Maybe 2005? Good guess? Who knows? Anyways... Long story short -

I would get these moments where I would get really nauseous out of nowhere. It would just hit me. And my hearing..high pitched buzzing at times. Vision would go. If vision went and hearing messed up I would basically be gone. Then I don't know how long it took me to come back but I felt fine when I did like nothing ever happened most of the time.

Sometimes I had episodes that I was aware of..I knew the nausea was coming and I was ready. Trained myself pretty well. I had one of my episodes happen in the middle of a therapy session once. Thankful for that since I was able to have another witness. I had another one Sunday morning at church when I was going over a poem I wrote. Thankfully it was before church it happened but I was so embarassed.

But it was sometime either in the middle of this all or at the end..I forget...I knew I had all the signs of epilepsy! I did my research. Went to the doctor. I was being admitted right away! WHAT?!?! More than epilepsy! I had a brain aneurysm. I tell people I am thankful for my epilepsy cause without it I wouldn't have gone to the doctor and I may have had a ruptured aneurysm. I'd be dead. They had to do brain surgey on the left side of my head where I now have a little dent. One somewhat little joke I have is that I am not as hard headed as I used to be :) Had the best doctor at the hospital. Head of the neurology department. Head of the head department.

My memory is still not the best at all. Short term is AWFUL!!!!!!!! I hate it. It is embarassing!!!!!! I feel awful with trying to learn names. I hate going to new things where I have to learn that. I love being with people but if no one had names to remember I would love it 100%. Instead I feel like a fool.

One thing I do think about at times where my mind isn't a mess....there are three times I should have died 1) The time I fractured 4 vertebrae 2) The 15 minute seizure 3) The aneurysm and epilepsy. I must still be here for some reason.