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GameBoy vs. GameGear

Have you ever wondered what was better, Game Boy Color or Game Gear? Have you wandered why Game Gear was never a real good hit? Why, Game Boy survived for years without color. Nobody knows. Maybe here are some reasons. I (Jonathan) own both and here are my opinions. This page will give you the good and bad points of the two.

Game Boy Color

Good Points

  • Familiar games
  • Game Boy Printer/Camera
  • Plays original GameBoy games
  • Smaller, more convenient
  • Only 2 batteries

Bad Points

  • Small screen
  • Can't play in the dark
  • No contrast wheel

Game Gear

Good Points

  • Larger screen
  • Can play in the dark
  • Colorful graphics
  • Contrast wheel

Bad Points

  • No new games
  • 6 batteries!
  • Old, not updated

Overall, Game Boy Color is better. Game Gear just doesn't have the good ol' games. Sega has seemed to quit working on the Game Gear.

The Two Competiters
