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[ j . m . e ]

Hey its me. Jamie. Most people take on the shorter form of jamie into JME feel free to do the same.

It has been a while since i actually updated this. i should probably figure out a new format and stuff, that will be fun. so yeah- maybe i will do that. anyway... I graduated high school this year.. in the fall i start college at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. It should be a grand old time. I am hoping to meet a lot of really cool people down there, since i havent found that many in green bay. but oh well.

There really isn't much to do here. I live in a small suburb of Green Bay, Wisconsin called Ashwaubenon and it is like majorly growing so it pretty much sux. I mean we have a lot of places to go just not a lot of people care to go there. I like to go bowling, and I like to go to movies. I hang out at friends houses too but that can get pretty boring on its own. But now since i got my license we got lots more to do and dont have to worry about how we are gonna get places.

In my school we have like I dunno say about 1,000-1,500 kids. The school is really cool...but we have a lot of druggies. Our school used to be the prep-school in the area but we have so many problems with drugs here it isnt cool. But people have problems and I leave that up to them to make their own choices because I dont try to get into that.

letter to brad 2001.

So, send me an e-mail. My aol screen name is VilleBue. My yahoo name is Rellbabe. I sure hope to talk to you sometime. :)

Feel free to skip on over to my virtual diary. Click Here for 'My Virtual Diary'

Chase & Jamie 2-14-01/4-26-01.

brad site


In Memory of My Cousin (((more pictures to come)))

Click here for some pictures of me.

My poems...FINALLY!!!

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