Tradegy At Fort Hood, Texas <META name="description" content="Poem, photos, Music"> <META name="keywords" content="America the Beautiful, by Margi Harrell, accompanies an original poem written after the shooting; photos from NBC Dallas-Fort Worth and a verse by Sir Walter Scott complete the page."
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The autumn wind turned tragic;
bravery’s finest were lost
This day, God welcomed angels
and we wept for the cost
The Fort Hood skies grew cloudy;
our teardrops fell like rain
Such utter devastation;
our nation grieves in pain

Civilians on the home front;
heroes due overseas
Their loss so very pointless;
we now fall to our knees
Our nation mourns their memories
and for those left behind
No words can speak the sadness
now left among mankind

I pray these newfound angels
will find a special place
A home so rich and vibrant,
built in God’s awesome grace
A temple made with honor,
where fortitude resides
Where these Fort Hood-based
heroes can rest e’ermore in pride

For those of us still earthbound,
left here to question why
I pray that God will guide us
while these tough days are nigh
No wisdom comes from senseless,
no peace comes from farewell
But, with His lasting guidance,
we’ll make it through this hell

The autumn wind blows colder,
our hearts are once more broken
We mourn the Fort Hood fallen,
with vast sorrow unspoken
Our nation kneels in tribute
with hearts no longer whole
Our memories of these angels
shall e’er be in our souls

A somber day of grieving has
touched the Lone Star earth
As we honor these angels
who brought our country worth
Their legacies so gallant;
lost heroes tried and true
God bless their lives and loved ones
‘cross the red, white, and blue.

This poem is in memory of the lives lost at Fort Hood as the result of the November 5, 2009 shooting. May God's strength guide their families, our state, and our nation through this difficult time.-- Jill

Jill Eisnaugle's Poetry Collection
Copyright 2009 Used With Permission

"Soldier, rest! thy warfare o'er,
Sleep the sleep that knows not breaking,
Dream of battled fields no more.
Days of danger, nights of waking."

Sir Walter Scott (1771-1832)

"To everything there is a season,
A time for every purpose unto heaven."
Ecclesiastics 3.1

Photos from: NBC - Dallas-Fort Worth
Some Graphics from:Creations By Dawn

Featured Music: "America The Beautiful"
Margie Harrell

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