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~*~ Welcome To Heidi's HomePage....~*~

Thanks for Checking Me Out!

From this page, you can already see that I'm a little...well, A LOT, eccentric (aka weird hahaha)! But, I've been called worse! LOL...but who ever said that "normal" was fun?! (NOT ME!) hahahaha...If we cant be ourselves, then who the hell ARE we?


I am 29, and an full-blown Aquarius! (you know- the wild, outgoing, love-the-hippies, into the 70's music, Astrology, Karma and SPIRITUALITY type thing!). Anything odd is fun to me...I like the unknown- keeps me thinking!

I live in a suburb of Milwaukee (you know- "Happy Days", "Laverne & Shirley"), Wisconsin, USA...

I am a single mom- I have a 8yr old son who is just the meaning of my life!

As for me, I am a photographer (i photograph anything from nature & sites to individuals and families)...I also have a degree in Massage Therapy, as well, which I do on the side. I am an extremely passionate person and love life and live it to the fullest! Life is too short... I know

Tomorrow is Not Promised to me, So I Love and Live for Today!

I'm into writing, Astrology, reading Tarot cards and palms- not only is it fun, but it can be amazingly accurate! I love a person with an open mind.

I strongly believe that this Life is only a small fragment of who we really are and what LIFE really is...I live by the rules I think GOD would want me to live by, not society...I consider myself to be a very deep person, but on the same token, i love to see who can hang a spoon on their nose longer than me at a restaraunt! Hahaha. I can make up flyers for a buisness in a half hour, but Math?! Forget it!! Hahahaha

As for my likes and dislikes, well...I love to travel (this is proabably because i moved around alot when i was a kid) but dont get to do it that often because having a son restricts me some... I thrive on adventure and change and always have to try something new...I believe in that it's not the situation- it's what a person makes out of it! I could have fun at an insurance seminar, I swear! Its all in the atmosphere and company...and if those fail, i could have a great time entertaining myself!

I love to go Camping- fish in the day and watch the stars all night...I love animals-like wolves...

I also LOVE Football! Since i am from Wisconsin, of course, I am a pride & true GREEN BAY PACKEER FAN!!!

but because I was born in San Mateo, California, I grew up with the San Francisco 49ers, and still like them. I also have lived in Michigan, New Hampshire, South and North Carolina as well as Cali and (many cities in) Wisconsin.

Most of my young high school years was being the loud-mouth, class-clown, trouble-maker who corrupted everyone (a parent's worst nightmare! lol) and was skipping OUT of school more than being in! But, I did well, believe it or not, and made my way to graduate! But LIFE itself was always the main learning experience to me. I may not make the big bucks, but I sure am rich with experience and memories! "Poor is the man who would die tomorrow with regret". So there! Hahahaha. I like working for my paycheck and blowing it on things that make me and my loved ones smile- on fun! Thats what its all about! I grew up being like the tom-boy in my neighborhood, always having a load of friends, mostly guys, so I'm not the average girly girl (thak god!) hahaha.

I like just hanging out...going to dive bars, listening to old tunes/classics on the jukebox, having a few beers, bands that play 70's and 80's, shooting pool or darts. I have settled down my party ways but still like to go out once in a while. You will never see me turn down a Miller GD or an invite for a fish fry...and i will never be at the mall when there is a Packer Game on!! (i am not one for shopping or long phone convos- not the typical female! lol). Football, Pizza and Beer on Sundays for me! No soap operas or talk shows for me...Just WWF, funny sitcoms and Buffy the Vampire Slayer! I LOVE scary movies & comedies! Anything on A&E or TLC too.

I'm more of a country girl than city girl (love nature and its sites over crowds, excitement and lights!) although I lok forward to 3 the summer- Summerfest!! and in the fall- Football season and haunted houses! And a night out with the girls...Look Out! My friends & I can sure drink the beer and just get wild and crazy! Clear the way for a group of girls who dont want to get hit on, but reminice, get loud and dance!

So, I am one of those "whatever happens, happens" type person...and if u ask me "Is the cup is half full or half empty?", I'm gonna tell ya "neither- its filled to the rim!"

What else can I tell you that I havent already? Now that you have Checked me out, why not let me check YOU out and email me so we can talk sometime! I love meeting new people! * Hope to Hear From Ya!! *

Life is a Journey- Why not be on It Together..?

Thanks for Visiting!

~ LOVE YA! Heidi Kathleen ~


Spiritual & Psychic Answers from the BEST
My bros biz- to buy or sell stuff
