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Before using Clairol Hair Color

This is a picture of me, Hector Perez, before I used Clairol hair colour to dye my hair. I had a little gray on the side and on the top of my head. I decided that a little touch of colour would change the gray. I followed the instructions point by point and did the self-test as indicated by Clairol. I applied the colour for maybe one or two minutes. After washing my hair the colour was nice and the gray had dissappeared.

Later on my head started to itch very badly. By the next day my head was burning. The glands on my neck were swelled up and the blisters were so bad that I had to have all my hair cut off.

I went to the doctor. I was told that I had a very bad infection all over my head and neck. Two months passed with that infection. Up to the present time, I have lost more than 40% of my hair in the front of my head. Some spots on the back of my head have no hair at all.

My recommendation to you is simple. What is tested on a dog, cat, or monkey is not always safe for humans. If you have a little gray be happy, because gray is the sign of a long life. If you do want to change the colour of your hair, find other natural products.

These pictures were taken after I dyed my hair:

If anything similar has happened to you, or if you have any comments or questions, please leave a message in my guestbook or send me email. Thanks.


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