Schatzie's Den - Love It Or Leave It
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Schatzie's Den - Love It Or Leave It

Welcome to my den. Pull up a chair and make yourself comfortable. By the way, you call me Schatzie or DaNufe. All's quiet on the homefront, there's a log on the fire, so put your feet up, relax, help yourself to a drink, or if you'd prefer simply browse around. I hope you enjoy what you see and the places that you can link to.


So you think you can have anonymity, if you so choose. Sorry!

Keep watching this area for some startling revelations.

It's coming here soon!

If you've read this far you've shown some interest and I'd now like to ask you to sign my guest book. I'm not in any numbers contest, I just like to hear from people and I would appreciate receiving comments (good, bad or indifferent) and I'll respond to all, if appropriate.

Why Schatzie or DaNufe

Schatzie is a name given to me by PoorMuffin, thus it's very special to me. PoorMuffin, I Luv Ya and because I luv ya here's a little something especially for you! Luv

DaNufe is a nickname attributable to my heritage.
You see I was born and raised in Newfoundland, and I'm a townie at that.

Who Is Schatzie or DaNufe

I was born in St. John's, Newfoundland on December 27th, making me a Capricorn. I was educated at Booth Memorial and the Fisheries College. I left Nfld at age 19 and have lived my entire adult live in various parts of Nova Scotia, currently residing in Windsor, in the Annapolis Valley.

I'm employed with the Province of Nova Scotia, in Halifax, and I commute daily back and forth to work. It's about a 45 mile journey, and when the weather permits I bike to work.

I have three beautiful children (of course I'm biased), Melanie born 09/86, Andrew born 05/88, and Jennifer born 08/91 and they spend every second weekend with me at my home.

I love the open road, with the wind in my chest, and spend a lot of my time cruisin' on my bike. It's an '81 Yamaha 1100, the "Eleven Special". Of course it's a "Harley" wannabe, and someday I'll own one, but for now, I'm happy with what I have.

Thoughts I Live With & Believe In

    • Live 4 2 Day, But Dream 4 2 Morrow
    • Be 18 Til I Die, And Live Til I'm 100
    • Grow Old, But Never Grow Up
    • Tell "PoorMuffin" That I Love Her
  • Activities Outside Of Work

    • Nova Scotia Junior "B" Hockey League
    • Royal Canadian Legion - Hants Co Br # 009
    • Windsor Day Care Centre
    • Spending Time With My Kids And My Honey
  • The Following Are Some Of My Interests

    Check out the Genealogy links.

    [ Genealogy Online] [ Genealogy Helper] [ Genealogy Links] [ Roots]

    [ Nfld & Lab Genealogy Research ] [ Brother's Keeper ]

    I've been researching my family tree and have it traced back to two brother's, John and William, who supposedly left Devon, England in the mid 17th century to fish in Newfoundland. They were what was then known as planter's. Once an apprenticeship (3 yrs) was completed, a planter was entitled to stay and fish for himself.

    It really wouldn't surprise me if they were given the option of going fishing in Nfld or being sent to the penal colony of Australia. Ha! Ha!
    Brother's Keeper is my choice for storing information. It is user friendly and does great reports.

    The Habs
    The Montreal Canadians (National Hockey League) and the New York Yankees American League Baseball) are, without a doubt, the greatest sport teams. You can disagree all you want, but you'll never change my mind. A few other teams that I favor are; the Pack and the Redskins, (National Football League), the Knicks (National Basketball Association), as well the "Ti-Cats" and the western "Riders" ( Canadian Football League). If by chance you are into other teams and/or other sports, click here.
    The Yankees

    My favorite TV show is the X-Files, and though I hate reruns, they do give me a chance to re-analyse each show to a fuller degree. There was only one episode that disgusted me, but there are those that probably liked that one. It was more of a comedy than anything, or at least it was supposed to be a comedy. I don't know.

    Click here for another X-File link. I like Millenium, PSI Factor (Yes I Know Poormuffin, I Know) and I'm a fan of Much Music as well as the A&E channel.

    Check out my music links.

    [ Much Music] [ MTV] [ Top 40 Chart] [ +A+ Music] [ CD Now] [ CD World] [ CD Universe]

    There are lots of them. Check out the reasonable prices and updates about all the new releases. Don't forget to check out Rick Dee's Top 40 as well as both Canada's and the U.S.'s music channels.

    Have you ever wondered about Atlantic Canada Universities.

    Well wonder no more. They're listed here:

    In Newfoundland, there's:
    [ Memorial]
    In Nova Scotia, there's:
    [ Dal] [ SMU] [ Acadia] [ St.FX] [ UCCB] [ The Mount]
    In Prince Edward Island, there's:
    [ UPEI]
    In New Brunswick, there's:
    [ UNB] [ Mount Allison] [ St. Thomas]
    And Everywhere Else, there's:
    [ All Other Universities - In The World ]

    If you like playing games on the net, check out the game links here and/or here.

    There's lots of free stuff and jobs, if you want one. Check it out.

    Cyber Postcards:
    [ Blue Mountain] [ Conk] [ Toon O Gram]
    More Cyber Cards:
    [ Mail A Meal] [ Hugs and Kisses] [ Nova Scotia Postcards]
    Cyber Flowers Or Presents:
    [ Virtual Florist] [ Virtual Flowers] [ Virtual Presents]
    [ Angelfire] [ Lpage] [ Hotmail] [ Bigfoot] [ Netaddress]
    Some Humour Links:
    [ The Gangster's] [ tba] [ tba] [ tba]
    Other Freebies:
    [ tba] [ tba] [ tba] [ tba]
    And Finally, Jobs If You Want 'Em:
    [ N.S. Government] [ N.S. Private Sector] [ Nfld Private Sector]
    And Across Canada:
    [ Canada's Job Bank]

    If You're Having Trouble With Nfld's Job Listing, It's Coming Soon.

    Are you looking for a "URL" or "Homepage" in Atlantic Canada? You may find it by clicking here.

    For example, if you were to search for Schatzie, you'd find this homepage.

    My favorite places to chat are the Chat Couch, Chatting (in the bar), Pow Wow and Ping.
    Check them out and if you see the name Schatzie or DaNufe say hi. I use other names, but for now I won't divulge them.

    Check out the following graphic links. You'll find some amazing pics.

    Looking for something just fill in the box and click on search.

    AltaVista Search Engine

    This comprehensive search engine is a powerful research tool.

    Click on these pics to link to the subject.

    Newfoundland - My Mother Land

    Check out these Newfoundland Links

    [ Newfoundlander's Adrift] [ Downhomer Magazine] [ Newfoundland Outport] [ Western Newfoundland ]

    If you ever have a chance to visit St. John's, you'll have to go on a pub crawl. You're bound to get screeched in somewhere along the way.

    Real Cool Personal Homepages

    Check out these Homepages

    [ Poormuffin's Palace] [ Slick's Place] [ Birdland] [ Yours Could Be Here ]

    >Please E-Mail Me If You know Of Any Real Cool Personal Home Pages >

    A Link To My Sponsors

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    The Genester Last Modified This Page - Thursday, September 18th, 1997 @ 10:00 am