Hi we're a 3 person band wanna be. We all attempt to play guitar. This is so dumb and crappy but oh well! In order to become a real band, we would need a bass player and a drummer and someone who can acctualy sing. However, we have a name! So... if you play one of the instruments that we need and you are interested in becoming part of a band, then e-mail us. It would also be necessary that you live near us. We reside in the north western part of Wisconsin. (In a really boring-ass town!) Our e-mail addy is funky_junk3@hotmail.com. (funky_junk like that) And if u want it to be even more fun to e-mail us, u could click on the guitar too! ;) Also if u want to contact us we have AOL IM. Our s/n is FunkyJunk3. If u dont have AOL IM, we also have ICQ. Our ICQ number is 61949901 and the s/n is Funky Junk. If u don't have AOL IM or ICQ we also have Yahoo IM but we are rearly on that but when we are the s/n is Funkyjunk3. Oh and could u please sign our guest book, even if u think our page/band idea sucks?


Time left before the last day of school! (May 30, 2001)


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