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  • ForceFans FAN Poll
    Which do you think should be made into a Cinema Scene?

  • Any questions, comments, news? Please send them to us
    DarthMenace, PeteGuy, DarkSith

    12/20/99 Maul/Obi 2-Pack Pics
    Posted by DarthMenace
    Here are the latest pictures of the highly anticipated Darth Maul vs. Obi-Wan 2-pack. Thanks to RebelScum for the image use.

  • Loose side-view
  • Darth Maul sliced

    12/20/99 "Soft Goods" Wave OUT NOW!
    Posted by DarthMenace
    The new wave of figures to hit stor is Darth Maul "Sith Lord" w/ lightsaber and removable blades, Obi-Wan "Jedi Knight" w/ comlink, and Anakin "Naboo Pilot" w/ pilot helmet and cockpit controls.

    12/19/99 Episode One: Racer Goes for the Gold
    Posted by PeteGuy
    Racer was released for Macintosh this week and it seems to be on the hot items list! If your not sure about buying it for your kids, their is a download area on the LucasArts Webpage. Now that Racers on the computer it's a multiplayer game and extremely popular. So, if you got an iMac or G3 w/ 32MB of RAM, I recommend you buy it.

    12/18/99 CCG: Enhanced Jabba's Palace
    Posted by PeteGuy
    Decipher announced a new Enhanced Deck being released in January 2000. It is very exciting to hear that a new character will be making her first appearance in CCG. If you haven't guessed it, it's our beloved Mara Jade! And even more exciting, it will also contain her lightsaber. For pics and more details just click here.

    12/18/99 Correction!
    Posted by PeteGuy
    We are sorry for any misunderstaning, but the LucasArt's Jedi Power Battles is actually a 3rd person shooter, aka The Phantom Menace for Playstation, not a Mortal Kombat type game. However, it's exciting to hear that this game can be played cooperative as well as single player.

    12/18/99 "You must...feel The Force around you."
    Posted by

  • DarthMenace
  • PeteGuy
  • DarkSith
    Today we have just past the 1000 visitors mark. We would like to take this opportunity to thank the good folks at The Force.Net for making this possible by making this site "Site of the Week" a couple of weeks ago. This made a world of difference to ForceFans and we would have never made it here without them, And help from surfers like you who helped us along. We hope you continue to visit our site into the new Millennium and get us up to "The Lucky Number" of 2000 visitors. Thanks Everyone, MTFBWY!

    12/18/99 New Hasbro Toys for 2000
    Posted by DarthMenace
    Here is a list of whats to come in 2000, courtesy of YakFace.Com.

  • Episode 1 Figure w/ Mini Vehicles & 12"s
  • Obi-Wan Kenobi with Gungan Sub (KB) - Jan
  • Faamba with Gungan Warrior (FAO Schwartz) - Feb
  • Darth Maul with Sith Infiltrator (KB) - March
  • 12" Chancellor Valorum & blue Senate Guard (Fan Club) - July
  • OOM-9 with Trade Federation Tank - Aug

  • Classic POTF figures/ W Commtech Chip
  • Princess Leia (Hood Up) - Feb
  • Admiral Motti - Feb
  • Chewbacca - Feb
  • Wuher - April
  • Obi-Wan Kenobi - May
  • Jek Porkins - May
  • Darth Vader (Dagobah) - July

    12/13/99 New Legos OUT NOW!
    Posted by DarthMenace
    That's right they are out now. The B-Wing, A-Wing, Slave-1, Tatooine Skiff, and all the others are in stores. Check your local stores for these very soon.

    12/8/99 Collector Stories
    Posted by DarthMenace
    I've posted a new Collector Story, so feel free to check it out. Remember, we do except YOUR stories, just send them to us!

    12/8/99 New RPG Page: QuarterMaster's Office
    Posted by DarthMenace
    KnightsBlade RPG has been updated with a brand new feature to their page. The QuarterMaster's Office will allow you to see equipment, lightsabers, blasters and more being used in missions, including a equipment list for each character. Just click here for a shortcut.

    12/7/99 New 12"s
    Posted by DarthMenace
    Next year we will se many new 12's that have been on lots of fans minds, and some not so much. Thanks to TheOuterRim.

  • Darth Maul on Sith Speeder
  • Shmi Skywalker
  • Senate Guard & Chancelor Valorum 2-pack (FanClub Exclusive)
  • Possible BountyHunters 5-pack (please, please, please..)
  • Darth Sidious
  • OOM-9
  • Jar-Jar on Kaaduu
  • Aura Sing Masterpiece Edition

    12/6/99 LucasArts' New Release!
    Posted by PeteGuy
    LucasArts has announced their plans on creating a new game for the Star Wars fans. It's called Star Wars: Episode One Jedi Power Battles. Although the name sounds dumb, it features a Mortal Kombat type game, but with a little touch of Star Wars. And for those of you who love the Jedi Council members, you can be Adi Gallia, Mace Windu, and also Plo Koon. And of course it also stars our favorite: Obi-Wan Kenobi and Qui-Gon Jinn

    12/2/99 R2-D2 Blister Change
    Posted by DarthMenace
    Since the new cases of figures comes with Holo Sidious and E1 R2, both of which have large blister packages, Hasbro has changed the R2 blister to be thinner and put the fig in a different position. Yet another in the endless array of SW variations.

    12/2/99 "There's...too many of them!"
    Posted by DarthMenace
    A whole bunch of new figs have been found in Wal-Marts for the most part in the Wisconsin area. These include Holo Sidious, Naboo RoyalGuard, Vader w/ interoggater droid, and Classic Stormtrooper.

    11/30/99 Episode 1 Back in Theaters
    Posted by DarthMenace
    CORRECTION:For 7 days, beginning on Dec. 3rd, Episode 1 will be back in theaters. All proceeds go to local charities chosen by participating theaters.

    11/29/99 Maul/Obi 2-pack Info
    Posted by DarthMenace
    The Darth Maul that will come in the new 2-pack with Obi-Wan DOES split in half. It achieves this by having a magnet in the cut that hold the parts together and breaking apart easily, and from the picture I have seen, it apears that the Obi-Wan has a button on his back, I would asume this to be like the Deluxe Obi, push the button and he swings, but that would be speculation.

    11/29/99 StarWars Not #1 ?!
    Posted by DarthMenace
    A poll done by AccessHollywood showed the results of 106016 respondents, listed below, of their favorite movies of the millennium, even though film was not invented until the end of the millennium, oh well.

  • E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial 1.0%
  • Forrest Gump 1.7 %
  • Raiders of the Lost Ark .9 %
  • Star Wars 37.2 %
  • Titanic 59.3 %

    11/22/99 Jedi Council CCG Out!
    Posted by PeteGuy
    Well folks, it's here. New Jedi Council CCG are hitting the stores everywhere, why I've already bought a few. That's right! Use the members of the Jedi Council to defeat the evil Sith Lords! Ha ha ha ha ha....

    11/22/99 RPG Update
    Posted by PeteGuy
    They've finally updated the RPG webpage by adding the new character biographies webpage. They've assured us that more will be coming soon!

    11/17/99 Site Updates
    Posted by DarthMenace
    Well, finally I have gotten new ActionFigure Cinema pics up, and because of the long wait, I have added 2. I have also posted pictures of a Darth Maul costume on the Customs page so check 'em out! UPDATE:The Advice and Collectible of the Week pages have just been updated.

    11/15/99 ActionFleet Wave 3
    Posted by DarthMenace
    Here is the next wave of AF. Looks like some good ships!

  • Queen's Royal Ship
  • Neva Kee's Podracer
  • Boles Roor's Podracer
  • Trade Federation AAT Battle Tank
  • Sith Infiltrator

    11/15/99 Wal-Mart HUGE Clearance!
    Posted by DarthMenace
    I stopped by Wm yesterday and saw lots of clearance items. Here is a list:

  • R2-D2, R5-D4, Wicket AC: $14.95-->$5.00
  • Sneek Preview Stap: $14.95-->$4.00
  • ROTJ 12" Barquin D'an: $19.96-->$10.00
  • Fold-out Cantina Diorama: $14.96-->$5.00
  • E1 Deluxe Figures: $9.96-->$7.96

    11/15/99 StormTrooper solid cases
    Posted by DarthMenace
    There have been reports of solid cases of the new Stormtrooper. This is great news for those of you who dont have one yet, and are planing on building an army!

    11/11/99 Carded TC-14 Pic
    Posted by DarthMenace
    here is the first pic of the carded TC-14 which seems to have a different card. The bottom red color fades up. Thanks to YakFace.

    11/08/99 Wuher FanClub Exclusive!
    Posted by DarthMenace
    The Fan Club has an exclusive window to offer the new Wuher action figure. Collectors will be able to purchase Wuher from the Fan Club exclusively beginning in February. It will not be available at retail for many months after that but they will have it to offer to collectors shortly after the new year. Thanks YakFace.

    Archived News