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Temet Nosce
Know Thyself

For the movie dorks out there, "Temet Nosce" is on the plaque about the door to the Oracle's kitchen in The Matrix, and The Matrix:Revolutions. All the Greek crap is "Temet Nosce" (Latin) translated to those weird Greek symbols (Greek). It's also tattooed on the back of my right calf (which was rather painless, except for the ω which stung quite a bit because he didn't actually remove the needle from my leg while making it, so the skin kinda tugged).

Orangeville City Champions - White Sox

White Sox, Orangeville City Champs
Front Row (l-r): Ryan Medwid, Troy Barwick, Darius Barlas, Jesse Cormier
Back Row (l-r): Ben Gill (Bench Coach), Dave Humphrey, Charles Ten Eick, Josh Fontanna, Mitchell Burns, Mike Fish (Head Coach)
Once again, I have found time in my "busy" schedule to actually update my page! I know, you're excited. Anyway, the above picture is my Little League baseball team, who were the 2004 Orangeville City Champions. I have never been so sunburned in my life as I was over the championship weekend.

You can read my 'blog by clicking The Mike Statement link below. The Mike Statement began when we I was working at Blockbuster and our name tags had Blockbuster's mission statement on it. For the record, it was one of three mission statements that we had in the store at the time.

Anyhow, I always tried to be clever with my name tag, so in the name space, instead of just "Mike", I put "The Mike Statement". A lot of people would ask me what "The Mike Statement" was, but, to be totally honest, I've never really been sure. I suppose my 'blog pretty well sums it up in a selection of thoughts and events that pretty much revolve around me complaining about things.

I have since quit Blockbuster (one of the best days of my life), and now work at EB Games while going to school at Georgian College in Barrie. I still know plenty of people at Blockbuster who are doing their best to get out, but in the meantime, they're just doing out damndest to bring it down from the inside. Damn the man. Bring down the Evil Empire.

My baseball games this year

April 5, 2004 (Also the 1-year anniversary of Carley and I going out, so I owe her big time for this)

Game Program, signed by Mike Clemons 'Pinball' Clemons' autograph

The Jays lost 7-0, but we had two foul balls come closer than I have ever had them come before. It was a much more exciting game than the first one I took Carley to, even if they did lose. Plus, we got to see Rondell White dance.

May 19th, 2004

Minnesota Twins, May 19th

Grrrr...they totally blew it. With one down, the bases loaded, and the Jays up 5-2 in the top of the ninth, pinch hitter Matt LeCroy comes up. It looked like there'd be no problem getting a groundball out of him and an easy double play to end it. Nope. Kapow. Grand slam. 6-5 loss. Crap, 0-for-2 now. But, as always, a great time, great seats.

June 27th, 2004

Frank Catalanotto program

OK, so this was kinda Pat Hentgen's last cry before he retired, and he gave up six runs in an inning and two-thirds. We'll miss you Pat. I'm 0-for-3.

August 13th, 2004

Jason Frasor program

After a 4-0 loss to Sidney Ponson and the Orioles, I am now 0-for-4 this year. This is not exactly going well.

September 3rd, 2004

Vernon Wells program

Once again, they lost, 7-4 to Oakland. It was, however, the best game I have been to this year, bar none. My dad and I got there early, and got a really good picture of Tim Hudson warming up, and we got to see both Nick Swisher and Russ Adams get their first major league hits. Swisher actually scored two runs.

And, finally, the (almost) best part. As we were leaving, we saw a crowd around the A's dugout, so we walked over. Swisher was signing autographs! We just missed him, but I was this (I'm holding my thumb and index finger really close together) close to getting Nick Swisher's autograph.

Autobiographical note: I have a Nick Swisher problem. I'm working on it, but it's been a tough couple of years.
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His Holiness, the 14th Dalai Lama
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