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Forgotten Glades of the Fey

A place of laughs,
a place of tears.
A place of cuddles
and quite a few beers.
In the positively
loverly memory of...

What's New on My Side O' the World?

3-17-03: Please pardon the mess--I'm still in the process of Spring Cleaning ((iggying the fact I started that HOW long ago?? lol)) You can read some of my own stories, visit some of my friends' sites, whatever you want to do, feel free. My only rule is: don't trash the place! Have fun, keep it real, kiddos!

4-4-03: Yay! It's been forever, but I've finally been able to work on this place a bit. I've changed the layout around, and I hope it's easier to find everything now. I've also added some more writing and links, and, yes, finally I've put up a page about myself. Not only does this talk about me, but also some of my best pals, and it also has...((drum roll, plz))...a picture of me! ...I'm surprised Angelfire hasn't spazzed and killed the site! :p Anyway, hope you guys like it, and I'll be working on all this fun stuff more in the future. *Kissies,* kiddos!

4-15-03: Poems, poems, *blach,* the funny thing is that I really prefer prose over poetry, lol! BUT, for all you comedians out there ((and if you know me at all, you MUST have a funny quirky bone in you, lol)) I have also added some stuff "On the Lighter Side," mostly because I'm sick of hearing your b^tching, lol. Procrastinators of the world, unite! ...Tomorrow.

6-5-03: Life bites rank, crusty donkey balls. Get over it and leave my site alone if you don't like it. Thank you.


Tales by the Timorous Dancer

Flaming Turds are Funny--2003
Heh. Just in time for Mother's Day is my poem from class for my mommy...okay, so maybe you won't understand this unless you know one of us, lol, it's straight out of bizarro-land! :p So, everybody tell your mommy you love her, and don't get freaked out by the extreme weirdness of my family!

A Thing Only She Could Understand--2003
And, along with all the loving Mother And Daughter Emotional Crap ((MADEC)) comes this profile I had to write about my mommy. It sucks, but, hey, c'mon--it has more references to flaming turds! You've *gotta* love it! :p

The Lonely Wind of Barneveld--2000
A sad story about the mysterious ghost of Barneveld, whose voice is often heard in the wind, calling out the name of her husband and her unborn child. I got this story into the Creative Writing Festival at Whitewater, and it placed something good, I forget though... I think the only thing she liked about it was the song at the end, lol.

Dude, Don't Run in the Halls!--2002
A more humorous story, playing on some of the rules at our local school, this tale loosely tries to relive the Robin Hood legend. Very loosely. Like Las Vegas h00ker loose, lol. Batman, Soup Day, and CAR--this one's out for you, I'll miss you guys!

The ((True)) Adventures of Beowulf--2001
Another comedy, this one takes a closer ((and considerably more fictional)) look at the legend of Beowulf. The stupid thing about this one is I wrote it for extra credit in Sophmore English...and sort of forgot to turn it in. Whoops! Oh well, that just means that you're closer to being the first one to read it. Right? Right? :p

Smirking in the Shadows--2003
I didn't quite know what to classify this as, because it came from the classwork we did trying to copy Sandra Cisneros' vignettes, and is sort of like the other ones I wrote, but sort of not. So...maybe it's a little bit of everything. Either way, it's here. And, honey? You know who it's about, too! *wink*

An Autobiography--2003
This is an essay that we had to write in a certain class...I won a panda bear for it...but I wouldn't suggest reading it for entertainment purposes. It attempts to be humorous, but it deals with some things that happened in my life that...if you know where I'm coming from...may be hard to read. Just a cautionary note. about a week or two, I'll included the revised ((and consequently much *longer*)) version.

Quantum Physics: Not Explained--2001
This also didn't quite seem to have a home anywhere's a project that I had in Physics in which I had to explain the Quantum Theory. It didn't work so well, as you'll see. But, it *is* good for a humorous story, and to note that sometimes, creativity really does overcome blatant ignorance! :) How so? I'm the only one in the class who a) didn't understand anything about the theory and b) got an "A". Man, I loved that teacher, lol! Assorted Poets

"Mouse Bane"--1997
Okay, so this actually was the first poem I ever wrote Heh. I include it *only* as a) entertainment and b) as an example about what *not* to do, lol. Plus it shows definite improvement over time. *Trust* me.

"The Four Seasons"--1998
One of the first few poems I had ever written, it talks about, obviously, the four seasons. Don't expect a masterpiece, children, lol!

"Demon of the Night"...or..."Fluffy"--2000
This one is more recent than the others, but, once again, it's main purpose here is more like entertainment than anything else, lol.

"Faery Dreams"--2001
One of my latest poems, it can be found under, and also is written in Spanish, here.

You Walked into My Life
This was sent to me by someone who used to be very close to my heart...

Digital Midnight Sunrise
This was shown to me by someone who is more of a friend of a friend, but this is still a poem which I know that a lot of you out there will understand. *Hugs* to you know who.


These two poems were both written by a classmate of mine, and I really do like them both, so I decided they should be on here as well. Maybe some day I'll give local artists their own page on here, but until then...*shrugs* Enjoy!

Assorted Poems and Songs
This is just a page with several better known works...eventually they'll be on their own page, but for right now they're here. Btw, if anyone could help me out and tell me the artists of the two songs, I'd be much obliged. I'm just too lazy to figure it out on my own time, lol, but if someone knows them off the top of their head...

Feminist Poems
Hehe, all the femme poems got to be so many that I'm very proud to say they now have their own page on here! :) lol, and for all you guys who keep on complaining about it--nyah, nyah, I told you so! Lol, I can't help it that all you can do is grunt and can't get your feelings into words! :p Jk, guys, you know I luv ya! So, read 'em, love 'em, move on with a new understanding of life. That's what poetry's made for.

On the Lighter Side...AKA, F***ing Funny @$$ S***

Put in a Bad Word
If you've ever been in need of a good set of curses to rattle off at someone who's really been putting the tang in your clam chowder, this is about where you need to be. Questions? Kiss mine. Check it out, duder, don't waste my time!! :p

Three AM Thoughts
Ever had someone say that *one* thing to you just before you fall asleep that keeps you up thinking the rest of the night? No? Well, go here and try it some time, and have someone try to scratch out your eyes because they'll hate your guts for it, lol. It's well worth the look of pure hatred in their eyes, lol!

Save the Kittens!
I could take the time to describe this, but...on the other hand, you should just go see it. It's Classic, lol! Thanx, Billy Bob, for sending this in to me! Don't kill too many of the cute lil buggers, ya hear? :p

People Both Near and Dear

Uncle Tim
Timmers, I'm not sure if I'll ever know exactly what happened to you, but you'll always be a pain in my left foot's memory, lol. Here's an entire page dedicated to you and all the hilarity you brought to my life. *hugs*!

All the People I Love to Hate :)
Mmmmm'kay, yeah, this'll be up soon enough, but not quite yet. Not quite. The Crazy Things We Say
Yeah, yeah, famous people say some pretty important stuff once in a while, but have you ever really listened to some of the sh^t that comes outta your friends' mouths? My gawd! It's worth listening to, lol. Trust me!

Links to Rawkin' People

The Coolest Sh^t Alive
Joe, everyone loves you even though you're gonna KILL yourself in that f*ing movie, so who could resist having links to your site? You Glassjaw freak! :p

Goddammit, someone's got me writing "gj" on everything I have, and you know who you are! So, might as well link to them, too. :p

Kick @$$. What more need be said?

L7 Comix
Can't forget Rennifer, now can we? :p
USS Anubis
Are you a Trekkie, and I mean on any level? Then get your lolly-gagging @$$ into this site. Why? You'll see. *grin*

Mat Blak
Calling all Geeks! Calling all Freaks!! Calling anyone who just needs a scare! This place'll crack you up. No, I mean, as in the insane way., I'm serious, lol.

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