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Below are a whole bunch of links that hopefully will help us stay in touch!
Email Addresses
Home Addresses
College Addresses
Helpful Downloads 
Student Profiles
Here are a few things that hopefully will help us keep in touch on this web page!
Message Board
   Just leave a quick message about whatever you can think of!
Chat Room
You never know who you might happen to run across if you stay for a few minutes!
My Guestbook
Sign my guestbook!
View my guestbook!
Email Me!
 Welcome Class of 1999!
Well, I've finally gotten settled in and have a little free time to update the web page - as of now, all of the information that I have is posted on the page.  If yours isn't up, I don't have it, so send it to me!
Welcome Class of 1999!  As you can see, this page is still greatly under construction, but hopefully after a few days I'll have it up and running!
I need as many updated email addresses, college addresses, etc. so that I can update the rest of the pages - if you have a second send me an email!