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Apron Strings

Hold me to tightly and I need to breathe, you won't let me and I have to be myself, I have to be free.

I am who I am you can't change me thou you like to see me through different eyes, those are just lies. I like who I am and where I go and who I see, Among other things I got to release myself from these apron strings.

Keep me tied down, being fortified, I can't leave please hear my cry, I can't be who you want me to no more. I feel like I'm dead inside, I'm blinded but I don’t try to hide. Feelings don't have to be this way with me.

Ode To coffee

 It started with a bean all in my head I had a cup of joe and I'm lying hear dead. I'm in a daze I'm all confused don't know where it went. My coffee's gone my money's gone It's all been spent. Cappachino is pretty cool, don't forget expresso yea it ain't no fool. If you haven't figured out by now this is what I got to say, coffee is my friend and it is hear to stay.

No one likes soda, no one likes tea no one likes it better than coffee hey wait that’s me. No one likes soda, no one likes tea no one likes it better than coffee hey wait that’s me.

It's the outlaw of the bunch, you don't want it near. Its decaffeinated coffee get it away from here. They're my two soul mates, their sugar and cream. Every day there around me life is like a dream. Now caffeine a good thing as you can see. It makes you kind of happy and it makes you got to. Empty me out, put another filter in, fill up my pot and baby let's begin.

No one likes soda, no one likes tea no one likes it better than coffee hey wait that’s me. No one likes soda, no one likes tea no one likes it better than coffee hey wait that’s me.



Every thing around me seems to frown. People look at me like I'm some kind of clown. Angry faces sense my fear. Down my check rolls a tear.

Your existence is useless I was once told. The soul inside of you is already sold. Your existence is useless I was once told. The soul inside of you is already sold.

All alone my self and I. Cold, so cold, wish I could die. The confidence once had now is none. The world in side of me has no sun.

Your existence is useless I was once told. The soul inside of you is already sold. Your existence is useless I was once told. The soul inside of you is already sold.

Broken hands try to help me up, but it's useless why can't they see. The light in my soul remains unlit


Go To Prom

I wrote this song trying to get rich. It didn't work to well isn't life a bitch. No one liked it so I recorded it myself and if you don't like it you can just go to prom.

I ain't no poser and I ain't no pimp. Even though some times I might like to be. Just because I don't score that often don't call me limp. And If you do you can just go to prom.



 I live in darkness, your full of joy. Manipulations, your little toys. You have my reings, I'm choking on the bit. If it don't work you make it fit. Your loyalty I know I'll miss. It's got to end I can't live like this.

Like a contortionist I'm twisted in a knot. The ways I know are different now, my life is all distraught. I hate your twisted ways I can feel them when your near. That's why I have to go now cause I can't live, Live in fear.

I have to go there's nothing for me hear. Just let me go your puppets what I fear. Don't tie me down I need My life back, just let me go or is your heart to black.

Like a contortionist I'm twisted in a knot. The ways I know are different now, my life is all distraught. I hate your twisted ways I can feel them when your near. That's why I have to go now cause I can't live, Live in fear.

 I live in darkness, your full of joy. Manipulations, your little toys. You have my reigns, I'm choking on the bit. If it don't work you make it fit. Your loyalty I know I'll miss. It's got to end I can't live like this.

Never Going to Score

I'll probably never score, it's ok if it doesn't happen to me. I'll probably never win the lottery. I don't see what you see in him but I see what you don't see in me. It probably takes him an hour or two, but I'd be done in three seconds.

There's lots of things that I probably won't do, I won't eat stuff I find on my shoe. There's lots of things that I probably won't do but no matter what I want to get with you.

Now that he's gone off to college, now that he's not here to kick my ass. Maybe I can take you out to dinner and we'll find out how long I can really last. Would you like it if I played it smooth, would you mind if I coped a feel. Uhhh you in your black cardigan . SMACK Ouch that really hurt

There's lots of things that I probably won't do, I won't eat stuff I find on my shoe. There's lots of things that I probably won't do but no matter what I want to get with you. X2

Remain the Same
In a world twisting and turning. Innocents are burning. Some of them stumble and many fall down, but somehow I manage to keep my face off the ground. And others will fall victim to the flame but I hope through it all I'll remain the same.

Visions are blurry I'm just about insane. Don't know how much longer I can sustain. I feel as though my efforts were all in vein. I close my eyes so I don't see your pain.

A mother and daughter are taking. Through life's worries their walking. A father as left them alone, the truth may never be shown. And others will fall victim to the flame but I hope through it all I'll remain the same.

Visions are blurry I'm just about insane. Don't know how much longer I can sustain. I feel as though my efforts were all in vein. I close my eyes so I don't see your pain.

Sobi One Kanobi
Blah blah blah blah, Blah blah blah blah, I can't think of anything to say right now so blah blah blah blah. I live with a pickle but I put a wig on her. Her name is tatooed sally and some times she can be a bur. John jacob jingle himer shmit. That’s my name to, when ever we go out people always shout, John jacob jingle himer shmit.

Sobi One Kanobi, Sobi One Kanobi Sobi One Kanobi, That’s the way it's got to be. Sobi One Kanobi, Sobi One Kanobi Sobi One Kanobi, That’s the way it's got to be.

One day long ago I talked to a tree. I't wasn't very nice so I said "Ha Ha I got to pee". Apples are nice just like uncle bens rice, bananna's are yummy but they get squishy in my tummy. I Like onions all in my bed But I think I'd Rather have Kristy Finsted.

Sobi One Kanobi, Sobi One Kanobi Sobi One Kanobi, That’s the way it's got to be. Sobi One Kanobi, Sobi One Kanobi Sobi One Kanobi, That’s the way it's got to be.

My My My My, My My My My, My My My My My My My, My My My My, SHAFT! Trees are green just like grass, Hea if you make me mad I'll kick your butt. I hate the government, more than you or me they took away my gold fish, they took away my TV.

Sobi One Kanobi, Sobi One Kanobi Sobi One Kanobi, That’s the way it's got to be. Sobi One Kanobi, Sobi One Kanobi Sobi One Kanobi, That’s the way it's got to be.

You Are
First all I wanted was to be around you, then all you wanted was to be around me. I was considerate of your time but all you want is to be mine. I thought that’s what I wanted but you changed my mind

You Played me betrayed me and nothing you gave me will ever mean anything. You lied to me cried to me, something inside me said you were pretending.

 Now all I want is to go back, Back to how things used to be. Back before we were a thing, back you and me.

You played me betrayed me and nothing you gave me will ever mean anything. You lied to me cried to me, something inside me said you were pretending. You played me betrayed me and nothing you gave me will ever mean anything. You lied to me cried to me, something inside me said you were pretending.

You complicate my life.(X4)

You played me betrayed me and nothing you gave me will ever mean anything. You lied to me cried to me, something inside me said you were pretending. You played me betrayed me and nothing you gave me will ever mean anything. You lied to me cried to me, something inside me said you were pretending.

You came in uninvited. You just showed up at my door. Another unexpected visit. I can't take this any more.

You high is my low. I try to leave but you won't let me go. I don't care what anyone says. Your obsessions are my Annoyances.

You want my attention but I want you to leave. I try to escape this tangled web that you weave.

You high is my low. I try to leave but you won't let me go. I don't care what anyone says. Your obsessions are my Annoyances.

I don't return you calls but you never get the hint. My anger is ignited and you are the flint. You act like your desired, but desired you are not. I can't stand you presence this lesson must be taught.

You high is my low. I try to leave but you won't let me go. I don't care what anyone says. Your obsessions are my Annoyances.

Sweet smell of summer, fade into the night. Shorter days darkness looking for a warmer light. Clouds hang lower now, gray slow and touching me I crawl into my boat and head out for the sea.

The song in my mind like the rain on the water freely gives itself to the oceans daughter. The song in my mind like the rain on the water freely gives itself to the oceans daughter.

The wind moves the waves they crash to fold on my, what started out calm is now a raging sea. The waves toss and roar I struggle to stay aflot, crested waves show me I'm fragile in this boat.

The song in my mind like the rain on the water freely gives itself to the oceans daughter. The song in my mind like the rain on the water freely gives itself to the oceans daughter.

Like tears from the sky the rain pours down on me, Only warm sun can return those droplets to the sea. O why can't I learn to set these feelings free. The Oceans daughter water from the sea.

The song in my mind like the rain on the water freely gives itself to the oceans daughter. The song in my mind like the rain on the water freely gives itself to the oceans daughter.


Hey hey do you want me, hey hey do you need me. Hey hey do you want me can you live with out me. Hey hey do you want me, hey hey do you need me. Hey hey do you want me can you live with out me. 

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