
    Welcome to the DX dialogue/Roundtable page. These are basically comments or reactions sent at the end or along with your loggings to DX-midAMerica! Rather than going through everything posted, you can get a general "feel" for how things are, or have been of late, or what you might have missed! Comments will be kept up a few months as conditions change day to day and minute to minute!
    A line will separate monthly entries:

Sep 23: Conditions seem poor and noisy but I nabbed my first new log of the season. It's a start. Only 24 to go to reach my 25 new ones this season goal.
Sep 22: Never thought 580 would be such a gold mine today! Always surprising - AMazing AM!
Sep 21: Wow! The pipeline to the South was opened! Cuba, 640 WBIN and rare WMPX nice, nice, nice!
Sep 2O: SS on 860, lost. 800 had easily 3-4 stns fighting it out. Moved on after 6 minutes.
Sep 18: You need to update the Suncoast/Gulf Coast GY list on WWJB.
Sep 17: No T-storms, like yesterday. Odd cx. Stations usually in, were not. Au? Just stuff from all over!
Sep 16: 4 days in Wawa,ON, Sault Saint Marie,MI w/2 good radios. lousy cx OR TV interference. NOT this way years ago...
Sep 11: 1070 and 600 were wide open this morning. Some freqs were 3-4 deep. Lotta time lost chasing UNIDs I guess.
Sep 08: What a day! What a day! The 830. KLAA????? 660 ---totally stumped. Listened to tape easily 5x. I give up...but will be back tomorrow, hi!
Sep 06: What a difference a day makes! Yesterday was lightning & thunder. Today was SK AB and a few goodies: KOJM WMBN!!!!
Sep 05: The lightning static/crashes and later thunder which shook the house kinda shortened this session, hi.
Sep 04: Getting up earlier was a good decision, with a few noted here, and more choices too, and the dog would nap.
Sep 03: WoW! Will be at the dials earlier tomorrow for sure! Will be worth the effort!!!!!!!
Sep 01: Lackluster session today. No other way to say it.
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Aug 3O: What a morning! And the end of August quite different from the beginning. A few freqs were 3-4 deep!
Aug 29: Nice morning w/WHBE KTNN and KFNZ. Short session.
Aug 28: Well, it IS heating up. A 79 dew point in L'Anse was the hight DP I've ever seen. WJTI off totally....again. Kinda like old daytimer days!
Aug 25: Tried new Eton Elite for FM this morning. Quite nice! 4 months to Christmas. Merry Christmas to me! hi!
Aug 24: Quite a nice morning with not many, but good catches. WCBS and CFOS gone soon, I guess. Slight changes too, with KNMX CKSL and KOIL in. It's warming up!
Aug 23: WoW! Still a nice session, prior to morning T-storms. Only one coffee today. By December, up to 3-4, hi!
Aug 19: Quickly fizzled out after local sunrise which was around 7AM local EDT.
Aug 17: Bought THREE new radios the other day! Eton Elite Executive, CC Radio 3 and Sangean ATS-909X2....so this boy loves his toys! Guess it's fun to never grow up.
Aug 14: 2 NEW in one day ... in AUGUST! No way! YES...way!
Aug 12: Yesterday much better and yest, 1600 had no KGYM. Music and AMerica in the Morning noted. Both lost.
Aug 11: Used to think the season began around the 20th of August. Convinced it has begun to heat up now!
Aug 10: This dx session was an absolute gift! A few rare/not common catches noted, so worth effort after dog up 3:30 for potty, hi! (Always blame her, hi!)
Aug 09: Yesterday was much better here, but WBET was a total treat!
Aug 03: In 40 minutes this was it. Back to sleep!
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Jul 31: Es were out more than in, but still managed to snag two new logs thanks to RDS.
Jul 30: Tomorrow is last day of KHRT. Doubt I'll hear it w/so so conditions. Too, one month from now, the DX picks up!
Jul 26: Plus plenty of West Michigan stations in (Mostly GRR,) one or two from FWA, and a couple of CLE and SW Ontario off the back. These were the most noteworthy.
Jul 26: Well finally an opening here on FM. There were NONE last year at all and this is the first one this year. I am now over 800 FM stations heard from Manitoba.
Jul 22: Wow! What an improvement after yesterday's dismal dx day! Quite, quite nice!
Jul 2O: Not a lot at the dial today. FM radio on. Nothing - and I mean nothing in! Not even a whisper!
Jul 15: Stuff in yesterday not in today. Have had much better days! FM on open freq all day yesterday. Nothing.
Jul 11: I had the sdr on 1476 for a while last night (around 0400 UTC ) but there were no traces of any TAs showing up on the spectrum display. I left the sdr on while asleep and 2 TPs were present when I awoke!
Jul 11: Finally an opening of significance! First Es from Iowa, some short Es, and a translator logged; all in about an hour and a half. Not bad!
Jul 10: WPAY and WRPQ were shockers, for sure. So, it was a bit different today, than it was yesterday. Still have a list of needed stns by rx, and yet, I never see them reported anywhere.
Jul 09: 1 new one - even during the doldrums.
Jul 06: After 3 nights of lousy sleep/fireworks for 5HRS on the 4th, back to ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ.
Jul 03: Around 0900 UTC this AM I couldn't find any signs of any TP dx activity except a very weak signal on 1017. 1575, 657, 1422, 1008 and 1503 were all tried. I left the radio on 1008 and when I came back @ 0950 UTC there was a nice strong signal coming in.
Jul 02: After a lot of driving around yesterday & a horrible night of sleep, one log was it. Back to ZZZZ.
Jul O1: Nothing exotic
Jul O1: Well, off to another month. Fm on open freq hoping for Es, tropo, anything! Still, a great hobby 55+ years later!
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Jun 29: Way, way better than yesterday for sure. Still, I guess I'd go for Es/Tropo, but you gotta take what you can get, I guess. Make hay while the sun is shining.
Jun 28: After nonexistent May, and lackluster June, Es have finally started!
Jun 28: Without a doubt, lackluster dx. No.....really lackluster! Back to sleep.
Jun 23: When something doesn't sound right, it might be a treat! Today, WEKZ and WCCN were treats, and there's that hope for something new too! It has happened!
Jun 17: Very different from yesterday, tho nothing great.
Jun 16: One log from Michigan. I still keep this log open after moving away in 1984.
Jun 16: 1230 1240 interesting this morning. Too, thanx to 1300 UNID w/Fox Sports and NO LID at 6AM. Blah, I guess. . .
Jun 13: FM ok on Satellit. Glitch.
Jun 11: Much better, longer session today and both 910 WDOR & 1360 KRWC were nice to hear as dx is certainly closer!
Jun 1O: Lousy cx today. Fizzled out in 30 minutes.
Jun 09: Different from yesterday. A bit better, but 90 mins of close in stuff was all this boy could take! Sangean FM crapped out, for whatever reason.
Jun 08: Worse than yesterday. When Iowa is considered dx, well....
Jun 06: Again, different today. UP of Mich well represented!
Jun 05: GYDX was rather good. No UNID 1520 today. All KOLM this day. NOT WQCT. Xlater on 96.5. Thot might have moved, but no.
Jun 03: Stuff still in on upper freq, at times 2-3-4 deep. Assuming all close.
Jun 02: Rest of the band was not good.
May 31: WoW! A bit different this morning. WRJN's o/c and seemingly Good to the East. It ain't over til it's over!
May 3O: MWDX has been garbage of late. Awaiting E's.
May 30: The 1520 has to be a recent flip, but nothing found in searches. Stumped in South Milwaukee.
May 28: DX has been on the back burner for some time now. I woke up very early for some reason so I decided to check out the bands. Not great but something to finally send in.
Summer will probably be very lean for BCB DX. I hope to have a good FM season.
May 26: Sun morning w/REL, pub service type stuff makes dx a bit more difficult. GYDX was a bit better, holding its own.
May 25: K-Waaay better than yesterday with a good TWO solid hours of dx noted, and still in when I quit. Still out there!
May 24: Yesterday was much better. Today was much shorter in length tho KQAM was a total surprise.
May 19: Certainly horrid cx this past week and even days w/no dx. Guess we all need a rest. Es is next.
May 17: MW is pretty much in the tank. Got my 1st E skip reception on FM though!
May 16: MW is pretty much in the tank. Got my 1st E skip reception on FM though!
May 16: After days of NOTHING, this is/was the best I could do, I guess.
May 09: AM dial has been in rough shape.
May 06: Way 100% better than yesterday tho sessions are shorter, and earlier-Yawn!
May 04: Way better than yesterday, by far! WBCO was a treat. Nice too, hearing KOOQ. Stuff is still out there, I guess.
May 03: This is how BAD it was. Most of the band was DEAD. These are lousy logs, as far as I'm concerned, but a snapshot of day's activities, or lack, thereof!
May 02: A month from now, this will look quite good, for sure.
May 01: The AM doldrums have set in..but something to report anyway.
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Apr 23: While not great, a certain improvement of doldrums of earlier in the week.
Apr 22: High noise floor. Barely anything in, but still tried for what was out there. High noise floor didn't help today.
Apr 21: After NOTHING yesterday, a power black-out, best I could do. Sleeping in? You missed nothing. Worse than July-like.
Apr 19: 1340 WJOI was running open carrier, easily 22+ hours (on AM FM) -many UNIDS but, best I could do, I guess.
Apr 17: Weak and really weird cx. Almost non-existant.
Apr 13:Well, KWAY WMDX WBKK KQLX KYES WJAG KXFN and KMSD hasn't been noted this week, so dial is changing daily.
Apr 12: DX in a downturn for sure this morning, but always fun, for sure, trying. Coffees, planning the day & a nice 2-mile dog walk, for sure.
Mar 26: Nothing great here. Went down sharply after KOTA.
Mar 24: DX died early. Life support most of the morning.
Mar 22: Wow. What a morning - basically E-W and what was in yesterday, not in today, nor 2-3 days ago. Ag News on 1270, but my ad blockers (which I'm not removing) prevented live stream. Patience is a virtue.
Mar 21: Wow! The DX dried up bad! Much, much shorter session. Who knew that teenager hearing WSPT in the 1960's would still be doing the hobby so many decades later!
Mar 20: Not as good as yesterday, shorter session. Sat on 1270 again today. No KNWC nor WMKT. Nothing to pull out-IE KLXX.
Mar 19: So geo-fitted to SD ND this morning w/KGIM KZZJ KGFK KOLY KBMR KOTA KOVC KQKD KDKT, I'm pretty sure I had KLXX, but cannot count as new. There'll be other days to try.
Mar 18: After being up super early, basically a "C" grade morning. Nothing great, but fun trying, I guess.
Mar 17: Nothing great but three new ones. Just catching up on some recordings to review. Happy St. Patrick's Day
Mar 12: Finally I get to report one of my most memorable logs ever! I now have the lower 48 complete. Will Alaska or Hawaii ever end up in my logbook?
Mar 12: Began at 0615. Ended at 0801. Not exactly November! ;)