So You Want to Join?

So you would like to join our little group, well here are the guidelines and rules for joining:

Rules: This game is loosley based on White Wolf’s Vampire:The Masquerade. (By loosely we mean that we follow the rules put out in V:TM, but none of the published storylines such as Chicago By Night. This story and the world it is in is original and mostly formed by the players therein.) As it says in the book’s disclaimer, this is a game. Due to violent and potentially disturbing content this game carries an “R” rating, and we only accept players who are 17 or older. Maturity is requested. Pornography, excessive sexual content, excessive profanity and excessive gore wil not be tolerated in posted material. Players are also expected to work with other players, and Out Of Character fighting will not be tolerated. This is a game, and not a chat room. Anyone not following the rules will recieve one warning before being booted from the game play.

Players should expect to post thier moves at least once every three days, more often is pften desirable to keep the game moving along well. Creativity and good roleplaying is stressed.

Game application: Entering the game is a two-step process. First you must submit a Character. You will get a reply about your character within a week. It will have suggestions or corrections tagged at the bottom. Once your character is accepted you must complete a short (1 page) writing sample. This is a chance for you to show off your creativity and writing/role playing ability. The writing sample will be read by the storyteller, and two assistant storytellers who will be looking for creativity, readability, maturity, flow, spelling and grammar. You will get a second reply within a week that will give your placement in the game and from 3-7 experience points.

Character creation: please copy the following information and paste it in an e-mail to

Experience and gaining Power: Experience will be used for disciplines only. Abilities and attributes will be improved through the writing of the posts. As experince is gained, rank and recognition in the mortal and vampiric institutions will be given.

Do start the process click on the link below and fill out the character sheet and email it to us along with the character concept. When you have had your character concept ok'ed we'll add you to our mailing list.

If you are unfamilar with the White Wolf system then please go to
where there is a quickstart guide to the world of vampire.

Click Here to for the Form

And just for fun you can click on this link.

Here to go to the Main page