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The Stories of the Heavens

      We have all, at one time or another, lain on our backs and stared at the lights shining brightly back at us from the night skies. Have we not all wondered where those stars came from and why they carry the names that they do?

      Aye, The heavens are rich with their tales of good versus evil, sacrifice, love ... any emotion or attribute you apply to your life and your people can be attributed to those glowing lights above. For they are not merely lights, they are the souls of a few chosen, blessed by those immortals that walk amongst us, to forever live within the night skies. Aye, many are their tales.

      On the pages following you will find them told in their entirety. Enjoy them and celebrate them as did those who lived in the ages now long past.

           A wise sage once said, "The stars provide us with light of a sort. They keep us from succumbing completely to the darknesses found within us all by reminding us that even in the blackest of nights, there is still a glimmer of light."

Stories of the Stars

Byron's Star
The star of Casius
The Feast of the Ages
Grendal's Arm
Hammer of the Gods
Jacob, the Remembered
Kerit's Bane
Leximar the Determined
The Seven Sisters
Thanos, Slayer of Imperitar