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chOad shOw reviews!

December 18th was the date of Loaded Scrotum's first show. This show took place in Kevin's attic. About 20 people came to this show. Most were just friends of the band but it filled up his attic pretty good. The show was filled with covers of many unknown punk songs. The Bodies did a real good job playing about 6 songs after not even being ready to play. We have a recording of this show. It's about 40 minutes long and is crappy quality, but if you want a copy e-mail us and we'll send you one.

May 8th,1999 - choad records presents... THis show went smoothly but NO ONE CAME!!! It was a free show and there was some good bands there! We had a monster set up. A huge wall of sound. I,m sorry to say this but I feel because of Clone(we let them play first) alot of people left right away. Sorry everybody for having to let you guys sit through that crap.

May 22ndIndiefest at the Rave. Sure it was cool to play at the Rave but ROR Concerts didn't give a Sh*t about any of the bands. There were lots of good bands there but there was also lots of crappy bands there so it was kind of boring. This is where we met Jake's Love Song. They were great. They didn't win though but either did we. We (Loaded Scrotum) messed up so much but it all sounded like crap so people didn't even know.

June 11thOh man... don't even ask about this show. It's like that riddle..."If a tree fell in the middle of a forest and no one hears it, does it make a sound?" (Is that how it goes?) Germantown is a crappy little town where nobody likes to have fun, unless tipping cows is considered fun(I think it,s kind of funny myself) Than the drummer from Nuna is in trouble.(sorry ihad to say it) All the bands played good but there wasn't any one around to hear it. We did put flyers on like every single car at the only high school in that miserable place.sorry

June 19th The Pipe He-he. You guys suck.(Maybe about 3 or 4 guys were cool.

July 26th Now this show was actually kind of fun. There were a bunch of good bands. It was outside and during the daytime, but I had fun myself. NSA was good and there were alot of local kids playing baseball between bands.(I think they were punk)

October 9th Indiefest 2!!! This show was HORRIBLE!!! Prone was good. I don,t know how Anura was or Sniffin' Dog Ears cuz we were'nt there yet. This show was full of crappy metal bands and there weren't many people there either.

October 15th This show was fun cuz we got to play in front of people at school that didn't know there school had a punk band. It was a tailgate thingy after school before the Homecoming game so there was a decent amount of people there. This show also had it,s share of problems. We were plugging all our equipment into one outlit hanging out of a window. The coordinator of the event wasn't prepared for us. But we did have fun playing a bunch of covers we don't usually do lkike Blink 182 stuff.

October 29thTHe Halloween Show!!! THis show was fun. Some of us wore costumes. I WAS ZORRO AND A PUNK GUY. All the bands played good(Andre's guitar is out of tune). we had a nice amount of people there too.every thing went smoothly.(except for our PA falling and killing joe RIP)(no not really)uhhh... Idon't know what else to say about it.

October 30 Thi s show was at a woman's club or something in Kenosha. Sniffin' Dog Ears was the best band there since they kept every one moving with their fast melodic punk. Alot of people were there too. We'll have to set up a show down there sometime

November 27thThis show we didn't make it in time but I was told by Tony from SDE that Racine sux for punk music. I guess there's something with the emo kids not getting along with the punk kids and there were a couple fights. That's all i can tell you right now.

December 3rdThis show was the best show so far!!! Thanks to all our fans that showed up! All the bands did good, I think. I missed Anura and JLS. The Oakwoods and the Rascals did great. SDE and Loaded Scrotum also did good. I think everyone was happy at the end of the night. Oh yeah, later that night Matt from Loaded Scrotum accidently got dragged from a car. It was funny.

December 23rd X-mas Bloody X-mas This show was a last milnute thing for the Scrotum Boys so if you didn't know about it that's ok. It wasn't the best show in the world. A mix of a punk band, a hardcore band, a wanna-be Limp Bizkit band and two metal bands(last minute cancelations made it this way) The show went retty good there was a good vibe going down but not a lot of support for the bands. I could tell NSA was feeling it after only a small group of "slamm dancers" did anything while the rest of the people just bobbed their heads(me being one of them due to those guys scaring the bejesus out of me and my concern for personnal well-being). Overall the show bombed but the bands did good it's just the lack of local support. There are alot of good local bands out there, but no one takes the chance to go out and take advantage and see these good bands while they are still around. Oh yeah Kevin's guitar was out of tune the whole set and no one was there to see us.(He must be having sex with Andre or something.)Jake's gay too.

December29th This show was a good turnout for being in the middle of nowhere. No one was really in charge of anything so we tried to help out as much(little) as we could. A couple bands were good but most sucked. Sorry,you did. A lot of hot chicks there though!

January 8th This show was pretty cool. Really laid back attitude cuz it was free and we knew most of the people there. They were kind of lazy thogh, they wouldn't take my free stuff I had to give. All the bands played good and we filled that basement pretty quick

January 28thThis show was my personal favorite. Loaded Scrotum and all the bands we're great and everyone else there was cool as hell. I want to thank Chuck for putting on such a great show.

February 18th I have no idea how this show was.

February 19th This one either.

February 25thThis was the Scrotum Boys' last show. It went horribly! Adam's drum's fell apart and they hadn't practiced for over a month. They are sorry for doing so bad but with the present situation what can you do? I left early but I heard the Business only like 3 songs and talked the rest of the time. I belive this to be true for I talked to Mickey outside after we played(he got lost going to Pizza Hut and asked us how to get to the bar). Hooligans. Someday we'll get to go there.

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