A Blind Faith Bibliography

BOOKS Hjort, Christopher, "British Blues Boom", Jawbone, 2007)
Raffaelli, Blind Faith, (The Visual Thing, Inc.-1969)
Roos, John, et al., The Sixties Blues-Rock Explosion, (Old Goat Publishing-2000)

Altham, Keith, "Upset, Believed Hurt", Record Mirror, November 5, 1969, p. 3
Christgau, Robert, "Are The 'Blind' Keeping Faith?", New York Times, July 20, 1969, part 3, page 4
Cott, Jonathon, "'I Was Pissed Off After Blind Faith'", Rolling Stone, May 28, 1970, p. 16
Goodman, Pete, "Blind Faith In The States", Beat Instrumental, September 1969, pp. 42-43
Green, Richard, "They're No Group", New Musical Express, April 26, 1969, p. 11
Hodenfield, "Blind Faith: Hazards Of A Supergroup", Circus, October 1969, pp. 13-17
Hodenfield, Jan, "Faith Plays Soft At NY Debut", Rolling Stone, August 23, 1969, 8
Laine, Wesley, "Super Album? Well Here Are Some Interesting Things From Blind Faith", Record Mirror, August 23, 1969, p. 8
Logan, Nick, "Eric Clapton Booking Studio Time For Stevie And Self", New Musical Express, February 1, 1969, p. 12
Logan, Nick, "Faith Is No Longer Blind For 120,000 Fans", New Musical Express, June 14, 1969, pp. 2-3
Logan, Nick, "Are You Ready For Clapton, Winwood & Baker", Hit Parader, August 1969, pp. 9-13
Logan, Nick, "Will Blind Faith Be Seen Again In The UK?", New Musical Express, September 13, 1969, p. 3
Paytress, Mark, "Blind Faith", Record Collector, June 1989, pp. 55-58
Tamarkin, Jeff, "Blind Faith: Shooting Stars", Goldmine, March 27, 1987, pp. 20, 87
Uncredited, "Winwood-Clapton Tie-Up?", Melody Maker, December 7, 1968, p. 1
Uncredited, "Clapton And Winwood To Record LP", Melody Maker, December 21, 1968, p. 32
Uncredited, "Winwood Replaces Bruce In New-Look Cream Group", New Musical Express, February 8, 1969, p. 9
Uncredited, "Clapton, Baker, Winwood Plans", Melody Maker, April 5, 1969, p. 1
Uncredited, "Clapton And Co Set For Newport", Melody Maker, April 19, 1969, p. 1
Uncredited, "Clapton, Winwood, Baker & Grech-'Blind Faith' Name", New Musical Express, May 10, 1969
Uncredited, "Blind Faith New Supergroup", Melody Maker, May 10, 1969, p. 1
Uncredited, "Blind Faith", Beat Instrumental, July 1969
Uncredited, "Blind Faith Debuts: 'Well All Right'", Rolling Stone, July 12, 1969, p. 12
Uncredited, "Blind Faith LP Cover Banned In States", Melody Maker, July 26, 1969, p. 1
Uncredited, "Blind Faith LP Controversy", New Musical Express, July 26, 1969
Uncredited, "Blind Faith Super Group?", Life Magazine, September 1969
Uncredited, "BF - Heavy Scene", Newsweek Magazine, September 1969
Uncredited, "Previews & Profiles", Circus, September 1969
Uncredited, "Born Under A Bad Sign" Mojo Magazine, July 1996
Uncredited, "Ginger Will Not Leave Blind Faith", Melody Maker, September 13, 1969, p. 3
Uncredited, "Blind Faith Splits: Yes, No, Maybe...", Rolling Stone, December 27, 1969, p. 14
Uncredited, "Background of Blind Faith", Circus, January 1970, pp. 10-12
Uncredited, "Blind Faith Splits: Clapton Going Solo?", Circus, February 1970
Uncredited, "Second Blind Faith Album?", Melody Maker, March 7, 1970, p. 4
Uncredited, "Eric Clapton Speaks Out On Concert Violence", Hit Parader Collectors Edition 1970, pp. 69-70
Valentine, Penny, "Don't Worship Eric Clapton-He's HUMAN!", Disc & Music Echo, September 20, 1969, p. 10
Valentine, Penny, "Clapton: 'Blind Faith Could Have Been Smaller'", Disc & Music Echo, September 27, 1969, p. 12
Webb, Martin, "LP Personalities: Blind Faith", New Musical Express, October 18, 1969, p. 10
Webb, Martin, "LP Personalities: Blind Faith", New Musical Express, October 25, 1969, p. 10
Welch, Chris, "Eric, Or Little By Little", Melody Maker, April 12, 1969, p. 13
Welch, Chris, "Following Blind Faith To The Shores Of A Lake", Melody Maker, June 14, 1969, p. 15
Welch, Chris, "Blind Faith, Bread And Freedom-Now For The Sweet Music", Melody Maker, August 2, 1969, p. 15
Welch, Chris, "Talking Drums With Blind Faith's Ginger Baker", Melody Maker, August 16, 1969, p. 27
Welch, Chris, "Inside Blind Faith", Melody Maker, October 4, 1969, p. 17
Welch, Chris, "Enter Ginger Baker, Film Star.", Melody Maker, December 13, 1969, p. 5
Yorke, Ritchie, "Blind Faith", Rolling Stone, September 6, 1969, p. 7
Yorke, Richie, "Blind Faith: See Where They're Going", Hit Parader, March 1970, pp. 21-25

Others to add…………

Clapton biogs
Winwood Biogs
BF Song Book
Coloured Rain Fanzines (various issues)
Mojo Mag (July '96 - "Born Under A Bad Sign"
Life Mag - Oct 24, 1969 Check w/ Greg Shaw about other bibliog items....

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Updated 7 June 2007

email to: kjbleus@charter.net
