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Tee-baseball Rules


















1.001 Tee-Baseball is a game of modified baseball, changes are made with the aim of simplifying and adapting the game of baseball to suit a particular age group or play situation.

1.002 The object of each team is to score more runs than the other team while having plenty of healthy and enjoyable batting, throwing and running.

1.003 The playing field shall be the area on and within two lines at 90° to each other. These lines are called foul lines. The infield shall be a square.


U/7 and U/8 50ft and 46ft;

U/9 and U/10 60ft and 50ft.

1.004 The ball shall be :-

U/7 to U/8 approved ball;

U/9 to U10 approved ball.

1.005 The bat shall be one piece of solid, smooth, round wood or similarly, one piece of hollow metal.

The bat shall not be longer than 31" (788mm), and not bigger than 2.25" (57mm) diameter.

1.006 Double-eared Helmets are compulsory for the batter and baserunners.

1.007 Players may only wear moulded sole football boots, rubber-soled sneakers, joggers or shoes with flexible soft stops or dimple type soles.

1.008 The tee must be constructed for easy removal by the umpire or delegate. The stem of the tee must be positioned immediately in front of home plate. (within 6 inches).

1.009 Playing equipment such as mitts etc., shall be such that no unfair advantage is obtained by their use.

1.010 All uniforms shall have some visible identifying numbers.

1.011 Two copies of the batting order with names and uniform numbers shall be handed to the umpire before the game begins; one is for the umpire and one for the opposing coach.

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An APPEAL is the act of a fielder in claiming a violation or the rules by the offensive team.

A BASE is one or four points which must be touched in sequence, in order to score a run.

A BASE COACH is permitted to be stationed near first and third bases to direct the batter and the runners; must not touch the runner; must stay in box.

A CATCH is the act of a fielder in setting secure possession in his hand or glove of a ball in flight and firmly holding it; providing he does not use his cap, or any part of his uniform in getting possession. It is not a catch, however, if simultaneously or immediately following his contact with the ball, he collides with a player, or with a wall, or if he falls down, and as a result of such collision or falling, drops the ball. It is not a catch if a fielder touches a fly ball, which then hits a member of the offensive team or umpire and then is caught by a defensive player. If the fielder makes a catch and drops the ball while in the act of making a throw following the catch, the ball shall be adjudged to have been caught. In establishing the validity of the catch, the fielder shall hold the ball long enough to prove that he has complete control of the ball and that his release of the ball is voluntary and intentional.

Note : A "Catch" is legal, if the ball is finally held by any fielder, even though juggled, or held by another fielder before it touches the ground. Runners may leave their bases the instant the first fielder touches the ball. A fielder may reach over a fence or line of demarcation (Dead Ball Line) to make a catch.

A DEAD BALL is a ball out of play, because of a legally created temporary suspension of play.

A FAIR BALL is a batted ball that settles on fair ground between home and first base, or between home and third base, or that is on or over fair territory when bounding to the outfield past first, second or third base, or that touches first or third base or that first falls on fair territory on or beyond first base or third base, or while on or over fair territory, touches an umpire or player, or while over fair territory, passes out of the playing field in flight.

A fair fly shall be judged according to the relative position of the ball and the foul line, and not as to whether the fielder is on fair or foul territory at the time he touches the ball.

Note : If a fly ball lands on or beyond first or third, and then bounces to foul territory, is a fair ball. A fly ball that lands in the infield between home and first, or home and third, and then bounces to foul territory without touching a player or umpire and before passing first or third, is a "foul ball".

FAIR TERRITORY is that part of the field within the foul lines and within the boundary fence.

A FORCE PLAY is a play in which a runner legally loses his right to occupy a base, by reason of the batter becoming a runner.

Note : The out of a following runner removes the "Force".

A FOUL BALL is a batted ball that settles on foul territory between home and first base, or between home and third base, or that bounds past first or third base on or over foul territory, or that first falls on foul territory beyond first or third base, or that, while on or over foul territory, touches an umpire or player, or any object foreign to the natural ground. A foul shall be judged according to the relative position of the ball and the foul line, including the foul pole, and not whether the fielder is on foul or fair territory at the time he touches the ball.

FOUL TERRITORY is that part outside the playing field, but within the boundary fence or Dead Ball Line.

An INNING is that portion of a game within which the teams alternate on offence and defence and in which there are three putouts for each team. Any half-innings can also cease after the ninth batter completes time at bat.

LIVE BALL is a ball which is in play.





An OUT is one of the three required retirements of an offensive team, during its time at bat.

A PASS BALL is one that is thrown by a fielder and settles outside foul territory. (refer Rule 7 005)

DEAD BALL LINE (pass ball line) is one outside the foul lines, that defines the playable area. Only used in the absence of boundary fences.

A RETOUCH is the act of a runner in returning to a base as legally required.

Note : Another name is " tag up ".

In a fly-ball situation, a runner must retouch and start from contact with the base after the ball is touched.

A runner is not permitted to take a flying start from a position in back of his base.

A RUN (or Score) is the score made by an offensive player, who advances from batter to runner and touches first, second, third and home base, in that order.

SAFE is a declaration by the umpire, that a runner is entitled to the base for which he was trying.

A SWING is the action of a batter, in causing the bat to move through an arc about the body, to hit the ball. The swing shall comprise or a distinct back swing and a full follow-through, and shall be of reasonable force.

A TAG is the action of a fielder in :-

(i) touching a base with his body while holding the ball securely in his hand or glove in the course of a force play;

(ii) touching any part of a runner or his clothing with the ball, or with his hand or glove in which the ball is securely held.

TIME is the announcement by an umpire of a legal interruption of play, during which the ball is dead.

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3.001 The umpire shall check the ground, the balls and footwear.

3.002 The team shall consist of a minimum of 9 players and a maximum of 12 players. Only 9 players may field at any one time. The batting order is the order in which all the players of the team will take their turn at bat. If more than 9 are listed, only 9 may bat in any half-innings (before 3 outs). If, at the umpire's discretion, a batter is removed from the batting order (when more than 9 batters listed) and not replaced, the batting order will close up with no out recorded for the missing batter.

3.003 Any of the 12 players listed in the original batting lineup, may be interchanged in the fielding position at any time, providing "Time" is called. If any of the 12 players in the original lineup is replaced, then the players replaced can take no further part in the game.


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4.001 Umpire calls teams together two minutes before starting time.

(a) Team mentioned first - Home team - Fields first - occupy 3rd base bench;

(b) Check that footwear complies with Association; (see also Rule 1.007)

(c) Exchange batting lineups;

(d) Clarifies local ground rules;

(e) Check scorers ready. (must sit together behind home plate )

4.002 When the ball is on the Tee:-

(a) The catcher is inside the catcher's box;

(b) The pitcher has both feet in contact with the Pitcher's plate till the ball is hit;

(c) The fielders positioned within fair territory;

(d) The batter takes stance in batter's box;

The umpire shall call "PLAY" or "PLAY BALL".

Note :-

(i) After the batter takes his stance and addresses the ball, no re-positioning of the back foot is permitted such as to hit the ball in an appreciably different direction. (front foot movement is permitted)

Penalty : Foul Strike is called against the batter or the defence may elect to allow the play to stand.

If the play is chosen, only forced runners shall advance. (the same number of bases as the batter)

(ii) After the batter takes his stance and addresses the ball, no substantial repositioning of fielders is permitted.

Penalty : Umpire may advance the lead runner one base, for infringement after warning.

4.003 The offensive team may station a coach within the 1st and 3rd base coaching boxes.

The defensive team may have a coach on the field for U/7 and U/8 only. The coach must be in the outfield behind the fielders. Coaches must not handle or assist players while the ball is live.

4.004 A regulation game shall be :

(a) U/7 and U/8 - 7 innings or 1 hour;

(b) U/9 - 7 innings or 1 hour and 15 minutes;

(c) U/10 - 7 innings or 1 hour and 30 minutes;

(d) In case of inclement weather stopping play, three (3) completed innings or fifty percent (50%) of the set playing time constitutes a game.

4.005 If the top of an innings commences 10 minutes prior to the scheduled completion time, the bottom of the innings must be completely finished for percentage purposes.

4.006 No person anywhere shall at any time :-

(1) incite or try to incite by word or sign, a demonstration by spectators;

(2) use language which will in any manner refer to or reflect upon opposing players, an umpire or any spectator;

(3) make intentional contact with umpire in any manner;

(4) distract anyone;

(5) show violent disapproval of umpire’s decision.

4.007 How a team scores :

(a) 1 run scores by touching 1st, 2nd, 3rd and home plate before 3 outs occur to end a half- innings.

Exception : If the runner advances to home during a play in which the third out is made before :-

(1) the batter-runner touches first base; or

(2) any runner being forced out; or

(3) the out of a preceding runner. (eg. appeal on missed base)




4.008 A game may be forfeited to the opposing team when a team:-

(a) fails to appear within 10 minutes of starting time;

(b) fails to field 7 registered players;

(c) refuses to continue game;

(d) umpire disqualifies team for violating rules.

Note : (i) for (a) and (b) the result shall be at a score of 7-0 for U/9 and U/10

and 6-0 for U/7 and U/8.

(ii) for (c) and (d) the unoffending team may elect to take the game score at the time or the score of 7-0.

(iii) If a coach or any responsible person wishes to comment on any abnormal point or happening, he should contact the Association.


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5.001 When the umpire calls "Play" or "Play Ball", the ball becomes "Live" when the batter swings at the ball; makes some contact; and moves it from the tee. The ball remains "Live" until the umpire calls "Foul" or "Time", upon which the ball becomes "Dead", and play is temporarily interrupted.

5.002 A STRIKE is called, and runners cannot advance, when the batter :-

(a) attempts to hit the ball and clearly misses;

(b) levels the bat at the ball more than twice.

5.003 A FOUL STRIKE (or FOUL) is called, and runners cannot advance when :-

(a) a foul ball is hit;

(b) bunts at the ball;

(c) a batter hits the ball with one or both feet grounded entirely outside the batters box;

(The lines defining the box are within the batter's box)

(d) a batter, in levelling the bat at the ball, dislodges the ball from the tee.

5.004 The umpire shall call "TIME" when :-

(a) the defence attempts no further play after the ball is in the secure possession of a fielder within the confines of the diamond. Baserunners shall not pass another base after the fielder has secure possession, unless the fielder attempts a play.

If a further play is attempted after the ball is inside the diamond, then all play proceeds until the umpire sees no further play is imminent;

eg. (i) Runner on second, ball hit to shortstop, who feints to hold the runner at second and then throws to first to retire the batter-runner. The runner at second may advance to third on the throw but cannot pass third unless the firstbaseman attempts a further play.

eg. (ii) A runner rounds third as the cut-off takes secure possession, and continues homeward without hesitation, then the defence may allow him to advance or make a play on him.

If the lines defining the diamond are not marked, then the umpire will judge as to the approximate confines of the diamond on any play.

(b) a dead ball;

(c) necessary (eg. for injury, conference with coach, etc.).

Note : Unless urgent and to avoid confusing players, coaches should wait till "Time" has been called to confer with the umpire or make any interchange or substitution.

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6.001 (a) Each player shall bat in turn as shown in the batting order; (refer 9.004)

(b) After the first innings, the first batter shall be the player whose name follows that of the last batter the previous innings.

6.002 The batter is out when :-

(a) a fair or foul fly ball is caught by a fielder;

(the ball is alive, runners may advance at their own risk)

(b) three strikes and/or fouls, called against the batter for U/9 and U/10;

and three third strikes, are called against the batter for U/8.

(c) after hitting a fair ball, he or first base is tagged before he touches first base;

(d) slinging the bat. (Umpire to give warning to all before game begins)

6.003 When the last batter of the innings comes to bat, the scorers shall inform the umpire, who shall call "Last Batter".

(a) If the last batter does not reach first base safely and makes the third out; no runs are scored on the play.

(b) If the last batter reaches first safely, then the "TIME RULE" shall apply; [see Rule 5.004(a)] and any runs scored, shall count.

Remember also, that once the batter-runner and all forced runners have advanced one base safely, then "The FORCE" is removed and any play on any runner, is a tag play.

eg. (i) runners on 2 & 3; 2 out; batter hits and runs through first and is called "safe" and the firstbaseman makes no further play. A runner from third would count, and the umpire would have to adjudicate as to weather the runner from second had passed third when the firstbaseman had secure possession.

eg. (ii) 2 out bases loaded; the batter-runner is tagged while running between 1st. and 2nd;

Any runner who crossed the Plate before the batter-runner was tagged would score;

Any runner who crossed the plate after the batter-runner was tagged would not score.

6.004 Infield fly rule does not apply.


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7.001 A runner acquires the right to an unoccupied base when he touches that base, before being putout or until he is forced to vacate it.

7.002 No runner may leave his base until the batter has hit the ball.

PENALTY : Defence has option to rule no swing on the batter; or let any play stand. If the latter is chosen each runner shall only advance the same number of bases as the batter. (if forced)

7.003 The runner shall advance the bases in order 1, 2, 3, 4 and if forced to return

(eg. when he misses a base) must retouch in reverse order - 4, 3, 2, 1.

7.004 Only one runner is allowed per base. Except for a "Force" play, the following runner is out if tagged, when two occupy the same base.





7.005 Each runner may, without liability to be put out, advance two bases on a pass ball. In awarding bases, the umpire shall be governed by the position of the runners at the time the wild throw actually left the player's hand and not when the ball crossed the dead ball line.


7.006 Any runner is out when :-

(a) he runs more than 3ft from the line to avoid a tag; (a runner must avoid a fielder fielding a batted ball)

(b) he is tagged when the ball is alive, while off his base;

(c) he fails to tag up on a catch before he or his base is tagged;

(d) if forced fails to reach the next base before he or the base is tagged;

(e) he passes a preceding runner before such runner is out;

(f) fails to return at once to first after over-running it, without attempting to advance to second base, and he or the base is tagged;

(g) he is touched by a fair batted ball; the ball is dead and runners; if forced, advance.

Note : the runner is out, even if he is on a base when he is touched by the fair batted ball.


7.007 The runner is out on appeal for missing a base.

Note :- Before the umpire calls "Time" the runner may try to return to the missed base. He will be safe if he returns in the correct order before he or his base is tagged. To appeal a fielder stands on the missed base; holds the ball in the air, and designates the runner that missed the base. This must be done before the next batter is in the box; or in the last batter situation, before all the infielders have left fair territory.


7.008 The players, coaches or any members of the offensive team shall vacate any space needed by a fielder to field a batted or thrown ball.


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8001 The pitcher must stand with both feet in contact with the pitcher's plate until the ball is hit.

Penalty : Note (ii) in Rule 4.002


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9 001 (a) The umpire is responsible for maintaining the rules and the conduct of the game;

(b) The umpire has the authority to rule on any point not specifically covered by these rules.


9.002 The umpire or his delegate, should remove the tee, if there is likely to be a play at home base.


9 003 After the umpire calls "Time", he will use his discretion to adjudicate on any incident where :-

(a) a runner was obstructed; (by a fielder)

(b) a fielder was interfered with; (by a runner)

(c) any unsafe play has occurred.

Note : The umpire may award bases or outs as he sees fit.


9.004 The Umpire shall use his discretion to adjudicate on any incident of a batter batting out of turn. He shall declare (on appeal), the batter who should have batted (the proper batter), "OUT", and the batting order to restart at the batter available, after the one declared out.

Note : (i) Scorers shall not bring this situation to anyone's attention. The defence must appeal before the next batter is in the box, or in the last batter situation, before all the infielders have left "Fair territory".

Note : (ii) The Proper batter may take his place in the batting box at any time before the improper batter becomes a runner, or is put-out, and any strikes shall be counted on the proper batter


9 005 The umpire will cause the scorers to note the warning given to any player, coach or club official.


9 006 These rules cover any game under the control of the Association.

For games under another association, all umpires must know any Local Ground and/or Game Rules, under which a game is being played.

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10.001 The Scorers shall be stationed in proximity behind the home plate backnet, and be near to each other.

10.002 If an opposition scorer brings to anyone's attention that a player is batting out of order, all appeals are null and void.

10.003 The Scorers are not permitted to call out tactical advice or playing instructions, to players, managers or coaches.

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