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If you want T-Ball Rules Go HERE>>>>>>>>>>>>


























2003 - 2004






















RULE  1.000     THE  GAME





Games under the control of Bankstown District Baseball Association shall be conducted in accordance with the Rules of Baseball as set out in the latest official baseball rules published by the Australian Baseball Federation Inc, and the NSW Junior Baseball League Tee-Ball Rules in conjunction with the Association's Constitution.  Where conflict may exist, these rules shall prevail.  Where a Penalty is not specified for a breach of these rules, the Protests and Disputes Committee shall adjudicate and rule on any such breach, as it thinks appropriate.



1.002   CODE of CONDUCT

All players, managers, coaches, officials and spectators shall remember that the primary goal of Junior Baseball, is the participation and development of the players, in an enjoyable and happy atmosphere.

All are expected to behave with respect towards each other and to compete in the spirit of good sportsmanship.



1.003   THE FIELD








UNDER 7 and 8
































50  ft.




60  ft.




60  ft.




60  ft.




70  ft.




75  ft.




80  ft.




85  ft.




90  ft.








46  ft.




46  ft.




46  ft.




46  ft.




48  ft.




50  ft.




54  ft.




57 ft.




60.5 ft.


Where an incorrect base-path or pitching distance is found after the commencement of the game, the distance will be corrected at the conclusion of the next equal innings. (Home  team to be fined $20.00).



1.004            GROUND CONTROLLER

All Clubs will designate a Ground Controller and prominently display his name and where he can be located.  If the designated person is absent, then his delegate's name and location will be displayed.

The Ground Controller has control of the playing field, until the Umpire-in-chief receives the Home team's Line-up; at this time, ground control transfers to the umpire.


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2.001            RESULTS


(a)     All teams are required to complete a result sheet (in ink), for each game.  The result sheet shall contain the following information :-

(i)    The full name and the uniform number of each participating player including under-age players, playing as substitutes in a higher age Group;

(ii)   The score by innings;

(iii)  For pitch ball, the name of each pitcher, pitch limit, the number of innings pitched and the number of pitches thrown;

(iv)       Relevant game details eg. Protest, Injuries, Reason for early game termination (light/rain);

(v)       Signatures of each Team’s Scorer and Manager.  (see also Rule 9.003)


(b)     (i)    The result sheet is to be handed-in at the ground where the game is played, and posted to reach the Association RECORDER by Wednesday of the following week.

         (ii)    For mid-week games, the result sheet will be posted to the Association RECORDER the next day.


(c)     The Club Recorder shall notify the Association RECORDER of the results of all their team’s games.


NOTE 1:   The Association will notify all Clubs about the requirements of the Association RECORDER, regarding the notifying of results.

NOTE 2:   A game forfeited prior to game day, is to be confirmed Club Secretary to Club Secretary and both Secretaries to forward a “Result Sheet” to the Recorder, stating the forfeit.


2.002              PROTESTS

(a)     A protest that involves an umpire's judgment will not be upheld.


(b)     The only legal protest shall be one which involves a violation of a playing rule (refer 1.001), or the use of an ineligible player.


(c)     Only a team manager shall be entitled to lodge a protest.


(d)     On a play situation, the protesting manager must notify the umpire that a protest is being lodged, before the next ball is pitched.


(e)     In case of a protest being lodged, details of the time, the score and game position and the reason for the protest, must be noted by the scorer on the Result Sheet at the time of the protest.  The umpire will sign the protest at the completion of the game.


(f)      A protest will only be considered if in writing and accompanied by the prescribed fee ($20.00) and in the hands of the Association Secretary by 6 pm on the Sunday following a Saturday game.


NOTE:  Any mid-week game protest, is to be in the hands of the Association Secretary within 24 hours of completion of the game, accompanied by the prescribed fee ($20.00).


2.003            MISCONDUCT

(a)     Should any club official, player or parent conduct themselves in a manner so as to cause the umpire to take action and report or dismiss the same, the Protest and Disputes Committee may suspend or otherwise deal with the Offender or the Offender's Club.  It shall be obligatory that any official or player, reported or dismissed by the Umpire, attend the meeting of the Protest and Disputes Committee on the Wednesday following the game or a date to be set by the Protest and Disputes Committee.  The Umpire officiating at the game must submit a report of the incident to the Association Secretary within 24 hours.


         NOTE:  Failure to submit a report of the incident, will incur a fine of $20.00 to be paid by the umpire through either the Bankstown Baseball Umpires Association or the Home Team’s Club.


(b)     If any person concerned is unable to attend the meeting, a written statement concerning the incident must be submitted to the Committee meeting, by an official of that person’s Club.


(c)     The umpire when reporting or dismissing an official or player, shall inform such person of his actions.  Any such person shall not participate in nor attend any game under the control of the Association until their incident has been heard by the Protest and Disputes Committee.





(a)     The Association Club Championship shall be awarded to the Club achieving the highest Win-Draw percentage.  The percentage is calculated as follows :-

Total number of wins during the competition rounds + ½(Total number of draws during the competition rounds)

divided by the Total games played during the competition rounds;

Note that any game not completed in accordance with these rules, shall not be included in the calculation of the Club Championship.  (see Rule 5.000)


(b)     Where two clubs are equal, the position will be decided by highest Win-Draw percentage against each other during competition rounds, and if still equal, Joint Club Champions will be declared.


(c)     To be eligible for the Association Championship, a club must have a minimum of five teams registered in B.D.B.A. competition.

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3.001            BALLS

(a)     All age groups are to use baseballs, as approved by the Association.


(b)     All teams must have at least 1 approved regulation ball on the field during each match for use on call of the umpire.  Spare balls must also be available, particularly during wet weather.

T-BALL : for Under 7 and 8s, the approved ball must be used.


(c)     All teams in the Final Series will provide new balls, for each game of the Final Series, in which they participate.


3.002   BATS


Wood bats are to be used for the Under 7 games.












for 2¼ diameter.



if greater than 2¼ dia.

Under 7

2 ¼ inches

31 inches

Not applicable

Not applicable

Under 8 to Under 10

2 ¼ inches

31 inches

minus ten  (-10)

not permitted

Under 11 and 12

2 ¼ inches

31 inches

minus ten  (-10)

not permitted

Under 13 and Under 14

2 ¾ inches

32 inches

minus ten  (-10)

minus seven  (-7)

Under 15 and Under 16

2 ¾ inches

34 inches

minus ten  (-10)

minus seven  (-7)


NOTE – the maximum differential for N.S.W.J.B.L. in the 2003-2004 season for the under 16 age group will be –6.


Maximum Differential :                         The maximum differential is the difference between the bat length and the minimum permissible weight.   The differential is usually a negative number.

For example, if the bat is 31 inches in length and the bat maximum differential is - 10, then 31 - 10 = 21, so the minimum weight of 21 ounces is permitted for that particular bat.


3.003            CATCHER's  MASK,  HELMET  and  THROAT  PROTECTOR

T-BALL                        Catcher to wear helmet;

UNDER 10s and PITCH-BALL                        All Catchers are required to wear protective helmet, a face-mask with correctly fitted throat guard extender, a correctly fitted chest protector (high and tight) and leggins.  Any person warming up a pitcher shall wear a face-mask with a throat guard and helmet, no matter whether in the bullpen or on the playing fields.  Coaches must ensure that someone in a protective face-mask and helmet is available to warm up the pitcher at the start of each innings.





3.004            HELMETS

Each team must provide an adequate number of protective helmets.  Double-ear helmets are mandatory in all games for the batter, for the on-deck batter, the base runners and the batboy.

For Pitch-ball :   the base coach, if a person under 14 years of age, is to wear a Double-ear helmet.


3.005            SHOES

For  U/7  to  U/12 :                        Sneakers, moulded football boots, flexible soft or dimple sole baseball shoes.

For  U/13-14 :                        Nylon cleats are permitted.  No metal cleats allowed.

For  U/15-16 :                        Nylon or metal cleats are permitted.

NOTE :  The umpire has the right to reject any dangerous or sharp footwear.


3.006            PROTECTORS

Players should wear a protector at all times when within the confines of the ground.  This is for the player's own safety.


3.007            JEWELLERY

It is suggested that for safety, “No jewellery” of any type should to be worn on the field.  The umpire may ask a player to remove any jewellery that may effect the game or cover the jewellery with skin coloured adhesive tape.  If it is necessary for a player to wear a health bracelet, safety precautions should be taken.


3.008            UNIFORM NUMBERS

All players’ uniforms shall carry some visible identifying number.  (Minimum size 2 inches).

PENALTY:  $5.00 per game.

Note :  On appeal for Batting out of Order, the player’s uniform number, does not take precedence over the name, when ruling on a batting out of order.



(a)     (i)    The pitching machine is to be fitted with the small legs;

          (ii)   The pitching machine to be set-up with the centre stem of the legs 2 foot-6 inches off the line between second base and home plate, at the mark that is 40 foot from the back of home plate.

(b)     The pitching machine will be positioned, such that a pitched ball will pass over home plate at a suitable height, mutually agreeable to both managers.  If no agreement can be reached, it is then solely at the discretion of the umpire.

(c)     The pitching machine to be set such that the ball is projected at 36 miles per hour.

          ( The projecting speed of the ball, may be reviewed in the future. )

If the pitching machine breaks down and another is not readily available, the game will revert to equal innings and a Tee will be used.

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RULE  4.000     THE  TEAM






(a)     The MANAGER is the person appointed by the club to be responsible for the team's actions on the field, and to represent the team in communications with the umpire and the opposing team.  Note, the Manager may delegate various duties (except the pre-game meeting), such as, but not limited to, coaching of Pitching and Base running, to coaches and the checking of Registration Cards to the Team Co-ordinator.  The Manager is responsible for determining the maximum number of pitches allowable for each Pitcher in the team and informing the scorers of that restriction, before each Pitcher starts his/her assignment.  The Manager is to complete his/her Line-up Section of the Result Sheet, 10 minutes prior to the commencement of the game.  This includes Surname, Initials, Player’s Uniform Number, Position Number, if a Rep/Association player, any Age Restrictions plus any other Limitations.   See also rule 8.001.

Note 1:   the manager is the person ultimately responsible for the team and the person who is required to have the appropriate qualifications.


(b)     A COACH is a team member appointed by the Manager to perform such duties as the Manager may designate, such as but not limited to acting as a base coach.



4.002            REGISTERED PLAYERS


(a)     A registered player, is a player who is registered with Bankstown District Baseball Association as part of a nominated team, from an affiliated club, and is the holder of a current registration card.

See also Rule 5.003


(b)     A team may start with a maximum of 2 under age registered players, where there are less than 9 available registered team players, for the higher age group.


(c)     A player registered to play with a lower aged team, may be a substitute in a higher age game, only if a registered player is ejected or injured during that game.  This substitute may only field in the outfield, and can only be used, if 9 registered players are unavailable.



4.003   TEAM LINE-UP


(a)     (i)  A game can only commence if there are a minimum of seven (7) registered players for each team.  Each team is permitted up to 12 batters in its line-up, provided that the players taking the field at the commencement of each half of the 1st innings corresponds with the first nine batters in the batting order.

          (ii)  If there are less than 9 players, there is no automatic-out and the batting order closes up.

The opposition coach has the option to lend players to field.  For the Final Series, teams may not field an opposition player, and for less than 9 batters, any vacancies in the batting Line-up will be automatic outs.


(b)     Each manager shall supply the umpire with 2 copies of his team line-up at the pre-game meeting, held 5 minutes before the commencement of the game.  The Line-up shall show the names of all starting players, the starting fielding position, and the player's uniform numbers [see Rule 3.008].  All future substitute players are to be listed.


(c)     Provided a player has been listed on the Line-up [refer 4.003(b)], that player, if arriving late, may be added to the end of the batting order, or be used as a substitute as per baseball Rule 3.03.


(d)     A registered under-age player, if substituting in a higher age group, shall not precede a registered team player of that team in the batting order, and the word "U-Age" must be placed after that player’s name in both the score-books and the Result Sheets.


(e)     After the completion of the first out, or the first batter reaches base, players who occupied the field during the first innings, may be inter-changed, at the option of the defensive Manager, with players occupying the bench and listed on the Line-up.  This can only be done provided play has ceased and the umpire has called  "TIME".  These inter-changes are not deemed to be substitutes as per the Rules of Baseball.

Injured players can be replaced and/or interchanged at any time the ball is “Dead”.


(f)      Where more than 9 players have been included in batting line-up, and in the event of a genuine injury or illness occurring, there is no automatic-out.  The batting order closes up.



4.004   One coach from the defensive team only, will be allowed on the outfield, whilst a game is in progress in the under 8 age group.  This defensive coach must stand behind the outfielders.



4.005            Managers and Coaches are to be neatly dressed.  No thongs or sandals are allowed.



4.006   Any player, who plays 3 games in a higher age group, remains in that higher age group.   A player, who is registered to play in an age group, that is two or more years above the player’s current age-group, cannot Pitch or Catch.



4.007   A player from the one age group will not be allowed to be a substitute in any team from the same club in the same age group.



4.008   Where a club has more than one team in any age group, registered players are not allowed to transfer between those teams within the same age group.




4.009   An approved over-aged player in any team can only play in the outfield, unless special dispensation is granted by the Association.  It is advisable that a copy of such dispensation be with the team cards, so it can be produced if required.


4.010   To qualify to play in the semi-finals, finals and grand finals, a player must have played in at least 50% of the competition rounds or 5 of the last 7 games for that team.  For special circumstances, an application for exemption may be made to Bankstown District Baseball Association with the appropriate details.


4.011   Blood Contingencies :

Should at any time, a player sustain an injury which produces blood on their person, the following contingencies are to apply :

(i)    the player is to be removed from the field of play;

(ii)   the player is to be replaced by a courtesy runner or fielder;

(iii)  the player may re-enter the game in the same batting position, or any fielding position, only after the injury has been treated and dressed;

(iv)            the player who acts as a courtesy player, may permanently enter the game as a substitute, under Baseball Rule 3.03.

(v)   if the team has less than the minimum permissible number of players, the game continues.  The batting order closes up and there are no automatic outs.  The defensive team must field an infield

Note:  the courtesy runner may be any player listed on the lineup, including a player listed as a substitute player.

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(a)         COMMENCEMENT

         Official starting time will be :-   Early game:  8.30 a.m. (Saturday)

                        Late game:  10.30 a.m. (Saturday)

         For Twilight and other non-Saturday games, see draw for starting times.


(b)          DURATION



  UNDER 7-8



    1 hour     or     7 innings






    1 hour and 15 minutes    or    7 innings



  UNDER 10



    1 hour and 30 minutes    or    7 innings



  UNDER 11-12



    1 hour and 30 minutes    or    7 innings



  UNDER 13-14



    1 hour and 30 minutes    or    7 innings



  UNDER 15-16



    1 hour and 45 minutes    or    7 innings



The Final Series Draw, to set the game times for all Finals Games.


NOTE :   (i)  If an early game proceeds past the schedule finishing time in order to complete the bottom of the innings, then the umpire of the following game shall announce the new starting and finishing times for that game.

(ii)  If a game starts late due to any delay other than for Note (i), it will still finished at the schedule finishing time.



5.001 continued




(i)    In all pitch-ball, soft-toss and tee-ball games, the top of an innings shall not start within 10 minutes of the scheduled finishing time.  If the top of an innings commences 10 minutes prior to the scheduled finishing time, the bottom of the innings must be completed, if necessary for a result.

(ii)       For semi-finals, finals and grand finals, if the game is tied at the scheduled finishing time the game will proceed to a result.  No game will proceed beyond 7 completed innings in the up to Under 14s age groups or 9 completed innings for Under 16s.  If the game is still tied at the end of these innings, the winner shall be the team that finished higher in the competition standing's at the completion of the competition rounds.


5.002   TEAM WARM UP

The team nominated first in the fixture book will be designated the home team and will use first base dugout.  They will have last use of the diamond for the purpose of a warm-up, and must be given a minimum of 5 minutes prior to the start of the game on the diamond.  They will remain on the diamond to commence the game.  For Semi-finals and Finals the team finishing higher in the competition will be designated as the home side.  For Grand Finals, the team first into the Grand Final will be the designated as the home side.


5.003   The manager or delegate of each team must check the registration card of each opposition player before a player may play in a game.  The result sheet must be signed to verify this has been done.  If in extenuating circumstances, the registration cards for a team cannot be produced at the appropriate time, then on written application to B.D.B.A. within twenty-four hours, consideration will be given to the possible rescheduling of the game at a future time.

PENALTY:  Failure to note that the cards have been checked or result sheet not signed there will be a fine of $5.00.

       NOTE :       (i)       Any disputed cards are to be returned with the result sheet.

                     (ii)                     The card of any ejected player, will be given to the umpire and forwarded to the                      Association with the umpire's report.

It is suggested that the teams line-up on the base line corresponding to their dugout, with their Registration Cards, as the visiting team is finishing it warm-up, and before the home team takes the diamond for its Warm-up.


5.004   If any team cannot field 7 registered players by 10 minutes after the scheduled starting time, that team forfeits the game 7 to nil.


5.005       WET WEATHER

(a)     All games are scheduled for play.  Play will not commence if the ground controller, or council deem the ground unfit for play. (refer Rule 1.004)  For semi-finals, finals and grand finals games, see rule 5.005 (e) & (f).


(b)     If a game commences, but it is abandoned before the completion of 5 innings or 50% of the allocated playing time, then it shall be declared, "NO GAME".  If 5 innings have been completed or over 50% of the allocated playing time has elapsed, the scores will revert to the previous equal innings, unless the tying or winning run has been scored in the bottom half of the innings.


(c)     If the ground controller has declared the ground playable, and further bad weather occurs, the decision to commence play will be left to the opposing coaches and if no decision can be reached, the umpire will adjudicate on whether the game is to commence.


(d)     In the event that a semi-final, final and grand-final has not completed 5 innings or 50% of the allocated playing time and are abandoned due to weather conditions, the team finishing higher at the end of the competition rounds, will be declared the winner.


(e)     The draw committee may change the venue, if the ground allocated for the semi-final, final or grand-final, is deemed unplayable.


(f)     The draw committee may allocate a spare weekend for any washed out grand final.

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RULE  6.000     THE  BATTER



6.001   A batter may have a runner from home plate, if the opposing manager agrees.


6.002   A player permanently incapacitated so as to need a runner may be registered as such, with the Association.  A player so registered may have a runner from home plate without permission from the opposing coach.  The opposition manager must be informed that the player is so registered, at the start of the game.


6.003   The Infield fly rule applies in all pitch-ball games.  (Under 11’s through to Under 16’s)


6.004   A "Designated Hitter" (see Rule 6.10 of the Rules of Baseball), is not permitted.


6.005            MACHINE-PITCH

(a)   When the catcher is inside the catcher's box; the fielders positioned within fair territory; the batter takes stance in batters box and the pitcher stands with the ball next to the machine; then the umpire shall call “Play”.  The pitcher shall put the ball into the machine and return to the Pitcher’s Plate.

Note 1  The plate umpire shall ensure that only one ball is on the diamond at any one time and all balls that are fouled out of play, shall be returned and put into play only by the plate umpire.

Note 2  No one is to put the ball into the machine without being directed to do so by the umpire.

(b)   Every pitch is deemed a strike, unless it is so low, so high or so wide that the umpire deems it a "No-pitch".

The umpire has the discretion to call a "No-pitch", if in his judgment, the pitch was so far out of the strike zone, that the batter did not have a fair chance to hit the ball.

(c)   If a batted ball hits the machine, the ball is "DEAD", the batter returns to the batting box, and no runners may advance.

(d)   Foul balls and Foul Tips, as per the Rules of Baseball Rules.


6.006   END of a HALF INNINGS

For the team at bat, each half-innings will continue until the defensive team has three putouts, except for :-

T-BALL :-    for Under 7 and 8s ONLY -  nine batters have had a turn at bat;

for Under 9 age group -  as per T-ball Rules;

for Under 10 age group -  as per T-ball Rules;

ALL PITCH-BALL AGE GROUPS  :-  the half innings of each team will terminate :-

(i)          when the defensive team has three put-outs;

(ii)      or for the first two innings, the 5th run scores at home plate, or whichever comes first.

Note for part (ii), a play where several runners cross home plate, any runner crossing home plate subsequent to the 5th run for that half-innings, does not count.

This rule applies during the Competition rounds only.  For the Final Series games, runs are scored as per the Rules of Baseball,  ie. as per (i) only.


6.007            THIRD STRIKE NOT CAUGHT.














UNDER 11 and 12





UNDER 13,     to







6.008   ON DECK BATTER.  (for Pitch-ball and U/10s only)

To minimise the risk of accidental injury from a stray Foul ball :-

(i)    the groundsman should mark out the “on-deck circle” at a sufficient distance from home plate, for the next batter to warm-up with reasonable safety;

(ii)            depending on the diamond layout, or when the “on-deck circle” is not marked out,                        the “on-deck batter” should warm-up a suitable distance from home plate or behind the batter and on the same side of home plate as the batter.

(iii)  coaches should ensure that the players are aware of the possible danger of some batted balls.

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RULE  7.000    THE  RUNNER



7.001   A player, injured whilst a base runner, may have a member of his team as a temporary substitute runner.



(i)    If a thrown ball hits the machine, the ball will remain alive and in play and runners may advance at their own risk.

(ii)   In the event of a "pop-up" fly NOT being caught, due in the umpire's judgment to the obstruction of the pitching machine, the batter will be given "out" and the ball will remain alive.  Runners may advance at their own risk and without obligation to "tag-up".


7.003   For Under 11 and 12 baseball, a batter that is awarded a base-on-balls cannot advance past first base, unless the defensive team makes a legitimate attempt to retire another runner.



(a)     For T-BALL :-  no runner may leave his base until the batter has hit the ball.

PENALTY :  the defence has the option to rule no swing on the batter, or let the play stand.  If the latter is chosen, each runner shall only advance the same number of bases as the batter.

(b)     For MACHINE-PITCH :-  no runner may leave his base until the batter has hit the ball.

PENALTY :  the defence has the option to rule no swing on the batter, or let the play stand.  If the latter is chosen, each runner shall only advance the same number of bases as the batter.

(c)     For the Under 11 and 12 age groups :-  when a pitcher is in contact with the pitchers plate and in possession of the ball, and the catcher is in the catchers box ready to receive a pitch, base runners shall not leave their base, until the ball has been pitched, and has reached the front edge of home plate.

PENALTY    At the end of a play, where an umpire has adjudicated that a runner has left early :-

(i)      If the batter does not hit the ball, and providing no outs are made; at the conclusion of the play, the ball is dead; and all base runners must return to their original base.  As the play does not stand, then, no pitch is recorded against the pitcher.

If the batter does not hit the ball, and an out is made; the play stands; and all other base runners must return to their original base.  As the play stands, then the pitch is recorded against the pitcher.

(ii)      If the batter has hit the ball, and a putout is achieved on a runner, the play stands; at the conclusion of the play, the ball is dead; but all runners (unless forced) return to their original base.

As the play stands, then the pitch is recorded against pitcher.

(iii)     If the batter hits a single, double, triple or a home run, the play stands; at the conclusion of the play, the ball is dead; but all runners may only advance the same number of bases as the Batter-runner.

As the play stands, then the pitch is recorded against pitcher.

(iv)     If the batter bunts safely with loaded bases, no forced runner run will score; at the conclusion of the play, the ball is dead. ( forced runner from third base goes to the bench, and the batter stays at first )

As the play stands, then the pitch is recorded against pitcher.

(v)     A repeated offence by the same runner, in the same game, will result in that offending player being called out and the play stands.  As the play stands, then the pitch is recorded against pitcher.

At the end of ANY play where an umpire has adjudicated that a runner has left early, the umpire will require the scorers to note the offending player in the score-book.


7.005            COLLISION RULE

In order to minimise injures, the practice of runners crashing into a fielder with the intent of dislodging the ball, is not permitted.  A runner who is advancing to a base, other than first, must avoid collision with a fielder at that base by sliding.  A runner, who is advancing in a situation where it is too far to slide, must not crash into the fielder.

A fielder must be in possession of the ball and making a play on the runner, or in the “Act of fielding the ball” in order to avoid “Obstruction” being called.  Also where possible, the fielder should not deliberately block all of the base or home plate, when a play on a runner is imminent. 

PENALTY :  if the runner fails to slide and a collision occurs between the two players and in the umpire's judgement the collision was avoidable, then the runner is to be called “out” and all other runners hold at or return to, the last legally occupied base at the time of the collision.





For a ball thrown out of play :

(i)     The umpire is to call "TIME" and the ball is "DEAD";

(ii)     Runners past a base and advancing, attain the base to which they were advancing at the time of the throw;

(iii)     Runner past a base and not advancing, return to their last legally touched base.

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RULE  8.000     THE  PITCHER  and  CATCHER







8.001            PITCHING and CATCHING RESTRICTIONS       (for local club games under B.D.B.A.)


(a)     A "Pitch" is a ball delivered to the batter by the pitcher.



UNDER 11  and  12

Minor Assignment

T   Association Cup players

See also Note (v) & (vii)



Substantial Assignment



2 Innings     or       29  pitches   -   which ever comes first;





3 Innings     or       30 to 40  pitches   -   which ever comes first.


UNDER 13  and 14

Minor Assignment

T   Association Cup players

See also Note (v) & (vii)



Substantial Assignment



2 Innings     or       29  pitches   -   which ever comes first;





4 Innings     or       30 to 55  pitches   -   which ever comes first.


UNDER 15 and 16

Minor Assignment

T   Youth League players

See also Note (v) & (vii)



Substantial Assignment



2 Innings     or       29  pitches   -   which ever comes first;





4 Innings     or       30 to 70  pitches   -   which ever comes first.


T        Association = the term "Association player" applies to Association Cup players, Development players and Youth League players;

Club = the term "Club player" applies to a player who only play games for their particular club in the Bankstown District Baseball Association;


Note (i)        A single pitch in any innings shall be classified as an innings pitched.


Note (ii)       If a Non Association Cup, Non State Cup or Non Youth League pitcher, reaches the pitch limit whilst pitching to a batter, he may finish pitching to that batter.


Note (iii)      If an Association Cup, State Cup or Youth League pitcher, reaches the pitch limit whilst pitching to a batter, he CANNOT finish pitching to that batter.


Note (iv)                   An Association Cup, State Cup or Youth League catcher is restricted to 2 innings of catching on the weekend of any Association Cup, State Cup or Youth-League game.

No catching restrictions apply to "Club" players.




8.001            Pitching and Catching Restrictions continued


Note (v)                   There is a pitching and catching limit that applies to any player who is scheduled to play a game for a Bankstown District Baseball Association team, on that particular week-end.  An Association Cup player or a Youth League player, is only permitted to pitch a Minor Assignment in the twenty-four (24) hours prior to any Association Cup or Youth League game.  N.S.W.J.B.L. rules state that if a player has pitched more than 30 pitches or caught more than three innings in the two days preceding of any Association Cup, State Cup or Youth League game, that player will be restricted to 30 pitches (if pitching) and 3 innings (if catching) in the Association Cup, State Cup or Youth League game.  For mid-week games a substantial assignment may be pitched provided the appropriate rest has been observed.

Note (vi)      If a " Balk " is called and not enforced, then the pitch is counted against the pitcher even though it is scored as a "No pitch".

Note (vii)                   Any pitcher is only permitted to pitch one substantial or two minor assignments on any day.  Any pitcher who pitches an assignment in a game will be subject to the following rest requirements :

Minor Assignment no restrictions;

Substantial Assignment one day rest.


(b)     No pitcher shall pitch more than the allocated number of innings or pitches, in any one game.

Note (i)     If a pitcher is found to have over-pitched during a game, the score, the time, the number out, any runners on base, top or bottom half-innings and pitching details, shall be noted in the scorebook; the pitcher removed from the mound; a new pitcher brought on to pitch, and the game continued.  The result sheet shall note the overpitching, and be reported to the Protests and Disputes Committee.

PENALTY :  The Protests and Disputes Committee will rule on the result of the game as it sees appropriate and the pitcher will not be permitted to pitch in the next game in which he plays.

Note (ii)    Any over-pitching occurrence must be detailed on the Result Sheet and signed by the umpire.

Note (iii)                 Subject to Rules 3.03 and 8.05 of the Rules of Baseball, if a Manager or Coach, after a visit to the pitcher in an innings, then wishes to substitute for the pitcher or interchange the pitcher to a fielding pitcher, he should inform the Umpire-in-Chief of the change of positions before going to the pitcher’s mound.



Once a pitcher is removed from the mound, he cannot pitch again in that game.



A pitcher in Under 11 or 12 age group shall not have a balk called on him.



A player cannot Pitch and play as Catcher in the same game.   ( see also Rule 4.006. )


8.005            SPEED-UP RULE

In all age groups, the catcher may participate offensively, until there are two outs.  After the second out is recorded, the catcher if on base, must be replaced immediately with another runner, and if at bat, must be replaced once the play by which he becomes a runner, is completed.  Prior to there being two outs, the catcher may be replaced as a base runner, at the discretion of the offensive team manager.

Note:  the courtesy runner may be any player listed on the lineup, including a player listed as a substitute player.

-       -        -        -        -        -        -        -        -        -        -        -        -        -



RULE  9.000    THE  UMPIRE



9.001   In the event of an official umpire not attending at the time set-down for the game to commence, or being unable to continue to umpire the game, an umpire shall be appointed by the home side.


9.002   The umpire will clarify the "ground rules" at the pre-game meeting with the managers.


9.003   Before signing the scorebooks and result sheet, the umpire will ensure that the result sheet is filled out, and that the scorers agree on the score.


9.004   The umpire has the power to rule on anything not covered by these rules and the Rules of Baseball.

-       -        -        -        -        -        -        -        -        -        -        -        -        -





RULE  10.000    THE  SCORER



10.001 The Scorers shall be stationed in proximity behind the home plate back net, and be near to each other.


10.002 If an opposition scorer brings to anyone's attention that a player is batting out of order, all appeals are null and void.


10.003 The Scorers must advise the Umpire and the Defensive Manager, when a Pitcher is within ten (10) pitches of his/her pitching limit.


10.004 The Scorers are not permitted to call out tactical advice or playing instructions, to players, managers or coaches.


10.005 If either team’s Scorer is aware that a pitcher is about to overpitch, she or he is required to notify the umpire immediately.  Both scorers are responsible for counting the number of pitches for all Pitchers.

The tally for each Pitcher, shall be added and verified between scorers, at a minimum of each half-innings.

-       -        -        -        -        -        -        -        -        -        -        -        -        -

















RULE 5.000   STARTING and

                       ENDING THE GAME




                         and CATCHER





-     -     -     -     -      -     -     -     -      -     -     -     -      -     -     -     -      -     -     -     -      -     -     -     -      -     -     -     -      -     -     -     -      -




A regulation Game

Automatic out - Close-up









Basepath Distance




Catcher’s Mask

Cards - checking

Code of Conduct

Collision Rule

Completion of game

Conduct - offending

Club Championship





Distances - Basepath/Pitching

Duration of game

Dropped K2

Dress rule - Manager/Coaches








End of a game

End of Half-Innings




Field distances

Finish of game

Fifty percent (50%) of game







Ground controller

Game times

Game delayed



5.005 b

4.003 f


















2.003 a
















5.001 c







5.005 b









5.001 b




Home Team




Innings for a game

Innings permitted to pitch

Interchange fielders








K2 not caught





Line-up- 2 copies

Leaving Early

Less than 7 players

Less than 9 players

Late Start to game













Number of players

Number of Innings Played

Number of Innings Pitched

Number of pitches

New Balls




Over-age Player

On-Deck Batter Rule









5.001 b


4.003 e













4.003 b



4.003 a

5.001 b













4.003 a

5.001 b

8.001 a

8.001 a

3.001 a










Pitching Restrictions


Pitching Distance




Qualify for Semi-finals







Result sheet

Registered Players


Runs across the Plate

Registration Cards




Score sheet


Machine-Pitch  -  Setup

Machine-Pitch  -  Obstruct

Machine-Pitch  -  Hit by ball

Speed-up Rule


Starting fielders



TEAM - details


Team Line-up

Team warm-up

Third Strike Not Caught

Ten Minute Rule



Wet Weather






Umpire’s Report - compulsory

U/8 -  9 Batters

U/8 -  Coach in field



Visiting Team
















2.001 a
















4.003 e








5.001 c









2.003 a




