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Name: Royce Milmlow
Birthdate: 13/1/85
Height: 188cm   Weight: 86kg :)    Bats: R   Throws: R
Playing Positions: Pitcher
Where did you grow up: Greystanes, Sydney
    Where do you live now:
Wattle Grove, Sydney
Australian Team Experience: "AA" Australian Team
in World Championships, Vera Cruz - Mexico.
Awards / All Star Teams / Professional Baseball Experience: Bronze Medal-Mexico
 Australian Schoolboys - MVP against Vic. MVP against ACT. CHS All Stars. 
 MVP U18 Grand Final.
When did you first start playing Baseball: 1995 - U9's  Because: Mum played softball.
 My Sporting Goal for this Year is: To make the "AAA" team
 My Sporting Goal for the Future is: Hit 88+ by January, and to be signed to play
 Professional Baseball, then to be selected in the Olympic Team in 2004 / 2008.
 My Career/Education Goal is: To enjoy life! 
 To complete the Microsoft Information Technology Course.
 Favourite Band / Performer / Music: Cold Chisel   Favourite Song: Khe Sahn
 Favourite Food:
Pasta                            Favourite Colour: Blue
 Favourite Movie:
Chopper                    Favourite Actor: Adam Sandler
 Favourite TV Show: The Simpsons    Favourite place in the World: Australia
The Countries I have travelled to are: USA, Mexico NZ.   Other Sports played: Golf  
 If  I could choose anyone to sit next to on an overseas flight it would be:
Anna Kournikova or Mum.
 Interests & Hobbies outside Baseball:
Friends, Computers , Cars, & Music.
The Person / People I like to watch compete are:
Pedro Martinez & Andrew Johns
The Sports Personality I admire the most is (and why):
Andrew Johns
Plays hard and obviously loves what he does.
Things I'd like to let people know about my sport are:
You can play baseball longer than most sports.
My pet Hate:
Big Heads!       My worst Habit: Bitting my nails.
My Best Characteristic:
Calm / Honest   
My Favourite moment in Australian Sport:
Newcastle Knights winning the Grand Final - 1997
My best piece of advice:
Have Fun! and be good to your mother.
If I wasn't in this Sport, I'd be:
Professional Golfer
The greatest influence in my Sporting Career is:
Mum & Dad.