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The Village was built in the area of the former Robert Miller's 300 acre farm by a Steel company. All the homes were owned and rented by the "Company". There were homes both north and south of the Village that were privately owned. The Village house construction began around 1917.

Within the Village there was a Post Office, Company Store and Drug Store. We also had a school and two churches, Protestant and Catholic. The Catholic church was located just south of Beech Bottom, near the Village of Power.

The unique thing about the area is the designation of locations along State Route #2. Back when the streetcars were running.- they had "STOPS" where the car would pick up and discharge passengers, for example Stop 45, 46, 47, 48, 49…..and these names are still being used. Here in the Village a road is known as "49 Hill". This is the road that goes up the hill and intersects "Apple Pie Ridge". This is the "old" road, one of the original roads here in Brooke county that takes you into (going right) West Liberty, or (going left) into the Bethany Pike road.

In 1952 the houses were all sold by Wheeling Steel Corporation. A Mayor was elected and we were "on our own" no more land company to take care of all our house needs. Recently the Village has annexed the areas both North and South of the Village. Plans have been to update services for these areas.

Memories of the early residents are special. For example, "Pop" Echols who had a team of horses that helped in the construction of the homes. If you would like a more detailed story, there is a book, "Beech Bottom, Ohio then Brooke now" for sale under our publications page. I hope you enjoy the photos! If YOU have photos that you would like to share, you can either scan them and E Mail them, or use post office mail and we will return with the week of receiving them.

For the story of Beech Bottom Mound

Check out the Beech Bottom photos