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So, you think you have a name that should be added to the badnames list?

Ok, here are the rules for names to be considered:

The main idea of the list is to take a first name and then add any middle or last names, (or initials), so that when the name is said out loud it sounds like you are saying something else. The something else could be another name, phrase, occupation, place, word, group of words (i.e. Tony Handelbo sounds like toe, knee, hand, elbow), or whatever. It can be the exact phonetic sound as in 'Wil Power' (pronounced 'willpower'), or it can be close enough that if said real fast it makes you think you heard something else as in 'Rachel E. Quality' which pretty much sounds like 'racial equality', and 'Jon Keep' with sorta sounds like 'junk heap'.

 FIRST NAME: The first name should be a real first name. That is, a name or nickname that somebody somewhere really has or could have as a first name. The idea is to find a first name that sounds like the beginning of something else and then add whatever is needed to complete the sound. The spelling of the first name should be a standard spelling, i.e. Helen (not Hellin), or Lou (not Loo).

 MIDDLE NAME/INITIAL: Here you can be a little more creative. Of course any letter will work for an initial, but don't get too crazy if making up a new name. A real name still works best here. If the middle name seems too 'made up', it might be best to have it be the first part of the last name, i.e. Les Forgiving (not Les For Giving).

 LAST NAME: Now you can go crazy. Just about anything goes here as long as you don't use numbers or special characters. It can be as long as you want and can include one apostrophe (Patty O'Furniture), or hyphen (Sherman Tank-Coming). Try to go for phonetics. Remember, the idea is to make it 'sound' like something else not 'look' like it. It will also make people have to think a little harder if you use 'Joey Tuedawurld' instead of 'Joey Totheworld'. An initial for the last name is also acceptable, i.e. Travis T.

 What I want to do is see how many different first names can make the list. So, every time you meet someone, ask yourself - "What could I make out that first name?". Think of all your friends and relatives. Are their names on the list? If not, try to make one up and submit it. Make a game out of it. In everything you read and as you listen to every conversation try to find words and phrases that start with the sound of a name.

 Submit all names through the email link or guest book on the Badnames home page.

If you are not sure the name follows the rules but it's still a funny name, send it anyway. If I get enough I may start other categories. For instance - many times we see names written or pronounces last name first. When 'Steven Even' is written this way it could be 'Even, Steven.' Can you come up with more? If so, send them in. When I get enough I'll add the category.

I will make the final decision on all submissions. If you think there could be any doubt about figuring out what the name is suppose to sound like, include the translation with your entry. Some first names have lots of possibilities. I will limit the list as I see fit. I'm not going to put every variation of 'Mike' on the list, just enough to get the idea. Oh ya, lets keep it clean enough for all to enjoy.

Have fun,

Nick Names

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