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Don's First Big Web Page

Caution: This page could blow up at any moment!

Welcome to my page

The construction on this page has begun to slow down, but beware, the pages within may be forever changing!

First a little about myself

I live in Green Bay Wisconsin and of course a fan of the 3 time Superbowl Champion Green Bay Packers! I was a season ticket holder until the great tax came along.

I have been married to the same wonderful woman for 18 years and have a really cool son by the name of Scott. My wife's name is Jeanne and she works at the University of Wisconsin Green Bay.

My son is 14 years old and is the pride and joy of my life. He likes video games and plays football, basketball and baseball.
He was a member of the "Odyssey of the Mind" team at his school.
He also likes to roll a golfball up a hill!

And he likes to juggle!

Now all he does is play guitar all day!

Hey man, you like music?
Click here

Here are some other webpages of interest

This is Scott's page. He's my son!

This is David's page. He's my nephew!

This is Mike's page. He's my nephew and the brother of David. His page is "Barry Good!"

If you have the time, go and visit my friend

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