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Hi, I'm Anthony Michael

I am a very energetic 4 yo little boy,
sit down and check out my website, I hope you like it.

5/11/04 Hi everyone and welcome to my web page! Please don't forget to sign my guestbook because I love to have Mommy read them to me.

Well since Mommy last wrote, I have learned so many new things, some of them not so great according to her. I can ride a two-wheeler with out training wheels and I'm trying to roller blade but it isn't working so good. A few weeks ago I got to go to a new, big school where I will be going to kindergarten in the fall. It's so big and I'm scared but Mom says it will be ok and I will make a whole lot of new friends

I LOVE to play playstation with Sidney because he helps me lots with the hard games. If Mom or Dad can't find me they know exactly where to go, into the TV room!

Sam our black dog had to go live with another family because Mom said he digs too much and it a big spazz. He now lives with a family who have a lot of space for him to run around in and 4 kids to kiss and love on.

Other than that, not too much is new here. We are going camping again this weekend, I love to camp in our new camper!

Thank you for visiting and come back soon, Mommy updates all the time. Also you can check out my brother's web site by using the link below.


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Unless otherwise noted, my Mommy made my graphics.
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© HIT Entertainment PLC and Keith Chapman 2001. All rights reserved.