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Onward to Kamikaze Rain

18 August 2002

Nature hanging by a thread,
Smiting all who challenge,

Heavy curtain,
Delicate beauty,
Waiting to fall,

In that instant
before the rain comes down,
the world stands still
to hear her voice,

The warning wind implores you
to heed her breathy caution,
Fragile rivers breaking,
On impassive concrete,
Tapping on the windshield,

Shatters from the sky,
No flesh escapes her chastisement,
Baptism from above,
Cleansing all who mar her
In her torrential mercy,

Mere mortals try to run
And find her omnipresence horrifying,
They scatter like the downpour,
In antediluvian ignorance,

Justice in her thunder,
Weeping for the unreformed,

Gentle river,
Wielding death above us,
Waiting to kiss
Our outstretched hands.

26 November 2001

There prostrates cumulonimbus man
with heavy head in weary hand-
Appealing to heaven as only clouds can.

There in the arch of our canopy,
on bended cirrostratus knee,
he bows in blue humility.

There he is, a worthless drone-
One of many sent to die alone-
in a clash of fate and sweet ozone.

There is where he knelt to pray
and begged that he would find his way-
then closed his eyes and went away.

There he cried a single drop,
as he felt his insides filling up,
and beseeched the lord to take his cup.

There was a sky put to the test
when a billowing man was laid to rest-
He never died-just evanesced?

28 April 2001

Every car is converting me-With bumper-sticker theology

Got milk, got Jesus, got instant religion

Like the breakfast shakes they pack with ?nutrition?

Got take-out gospel on television

Just send God a check in lieu of contrition

Evaporated sacrifice and powdered deep devotion

Just add a dash of hell-fire and a frenzy of emotion

Put the lord in a can packed with witticisms

With a pinch of wrath and criticism

Dehydrated deities-castrated in their marble glories

Are waiting for evangelists to conjure up their stories

The hypocrites justify their hate with ecumenical concentrate

Scripture is for frontlet bands-too antiquated for us to learn

All we must do is obey the billboards-Jesus loves you-Turn or burn

09 October 1999

Sometimes I feel like I'm not really here-and sometimes I know that it's just fantasy-

I want to fly away from all the charcoal sadness-it sketches the tiles of the presence that lets me know I am free...

I have come to understand that the more I try to save her, the less there remains of her to be saved...

15 October 1999

I met who i was again and so I spin and so I spin This is where the revelry becomes the sadness you can be-He lies in air without a thought and if only I could feel the silence

-ignorance is this-

I tripped on my own melody when I forgot who I must be and so I fall and so I fly-This ring is not an end-an echo-mere eternity-I want to trim his equilibrium and mar the proverb of his life

Oh, help, an eyelash fell on me, and I can only survive my mommy's pain-Sands are shifting under my ribs-I know I'll break unless someone gives-how can he see himself so highly?

-arrogance is bliss-

I found my extra button-the one to replace what won't go away-and so I scream and so I shine. No more sadness, I've decided-I touch hiatus deep inside-and he is asleep

-salt is in his kiss-

16 October 1999

I don't understand why the flowers won't grow

And I can't comprehend 'cause I know I don't know

and sometimes I walk alone

and sometimes I walk alone

So get off my petals and look at your hands

In the autumn I wander terrazzo

In wonder I look at the light

I always believed that he was here

Even though I had seen him in flight

18 October 1999

This is where things start to get ugly.
This is who I am.
I don't want to be here,
but I want to be where my soul is.
He is at home, wishing he could be with me.

I want to hold the frightened creature,
but she flutters away when I reach out.
Don't be afraid, little butterfly,
I promise I won't crush your wings.
Poor misunderstood faery.
No one will brush the scales away.

Hush, little one. It will all be over soon.

My wrists hurt in stigmata patterns
and I wear a fiery crown.
I understand your voices,
but cannot feel your pain.

So why did he hurt her anyway?
Not back to the real world.
Re enter today.

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