Stormtrooper Information Central - Gold Helmet Site Award
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Stormtrooper Information Central

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Gold Helmet Site Awards

Prestigious Gold Helmet Site Awards
- awarded to Stormtrooper sites that I feel are worth Gold.
I rate on originality, content, eye candy appeal, if frames are used, are they used well, etc.
Sites are rated on a 5 helmet scale 5 being the best. (Remember these sites have already won Gold!!)

How to Build a Stormtrooper Logo Trooper Trio


How to Build a Stormtrooper Costume Not only does this site give us all the costuming secrets needed to construct our own suits, but the layout is incredible! You will find a step-by-step instructional better than most "How to" books. Very well thought out and planned site. Unfortunately this is the highest award I can bestow on this awesome site.


Star Wars: The Stormtrooper Bunker - A very well organized, informative site, right from the background info on Davin Felth to the Stormtrooper information breakdown on the different sects. Pictures from all three movies, sounds, a ton of movies, figures, humor, survey, and links. By now, everyone has heard of the Davin Felth award (it was my very first award) another excellent part to this awesome site. A very complete site, with a Stormtrooper (Davin Felth) theme!

The Stormtrooper Corridor


The Stormtrooper Corridor - This is an information packed site. The layout is well done, but obviously still in construction. This review will change as the site grows :)


Storm Trooper Cloning Institute - This is yet another awesome, unique Stormtrooper Site on the 'net. Michael J. van Zwieten (TK827) obtaining his own Stormtrooper uniform has placed this "Cloning" site up for all to see. Excellent layout (nice job on the frames). This site is very well done, and his 'suited up' pictures of himself are great! It also has a great info section, and growing links section.


Stormtrooperland - This is an awesome dedicated Stormtrooper site from Arnie DeHerrera (TK719). Very original images of himself suited up and ready for duty (Golden Gate bridge, sitting in his car :), etc.). He's also got some original humor in his humor section... Even the entire story behind Davin Felth. You have to go and check this one out! Obviously a true Stormtrooper!

Gold Helmet Page Award
- awarded to Stormtrooper pages that I feel are worth it.
I rate on originality, content, eye candy appeal, if frames are used, are they used well, etc.
Sites are rated on a 5 helmet scale 5 being the best. (Remember these sites have already won Gold!!)

Stormtrooper Squad


Stormtrooper Squad An excellent page. A simple layout of awesome Stormtrooper costume photos. These suits are of Ron (TK168)'s personal collection (Stormtrooper, Royal Guard, TIE fighter pilot & Leader, AT-AT driver, Biker Scout, etc.). This page won on content alone. Don't we all wish we had collections like this! :)

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