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And then there were two...

TWL recorded two tracks in May 2000 (a re-recorded version of "Red & Black" with Jeff on lead vocals and Jim's 8 minute opus "Legion, Part 1: Fear") and spent July 7,8,9 holed up in a cabin in the boonies jamming, generating new source material, recording "Mouthfull of Ashes" and laying down basic tracks of the Maas composition "Monument", with the full 2-disk TWL Collection due out in Late 2000.

Matthew is back in Cyprus this summer acting. He just finished being Joseph in an Andrew Lloyd Webber musical, will play Benedick in a Shakespeare festival and has a part in an English film short. Teri is in the process of updating the website using Macromedia's Dreamweaver and Fireworks. The original site was built using Microsoft's FrontPage (boring). We hope to get some new photos and music up in a month or two. -July 2000