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Ice Traffic Control

© Photo by Donna George
Did you ever wonder how all of those skaters manage to practice on the same ice with only a few rare collisions with one another? To find out, we're here at Quad Country International Iceport.

© Photo by Susan Russell
There is Elvis Stojko, one of the best ice pilots in the business getting ready to execute a quad jump which is one of the most difficult maneuvers to achieve. He is currently talking to the ice traffic control tower while doing his pre-flight check.
Part of the pre-flight check involves reviewing the quad jump in the flight manual. Here is an excerpt from that manual that shows how a quad jump is executed.

© Photo by Valerie Milon
Elvis: "Ice traffic control, this is Stojko requesting rink co-ordinates (x=40,y=20) for a quad takeoff. Over."

Tower: "Roger, Stojko. This is the tower. You're cleared for quad takeoff at co-ordinates (x=40,y=20) in T minus 10 seconds. Over."

© Photo by Tricia Ris
Elvis: "Roger, tower. This is Stojko. I'm taking off. Over."

© Photo by Tricia Ris
Elvis: "Ice traffic control, this is Stojko. I'm in mid-flight of a quad requesting rink co-ordinates (x=55,y=21) for landing in T minus 100 milliseconds. Over."

Tower: "Stojko, this is the tower. You're cleared for landing. Over."

© Photo courtesy of Ottawa Citizen
Elvis: "MAY DAY! MAY DAY! I can't control the landing! I'm going down!"


FOOTNOTE: For those of you who prefer happy endings, don't worry. Elvis walked away from the crash scene with only a few bruises. Just a few minutes later he executed a text-book quad.