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The PCW Dictionary

Carlos, Navarro, Garcia
Colors, Different Colors
Cool Shades
Dios Mio
I lose
I Win!
Oh look, pretty girl, I think I'll kick her
Rammstein Monday
The Pigs, The Cops, The Fuzz, The Police, Da PD, The Gustapo, The Boys In Blue
This word is all Joe's. Used to describe every driver on the road that is not Joe. Because a driver deserves to be called this because he makes a left turn.
This is Marty's word. This means bad, as in, "Man, that's bunk" Also heard with the pre-face "de" as in debunk as in good. Get it? Not that hard.
Spanish for jackass, a.k.a. Micah
Carlos, Navarro, Garcia
In a 311 video (which Micah has worn out) SA has to describe Tim (the guitarist) in 3 words, he describes him as Carlos, Navarro, one has any clue what the hell he's talking about and it's hilarious.
Colors, Different Colors
Also from the 311 video. When asked how the Blue album was different, P-Nut says the cover is blue. So Tim says "Colors, different colors" in this really high fruity voice and it's really funny.
Cool Shades
One day in gym Marty was supposed to bring out the arrows or some crap and he didn't cause he is a moron and so he had to go back in to get them. But he took his sweet-ass time getting there and back so when he got back our substitute teacher, Mr. Kohlepp, who was a prick that day, was pissed. He yelled at Marty, "Hey why don't you take off those cool shades and help the class." Jeremy and Micah both looked at each other with an Oh! look and started to laugh cause what the hell do cool shades have to do with helping the class. So for the rest of the day, everyone had to wear the "cool shades" to go and shoot arrows. And now, we all have cool shades except for the fact that Micah was a moron and paid $100 for real Oakleys when Marty and Jeremy paid $10 for fake ones in Washington. But Marty and Jeremy have to live with the fact that they are living a lie, damn it.
A universal term, meaning anything. This concept was pioneered by the almighty Corn. Try replacing words in common phrases with the word corn. Examples, "Oh my corn!" "What in the corn is that?" "Oh for the love of corn"
Cob (often seen spelled Kobb)
See Corn.
Dios Mio
An exclamation of surprise. It mean something like "Oh my God" or "God help me" or something like that in Spanish. We started saying it in Spanish class one day and now say it all the time. We even made a Spanish video for calss called "Dios Mio." Now that video is a cinematic masterpiece. If you're all lucky maybe we'll put it at the end of our first video.
This really god damn annoying noise that Carl makes that creeps the hell out of everyone. He reaches doen into the innermost bowels of his evilness and emiths this high-pitched wail what sends everyone running. Especially Wendy, it makes her go berzerk (Clerks).
Any gel like substance that tastes like crap. Goo is unedible to human beings. Some examples include Arby's Sauce, Big Mac Sauce, Big King Sauce, and Pecan Pie. Also used as a derogatory term as in "Shut up you big pile of goo."
This is used when expressing your brain ins't working properly, or in some cases at all. You usually say something along the lines of my hamster fell off his wheel, my hamsters foot got caught in the wheel, or the good old my hamster is dead. See also: The origin of "Hamster"
I Lose
What Andy says when something bad happens to him or something doesn't go his way. Andy always looses.
What Andy exclaims everytime something happens to him good or bad. If he messes something up he sarcasticly exclaimes "Oh, I win."
What people have when they have problems
Sort of a double origen. Amelia would always walk around Burger King going LALALALALA. But then one day Corn emited an incredibly high-pictched ball-busting wail of a LA. Now everyone says LA as a form of happiness.
Started by Amelia (Jeremy's boss.) An exclamation of surprise. Often accompanied by "my goodness" or "all good/bad?"Used in questioning things you don't understand in which case a point or gesture is added along with a puzzled look on the face.
Oh look, pretty girl, I think I'll kick her
One day in gym class Micah, Jeremy, and Marty were walking behind our good friend Kristen on our way outside to play some random sport and Marty just out of no where kicks the back of her feet nearly causing her to fall to the ground. Jeremy immediately exclaimed "WHAT DID YOU DO THAT FOR YA JERK!??!" Micah followed up by asking what the hell was wrong with him and Jeremy snottily remarked "Oh look, pretty girl, I think I'll kick her, good thinking Marty." So to this day Marty still gets hell from Jeremy and Micah over this.
Used to fill in for every swear word in our songs when we have to play at some jackass establishment that won't let us swear, like church or something.
Rammstein Monday
Andy Lowy's self-proclaimed Holiday. He woke up one Monday morning and was like man today sucks so to wake himself up he blasted some Rammstein. He then realized it ruled and proclaimed from that day forward every Monday was to be known as Rammstein Monday. So he wears his "flaming Rammstein" shirt to school on Mondays and has found himself with quite the following. Go Low-Dog.....
The origen of this word is not really known. Micah used to say it a long long time ago and then stopped. Joe said it a bunch. Writer just doesnt know. All I know is that is is just damn fun to say. It means just something that is really gross, usually referenced to those really gross fat girls who wear short shirts and everyone walks by and goes, "oh god ewwww"....those people are scurvy
The past tense of Shit. Just a cool word Micah said one day that he pulled out of his heinie. It is used just as shit is used, its just shat.
One of those universal terms that can mean anything in the world. Just use it at any time a good word is needed.
Joe was the originator of this big word. Not meant to be a question, its a greeting. Sup, as in Sup
The Pigs, The Cops, The Fuzz, The Police, Da PD, The Gustapo, The Boys In Blue
Andy's uses this every single time a policeman is passed on the road. This is damn funny and will be on the first album.
This word is also Marty's. Meant to express goodness. When something is good it's tight (We don't know where he got this from, really, we have no idea) Oh, and loose is bad.
Another name for Micah. Only Amelia calls him this. Micah was wearing this cool (HA) Umbilical Records shirt that had a patch on it that said Troy the first time Amelia met him so Amelia only calls him Troy.
THE Universal term that can mean anything. It originated when Jeremy left his locker open and Micah exclaimed with fright, "Man, you're gonna get your wank stolen." Not to be confused with the term wank meaning penis.
Means grab onto the nearest bolted down object and hold on for dear life because Andy is about to SLAM on the brakes sending everyone into the next county.

*PCW does not decriminate against any groups based on race, sex, gender, sexual preference, hair color, eye color, nose size, size of your ass, tatoos, bodily piercings, seeing why women find Sean Connery attractive, whether or not you eat goo (actually if you eat goo you still suck), penis size, hand and feet size, toenail length, amount of fungus on feet, or the size of your corn (we grow big corn here)
